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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Hiya guys! Naughx your avi's really cute
  2. Ow. That must have hurt. (O.O) Well, at least you got your team a point right? heheh... >.>
  3. Aww, I'm out of luck then :( The pros are so scary. It's like they scan the court for victims. The really good players spike the ball with so much power. And when you try to hit the ball it hurts >.< Try glaring back at them. Sometimes it works. :>
  4. yeah idek Maybe I'll take a break. Eat some ice cream... I'm happy to hear that :D Volleyball is my favourite sport. It's so much fun!
  5. I'm swell ^.^ I hope your day is going swell too! No fainting spells recently, right? ;.; as long as you're good *brings you back and gives you to sol*
  6. *picks you up and takes you out of the thread*
  7. hi Kitty I twist the ends until I hear sound. But it doesn't always work :( I need your magic Enjoy the perfect sound while it lasts Even more than volleyball? :O >:(((((( nah it fine. just preference is all
  8. hi kin You too? #ripthekingsheadphones
  9. ugh I hate when one side of the headphones stop working
  10. Oh .__. Well Anon is a poopie then Hmm. Well if you're okay with being an illusion then I suppose it wouldn't bother you...
  11. Cool you can play? What instrument? Take that Shin! >:) Oh. Don't you get lonely?
  12. *GASP* You...you.. yan- No I shan't stoop to your level >:( B-but I see you
  13. You aren't worthy of being a Canuckkkk
  14. It's okay to play. As for watching... ima have to say no.
  15. Ooo. Loving that avi :3 Welcome to this peaceful forest!
  16. Excuuuuse me? WHOZ da canadian, eh? :P
  17. Youz correct, eh. Watching it is so boring but playing it is okay. Playing floor hockey tho, bc I can't skate.
  18. it was named after some hockey dude
  19. Tim Hortons is a cafe and bake shop that sells delicious iced capps Um, but according to wiki Tom Horton is a fictional character
  20. We have moose, maple syrup, poutine, prairies, beaver tails, a canadian shield and tim hortons :>
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