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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Almost no game without a big wrong decision by the referee! Another denied penalty kick.
  2. Thx for fast reply :) ID Purpose is fantastic!!! I hoped for that. It would be cool, if more bossbattle themes are in SSB4.
  3. Does anybody know, which FE soundtracks are in SSB4? I only heard "Devoted" from FE10 in the E3 presentation.
  4. Sothe is part of the endgame team, but you don't have to bring him to the final chapters. In E-4 and E-Finale it doesn't matter, because you can replace him by Gareth and Nasir anyway. But yeah, I see your pain!
  5. I hate it to say. but Heather is no alternative to Sothe and Volke. Heather is much faster, but therefore much weaker than Sothe. That's the main difference. Her strength growth is so bad that I never have could steal the bolting tome in 3-3 or 3-F yet. And Volke joins with fantastic base stats and he has lethality. So I vote for him.
  6. You have done about 75%, so why do you restart? 3-13 was the final chapter with the DB. In part 4 you can create your three teams. You can choose some characters from Ike's party to your team to equalize some issues. On normal mode you get enough exp. for your units, so don't worry.
  7. I hope no one will use my signature to start a topic about it again. Otherwise I become really mad.
  8. Ok, I see what are you talking about!
  9. Not anymore!!! I don't give a shit for my homecountry. Ghana is the better team, so they deserve the lead.
  10. Il y a plus de kittens. La qualité de la video est un peu mauvaise.
  11. He didn't hit the ball. In the first view I also thaught the same, but in the replay the Argentinian footballer obviously hit Dejagah (or what his name was).
  12. Yeah, this song is pretty old long before my time, but it's absolute classic and enjoyable like every song by Huey Lewis And The News. One of my favourite 80s rock bands! And in this song you learn something about the American geography.
  13. Another game, which was influenced by a wrong decision of the referee. Iran had to get a penalty kick!
  14. Latin is so "dead" for me. You only need it for some studies. Italiano è bellissimo and I love their national anthem. It's so catchy.
  15. It's really a shame that my school didn't offer Spanish as a subject. It's a great language and it exists worldwide.
  16. Ma francais est très bête. J'avait francais dans l'école. Je la peut écrire en lire des textes, mais je n'écoute pas. Francais est très difficile de parler et d'écouter pour moi.
  17. Sry for being the square, but double posts aren't good. If a moderator will see it, you could get anger. I just say it, because it happened to me as well! I double posted and was warned after that. If you want to add something, just edit your previous post. It makes a better overview and it's easier for us to reply.
  18. You could continue my lunatic + run of FE13. I'm on chapter 3 and I don't feel like to continue it.
  19. Has the banner of my favourite FE archer.
  20. Ok I think France has won it already...
  21. And now we can sing: It's coming home, it's coming home, England's coming home Congratulations to Costa Rica!!! There are many surprises in this World Cup so far! I love it!
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