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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Really? He's possibly my worst character, his only competition being Ganondorf. Apparently I'm an awful metric to go by, though, seeing as I'm also terrible with the Ice Climbers and generally bad with both MK and Olimar.
  2. Simply wiping out huge portions of NA would be catastrophic for the world economy, too, before you deal with the world being plunged into a mini ice age.
  3. It seems that way now, but you can hardly make a guarantee that, across all of eternity, humans will never reach the point where a WW3 is possible. The others wouldn't annihilate us (probably, a sufficiently large asteroid could, along with other lurking threats in outer space), but they'd sure do a number on humanity.
  4. World War 3, asteroid, Yellowstone blowing, to name a few. That last one we can do absolutely nothing about, too.
  5. Simple Plan puts all their heart into their awesomely bad emo feelings music and there is no shame in enjoying that.
  6. would of. should of. could of. That is all.
  7. Well, that's only a specific species. Dinosauria is a much broader group. IIRC classifying something as a dinosaur is more specific than just saying mammal, but less specific than saying primate. Primates showed up very quickly after the dinosaurs disappeared, and mammals had been around a hundred million+ years before that. Even if we were to disappear tomorrow, it's not that bad a comparison.
  8. Because a species (or culture) that doesn't value itself doesn't survive.
  9. This is a rather ignorant post. For instance, last I heard there's something like an estimated 100,000 slaves in the US. There are countries where homosexuality and being raped (not raping, being raped) is punishable by death. The world is still generally a cesspit for humans (see: Balkans, Middle East, North Korea, Africa, basically all of the western hemisphere bar the US and Canada all being rife with violent conflict, and that is by no means an exhaustive list) and meanwhile dolphins do purely altruistic things and my dogs love everyone and want to make people happy despite it not doing anything for their chances of reproducing. Anyways, the point of this whole discussion has been to establish that value is not an objective thing the way you've implied it is. People generally value people over mosquitoes. That doesn't make mosquitoes objectively inferior to us.
  10. The reason the Red Sea/Persian Gulf were unnavigable before is that the AI can't handle unconnected sea zones and the two were not connected at that time. There was at one point historically a canal connecting the two, although it had fallen out of use in this time period, so it's not entirely historically inaccurate to have one now. That's probably what's going to be done, although it's possible they fixed the AI.
  11. Well, at first you would stay the same size, but (assuming this is done in a way that doesn't kill you) you would eventually digest and then poop yourself out, leading to you losing mass. Ultimately you run into the problem of how you eat your own head, however, meaning you can't become completely 0 on your own.
  12. Eh, I'd say that has more to do with nostalgia and how old you were when you first played them. I picked up ZT2 first and was young enough that the more cartoony nature of the game fit me better. I'd want ZT3 to be more like ZT1 probably, though.
  13. I thought I saw something about a new ZT... exclusive for the XBox One... ZT2 and RCT2 were, like, the two biggest games of my childhood. I need to get my hands on all of those discs again sometime.
  14. Had FE12 been officially localized, I probably would have shared a name with an FE character, but for now I don't. Both of my sisters' names are in FE, though.
  15. It's not even actually age that's the issue. It's things that come about when people are a certain age. If race actually made people scream and cry and not even be able to eat the food that the restaurant makes the comparison might work.
  16. I never meant to say otherwise. I was responding to a post that said that cats were more sympathetic than dogs, and implied that dogs don't really care what you're feeling. They're both companion animals. They both care about their humans and can tell how we're feeling.
  17. This makes me curious about your experience with dogs. One of the greatest pros for dogs (within a modern society where they are typically purely companions, not workers) is that dogs are very sympathetic towards their humans. Dogs tend to be more in touch with how humans are doing than our fellow humans.
  18. I don't think you've ever met a cat. Yes, there's the evolutionary stuff, but domestic cats are not wild bobcats. They still bond with humans and will protect their families. This is just a more recent development than with dogs. As far as intelligence goes, that's really debatable. IIRC, dog brains are larger relative to body size, but cat brains have more neurons or something like that. Plus quantifying intelligence is kind of dumb. They're smart in different ways. Dogs can't spell. They've basically learned the sounds "ell-ee-ay-ess-aych" as a word in that case.
  19. Dogs because I'm not allergic to them and I like big animals. The whole cat/dog debate seems pretty dumb to me, though. Most cats I know are cuddly and loving, and it's not like there aren't any reclusive, independent dogs, either. Then there are the people who somehow manage to turn the debate into "I'm a better person than you because of my personal taste in pets!" The only really noticeable, consistent differences between cats and dogs seem, to me, to involve allergies, size, and how you clean up the poop.
  20. Pretty sure there's a recording or two floating around where he is legitimately awesome and kills a whole bunch of enemies before dieing. but srsly memes are just inside jokes that everyone pretends they understand when they don't and they really aren't funny ever
  21. Tauriel was just such a blatant Mary Sue. Everything about her was Sueish. I found the movie generally disappointing compared to the LotR films. I feel like if things can be done without CGI, then they should be. There's so much CGI in the this movie that it has a general air of fakeness, even before you take in all the silly action stuff.
  22. I've never really been disciplined. I can't really say how it was for my older sisters, but my parents' philosophy with me has basically been "it's your life, you live it," and since I don't tend to do stupid bad things, that's worked fine.
  23. The movies. For all of Tolkien's strengths, writing (as in the act of putting words on the page) was not one of them. They're just boring. It's not the fault of the plot, world, or characters, it's the prose that's the problem. I've caught myself pages and pages ahead of what I last remember reading because they just don't keep me engaged. And also the movies are just good.
  24. Regarding Colm/Neimi's daughter, it is actually very easy to add theiving abilities to a character, so you could do that and change her class to a bow-using one if you want diversity in that aspect. Duessel being king doesn't really sound consistent with his ending. In the Epilogue, Ephraim says "The people of Renais and Grado are under my protection," so I always assumed that he was in charge. It wouldn't be hard, though, to work things out so that he names Duessel's son heir to the throne of Grado.
  25. Count me as another interested onlooker. One thought, though: I always felt like the game implied that Hero/Paladin/Sage were the "canon" promotions for the trainees, since if they go super trainee they then can choose between those classes or remaining in the trainee class. Duke Knight may in effect be Paladin, but the other two of course are not, even though Ewan's description uses Sage and Ross is fairly well described as a Hero.
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