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Colonel M

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Status Updates posted by Colonel M

  1. Hi Tangerine!

    I know you haven't logged on forever, but just in case you do I wanted to drop by and say hello.

  2. Irysa mentioned your name change and yet I still forgot about it lol.

    I would be interested in the FE7 Ranked thread by the way if only to see the philosophy changes and the like.

    1. Colonel M

      Colonel M

      Forgive me for my shit wording. I mean "to at least see philosophy changes and the like".

      Only... that isn't the only reason >_>;

    2. Florete


      It's okay, lots of people still know me by my old name.

      If I can get it to a place where it feels good, I'll probably post it.

  3. Wow. Such rued. Very callout. Much challenge.

    1. PKL


      So rood. Seriously though, I accept your challenge. I really need to speed up my playthrough a bit.

  4. Whatever you do Narga:

  5. Whatever you do Narga:

    1. Colonel M

      Colonel M


  6. I did it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Colonel M

      Colonel M

      I created another horrible yet not another FE12 thread.

    3. Dark Sage

      Dark Sage

      my nigga, I'll be sure to follow it.

      I wish I finished Lunatic. Stupid Chapter 18 and RNG.

    4. Colonel M

      Colonel M

      Chapter 18 will be a bitch :(

  7. I adopted him. XD.

  8. Force him to fix the Tier List.

  9. But of course.

    We just have to figure where to put "Victim Complex Extraordinaire".

  10. Just a pedestal below him.

    No one can beat his 1337ness. scr00bs.

  11. We put Inui on a pedestal.

  12. So now to take over the world...

    ...Of Tier Lists.

  13. Out of curiousity...

    ...Who is in your avatar?

  14. Hey.


    Come back here.

  15. Thank you oh-so-insane one! :D

  16. So when can I pick them up...?

    Thanks Ether! :D

  17. Thank you Tangerine! :D

  18. Thank you for the Birthday wish!

    Though it looks like yours was yesterday. So Happy Birthday to you as well!

  19. Thank you Mr. Sirius. Enjoy giving me warnings and all that jazz. ;/

  20. @_@;

    Stay Classy, Integrity. Thanks for the birthday wish! :D

  21. Wait FUCK you're Dark Sage. Oh well. You stay classy too.

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