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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. This goal is a joke! What's wrong with the referees?!?
  2. The performance of the referees in the first two matches was pathetic.
  3. News are pretty much the only ones things I still watch on TV.
  4. In my opinion Elincia is better for fighting than for healing. Amiti can kill everything in the endgame, because it can attack four times. She doesn't need SS rank in sword, because Amiti is the best weapon in the entire game. Inbue is also perfect for her. At least in my playthroughs it worked very well. Micaiah is more useful for long range healing, because she has better magic anyway.
  5. Well then you should use Elincia. Amiti is the best weapon! Micaiah can also do the "healing" part. I would give Alondite to Elincia or a trueblade, (if you use in the endgame).
  6. I would give Alondite to Mist. It's stronger than the Florette. Elincia has Amiti, which guarantees two attcks and gives her a boost in defense. So you could use both theoretical in the endgame. But what about the strength and defense of Mist?
  7. I played 2 and 3 a long long time ago. I can only barely remember them.
  8. Ty. I didn't know it. This makes the "escape" mission in 1-1 kinda pointless.
  9. Don't worry about Japanese language. I could manage FE12 for the DS without any knowledge of Japanese. The icons of the items and weapons helped me very fast to understand the gameplay. But if you can patch it, even better! The only one main difference between easy and normal mode in FE9 is that you get more expereience on easy mode. I think, that's it. The number and stats of the enemies and bosses are the same in both difficulties. So easy mode is not really necessary. I only own the EU version of FE9 and I really would like to get a JP-version as well because of maniac mode, but I have no idea, if it's possible to play it with a non-JP-Gamecube/Wii. I cannot emulate on my laptop. So I recommend you to buy the JP-version.
  10. If Chrom or Lucina are added, they should get lances to differ from Marth and Ike.
  11. The biggest target conflict on earth is probably: economic interests >< interest of life If there's no way in sight to reduce the CO2-emission, I will be pessimistic about the future. The countries really have to get the interest to save the existence of nature and people.
  12. I wouldn't say violent videogames are bad in general. It mainly depends on the intention to play them. I played Goldeneye64, when I was seven and later Counterstrike and other stuff, because I love shooting and killing enemies in videogames. But I absolute detest any kind of violence in real life, because I can distinguish between real life and a videogame. But there are also young children and teenagers, who play it to let off steam because to suppress their private problems in school, family or friendship. If they fall into the addiction, the psychological cognition will be influenced negativly. The worst case would be, if they cannot see the difference between a videogame and real life. I'm not a psychologist, but that's one of the reasons, why rampages happened in schools in the past years.
  13. However I use sniper(s) in FE13, just because they can attack in a range of three with the longbow or doublebow. They don't give you penalty in accuracy unlike in FE9 and 10 (if I'm not wrong). Otherwise I don't like this class. Kjelle is a good contender for a sniper.
  14. Don't worry. Nolan isn't captured. 1-3 is the second and last escape misson in FE10. You also can get bexp., if you finish a chapter in a specific number of turns ("turn bonus") and let all your units escape. Bexp. is a nice bounty, so I would do it. In 1-3 you can already escape with all your units before the last group of reinforcements appear. Killing enemies gives your units more regular exp. than the bexp. for turn bonus. Personally I would recommed to kill all the enemies instead of getting the "turn bonus", but that's just a question of taste. Here's an overview about th bexp.: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe10/bonus.html
  15. Hard to decide: Judgral, Magvel and Tellius have pretty good characterisation.
  16. FE3 includes two books: Book 1 is the remake and book 2 the sequel of FE1. FE11 is the remake of FE1, except there's a prologue (only on normal mode available) and sidechapters, you can recruit characters. FE12 is the remake of FE3 with some new features (creating avatar, barracks like in FE13). The remakes (DS-ones) have the same story, but more chapters, more recruitable characters, better gameplay and more features (mainly in FE12).
  17. Hmmm... only use very few units (3-4). Or try to kill enemies as few as possible to finish a map.
  18. I have finished my third HM run. This was so fun and it was by far my best and fastest run. I could manage much better the bexp. than in the previous playthroughs. Actually my aim was to use different/weaker units like Astrid or Heather, but it takes too much time and I have not enough bexp. on hard mode. So I had to use the veterans. That's really one of the few flaws that the availibity of the characters is complety unbalanced and underleveled units like Meg or Astrid are almost impossible to train on HM. At least I could spend Muarim some levels in 4-4 and I could promote Mist, but her speed was terrible (even through giving her "blossom" skill). Ilyana and Jill were too OP! Ilyana had average speed growth of 80% during the entire game (WTF?!) and Jill almost did a solo in 4-P and 4-3. Jill also dethroned Marcia in the kill results. The first time after around 10 runs that Marcia didn't get the most kills. R.I.P. Leonard, Aran, Meg, Fiona, Rhys and Soren :.( FE10 HM is always nice! Especially the disabled enemy movement range claims the full attention from you! I would like to see this feature as a customize option at least in the next FE game.
  19. Paragon and blossom will give you normal experience (x1) and level ups of blossom for the unit. So it's not really the problem that she gains level ups too slow. Astrid already could get some levels in part 2 through paragon, but her main problem is her bad growth. That's why I considerd to give her blossom skill to get better growths. That's what I mentoined in my initial question: Astrid is the only one beorc, who can use this skill combination in 3-11, because the other ones have not enough capacity. Geoffrey could only use these skills earliest in 4-5, which even would be possible as well, because in this chapter you can get very much exp. for killing the Laguz.
  20. Most of the Laguz only get very few of exp., so it would take too much time and kills to gain a level up. The only contendor would be probably Volug, because it's the Laguz you will use the most during the game on hard mode. I even would prefer to give paragon to the Laguz, except for the overleveled ones like Caineghis, Nailah, Nasir etc, who only get 1 exp. point.
  21. FE13 isn't really a remake unlike 11 and 12. Probably the mainreason is that younger people could not play the "classics" like Super Mario 64, Starfox 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time or Kirby Super Star for the older videogame consoles, because they don't exist anymore. So they are released for the latest consoles again. Good thing, so I could enjoy FE11 and 12!
  22. Whoops! I meant blossom! I even mixed these skills... to myself! No, it's not! I didn't mention it. Ok, thanks. If I play on hard mode, I always give the blossom skill to an unit to promote with the master crown as soon as possible to save bexp. as much aspossible till the finale. It works mostly. I gave Ilyana also the blossom skill. She is currently level 11 and has already maxed strength, skill and speed. And she only needs 1 point to max magic and resistance as well. So I will give her 1 bexp. level to max these stats and I'll promote her on level 12.
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