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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I know, that many people will kill me, but I hated the entire Pokémon series, when I was younger. I disliked the creatures. In 1999, when Pokémon was popular, I was the only one of my friendship, who neither played the games for the gameboy nor collect the cards. I was not carried of the hype. I never have played a single game of the Sonic-series it, because I never really liked him. And I do not play games of the "Mario-series" anymore, because the story and gameplay are pretty much the same like about 25 years ago. It would bore me.
  2. If I read the description, I would say FE4 has the best use of miracle. The activation is guaranteed for one turn, while in FE13 the activation is based on luck. The activation will be much better later, if you got a high support level and the limit breaker. But especially in the beginning it is not much better than miracle in the Tellius games, which is probably the worst.
  3. Most of the dragons fights are in general pretty lame except for Medeus. But I agree, that the atmosphere in FE6 is great. I know, that it is possible to beat Julius without Julia. But it will be a very long and exausting battle (like Ike against Ashnard without skills and laguz support).
  4. Here are my suggestions: - devil bow - crossbow (but it has to work like other weapons) - brave tomes like Celica´s gale or waste in FE13 for all magic types (the might should not be that high, maybe like "el-magic" and the hit rate should be at least 90% for light and 75% for thunder) - wind magic should be effective against flying units, thunder against dragons and dracoknights (like FE10), fire against beasts (like FE9 + 10), light against monsters and dark against ballistacians - bring back ballistacians and add shipcanons They canons would be good on ships. Explosive cannonsballs could do effective damage like fire magic. Magic bows would be a great add.
  5. If you do not got Naga´s tome, you are really screwed against Juius. You also get a laguz royal and Nasir/Ena, who can damage Ashnard. Giffca does more damage than Ike. But the easiest way to beat him is with Ike´s wrath and resolve. You can beat Ashera without losing any units without that much trouble! On the first turn you just have to place the units with worst defense far enough away of her or on a cover place, that the physical range attack cannot kill them. If you use the strongest units and make good use of the red dragons and Nasir, you can beat her in turn 2. In FE11 on the hardest difficulty you have to sacrifice some your of units to beat Medeus in one turn. Grima can be killed easily in one turn in general.
  6. The only one difference is, that you got more experience on easy mode. But I am pretty sure, that the number and stats of the enemies and boss stats are the same like on normal mode.
  7. I have got BD for almost three months and could not really play it much, because of exams for the study and other games I had to finish. But tomorrow I will finally contiue it!
  8. Does anybody know, if a releasing date of Zestiria was mentioned yet, and when Xillia 2 will be released in Europe?
  9. Lightmagic has the worst might. So it is inconsistent, that it has a higher weight than anima magic. It really punishes the attacking power and attacking speed of lightmages. It would be fair, if lightmagic had the lowest weight of all magic types like in most other FE games.
  10. Welcome to SF! Have fun here!
  11. Here are a few tips: - do homework as soon as possible; it is easier and faster to remember the stuff - learning as soon as possible for tests or exams; it is in genereal a bad idea starting to learn one night before the exam - a calender to organize all your dates
  12. In 2-3 you can get 10000 bexp. on easy, normal mode (the half on hard), if 50 enemies survive (200/100 bexp. for each enemy). So it would be a nice bounty, if you let many enemies as possible alive. Most first tier units do not bring any exp. anyway.
  13. To my mind TotA has great plot. I love the character designs and the mix of funny and very tragic moments. And ToV looks great as well, after watching a few of episodes. I do not know ToL. How was the gameplay worse than in other Tales games?
  14. In 2-3 I always do a solo with Marcia. This chapter is the mainreason, why she always ends up #1. I just have to decoy the two warrirors with the crossbow with someone else. This chapter is so easy, that everybody except for Astrid could do a solo. If you only use Geoffrey, you have to pay attention for the paladin with the horseslayer (not on easy mode).
  15. I ordered a JP import of ToV (surprisingly really inexpensive), although I do not get an usuable PS3 for a possible translationpatch yet. But I think, I will manage it soon. Till this point, the LP of SoC will help me a little bit.
  16. I do not have too many requirements for a good story. To my mind the story is not the most important factor of a Fire Emblem game. The gameplay has top priority. If the missions and tactical part are bad, the story cannot save the game. For a good story, I expect chronological and comprehensible actions and not the weird timeskip stuff in FE13.
  17. I really would like to see the magic weapon triangle back, how it works in the Tellius series. It was fair and consequent. But it only makes really sense, if light magic would return as well. Otherwise there is no weapon triangle in the magic types. The magic weapon triangle should return, but it should work like in the Tellius series. I do not like the negation, if you got a disadvantage in the weapon triangle. To my mind it is not fair and kinda cheap.
  18. Thx for the info of the translationpatch. Thx for the interesting info. I did not know, that elements were added in the PS3 version. But I can watch your ToV LP! Thx for your suggestion and reason. I feel like to play Vesperia, because it seems more similar to TotA.
  19. I got a JP import of ToH and the PS3 version of ToG. I did not even know, that ToG was released for the Wii as well. I tried outToS for the PS3 a little bit and I have noticed, that it is harder than TotA. Even in the very first bossfight the party members can die. I got the the uk-version for the Xbox360. But what are differences between the PS3 and Xbox version?
  20. Hmmm... good question. Never thought about that. But it also connects the question, why in the GBA games thiefs get more experience for killing enemies.
  21. Since I have played Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS, I am huge fan of the "Tales of" series. TotA gave me a first impression, how awesome this series is. And I want to play more sections in the future. I think every game of the "Tales of" series is great, which complicates me the decission. So I need your help: Which "Tales of" game should I play first? I own these games: a) Symphonia b) Symphonia Dawn of the new world c) Vesperia d) Graces e) Xillia I f) Hearts
  22. To my mind there is no difference in the story between seize and arrive missions. There is no point if the lord arrives first or something else. Eihter only arrive missions or only seize missions. And I think that is the reason, why arrive missions are removed in FE10. The "arrive" mission in 4-4 is also a seize mission, because Ike and Ranulf are the main characters. In FE9 the escape missions are basically similar to seize missions, except you leave out bexp., if the lord escapes first. In FE5 in the escape missions you have to escape. Otherwise the units will be captured and that is the same consequence like the death.
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