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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Over four thousand days younger than me. Damn, I'm feeling so old here.
  2. Knows that she's a walking target in this game.
  3. Well, I thought more about the third tier caps and mainly the final chapters. I know that the second tier caps are still good enough to deal most enemies. On hard mode in 3-4 Oscar with maxed speed can still double everyone except for warriors and swordmasters. However Makalov's problem is his availibilty. He must play almost a solo in 3-2 to get some levels to reach the cap.
  4. Knows that the pegasus triangle is better to use because of their higher movement range and canto.
  5. Should know I always give Oscar axes in FE9, because he can attack directly and indirectly.
  6. Knows that Rolf can one shot an aura by the triangle attack in the map against Ashera. It's a fictive situation. It's not possible in 3-7, because Rolf doesn't get the double bow.
  7. Maybe knows that Rolf could kill the Black Knight in one turn without nihil in a fictive situation.
  8. Will have noticed that I quote him almost as much as he does to me.
  9. Godthanks it's over and the kidnappers are most likely death. However it's not quite sure what happened exactly to the forces and hostages. Hope it went well.
  10. Hates weapon weight and some staves. Haven't faced it yet.
  11. Had a very cool signature with Jade and Natalia from Tales of the Abyss.
  12. Favors the FE game, which is the most frustrating one for me to play on highest difficulty.
  13. Favors a FE game, which I haven't beaten on highest difficulty.
  14. Ninja'd me. Posted a few seconds earlier than me.
  15. Knows that she gets more experience if the enemy was defeated by activating silencer.
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