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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I don't have him solo maps. The fact is that it is better to help other units than to give a unit who is "going to be good all game" experience that he doesn't need at the time. Besides that, if he's only doing as much as anyone else, then his earlygame isn't so amazing, is it? And if any advantage anyone has is overkill, then shouldn't everyone who doesn't suck be in at least Top as well? In fact, anyone can kill anything Seth can as long as they aren't way underleveled. The fact is that some units do it better. And 10-11 chapters isn't really that long of a time. Top of top really doesn't bother me, but I have yet to be honestly convinced that he is really deserving of his own tier.
  2. Uh, worse HP STR SPD and DEF for slightly better SKL and better RES is not "on par". Top of Top wouldn't bother me, but being best for about half and then becoming worse than anyone who's being used doesn't give you your own tier. If he's used much in the beginning, then Kyle and Forde will be better than most of your team, and even if you don't use Seth, they won't exactly be the worst. And if you assume that you've had everyone who can go paladin, and they're all at level 10 (Amelia probably won't reach this without a lot of abuse, but I'll throw her in anyways.) and you want to take only one for whatever is left of the game, well here are the stats. Seth Franz Kyle Forde Amelia HP 38 44 46 46 40 STR 18 19 21 18 18 SKL 17 17 16 21 21 SPD 16 22 17 20 22 DEF 15 15 17 15 14 RES 11 8 7 9 12 LUK 15 13 11 15 24 Even if you compare him to the worst for each stat, he has -2 HP, = STR, +1 SKL, -1 SPD, +1 DEF, +4 RES, +4 LUK. Even against Amelia who's WAY below him on the tier list, he has -2 HP, = STR, -4 SKL, -6 SPD, +1 DEF, -1 RES, and -9 LUK. Now, while she won't get there, she's no better than the others who can get there easily. Great early-game (which is limited do to the fact that you need to train other units), decent to good midgame, and bad (Crap compared to Kyle, Forde, and Franz) late game shouldn't give him an entire tier over everyone. Top of Top, maybe, but his own tier. I wouldn't say so.
  3. While they won't ever fight each other, it shows that Kyle does better against non-magical enemies, and even against enemies that use magic, he has extra HP. And despite the fact that 1-7 has more experience than 5x, Seth gains EXP more slowly and he'll probably be used less since you need to train your other units. Kyle is in a chapter where only two other units are going to be battling. Kyle at one level below as a GK has +9 HP +3 STR -1 SKL +2 SPD +5 DEF -4 RES. Even if Kyle was six levels below Seth he'd have +5 HP +1 STR -3 SKL = SPD +3 DEF -5 RES. At 20/0 Kyle has +2 HP +1 STR -4 SKL -2 SPD +1 DEF -6 RES. Now, while I'll admit 20/6 Kyle and --/7 Seth is unlikely, 20/1or2 Kyle and --/7 Seth is something that happens to me on almost every playthrough. I don't see how Seth is more than a tier above Kyle.
  4. Should Seth really have his own tier? I calculated his stats at level 7, and Kyle's (Who's more than a tier below him) stats at level 6 as both GK and Pallie. GK Kyle 3RKOs Seth. Pallie Kyle 4RKOs Seth. Seth 6RKOs either. These are my calculations. I know they're kinda messy, but if you want to check them, feel free. I rounded .6 and above up, .5 and below down. Kyle lvl 6 Great Knight HP 44.1 STR 20.5 SKL 14.6 SPD 16.6 LUK 9.8 DEF 15.7 RES 5.8 HIT 115 ATK 27 AVO 44 DEF 16 CRIT 7 DODGE 10 AS 17 Kyle lvl 6 Paladin HP 43.1 STR 19.5 SKL 14.6 SPD 15.6 LUK 9.8 DEF 15.7 RES 5.8 HIT 115 ATK 26 AVO 42 DEF 16 CRIT 7 DODGE 10 AS 16 Seth lvl 7 Paladin HP 35.4 STR 17 SKL 15.7 SPD 14.7 LUK 14.5 DEF 13.4 RES 9.8 HIT 124 ATK 24 AVO 43 DEF 13 CRIT 13 DODGE 14 AS 15 GK Kyle 72 Hit 84.6 True Hit 14 DMG 0 Crit 3HKOs Seth 3RKOs Seth P Kyle 72 Hit 84.6 True Hit 13 DMG 0 Crit 3HKOs Seth 4RKOs Seth Seth v GK Kyle 80 Hit 92.2 True Hit 8 DMG 3 Crit 6HKOs GK Kyle 6RKOs GK Kyle Seth v P Kyle 82 Hit 93.7 True Hit 8 DMG 3 Crit 6HKOs P Kyle 6RKOs P Kyle
  5. Hector 8/10 Jaffar 6/10 Lucius 5/10 Eliwood 6/10 Marcus 3/10 Pent 6/10 Louise 3/10 Wil 4/10 Rebecca 3.5/10 Lyn 6.5/10 Serra 3/10 Priscilla 3.5/10 Raven 4.5/10 Oswin 7.5/10 Wallace 2/10 Hawkeye 4/10 Guy 4.5/10 Erk 6/10 Dart 1/10 Dorcas 2.5/10 Bartre 2/10 Kent 6/10 Sain 5.5/10 Lowen 5.5/10 Karel 2.5/10 Harken 3/10 Geitz 3/10 Florina 6/10 Fiora 5/10 Farina 4/10 Nils/Ninian 3/10 Canas 6/10 Renault 2/10 Nino 4/10 Rath 3/10 Heath 2.5/10 Vaida 1.5/10 Matthew 3/10 Isadora 2/10 Legault 2.5/10 Athos 3.5/10
  6. I agree that this is mostly opinion, and I'm too lazy to actually do it all, so all I have to say is: How come everyone finds 4-4 to be the hardest? I thought it was one of the easiest chapters in the game.
  7. I wouldn't have given Ike a perfect 10. He joins at level 15 and can't promote until part 4, meaning that actually having him kill everything is a problem. But whatever, your topic, not mine.
  8. I'd PAY someone to kill the fighters and pirates and there class changes in this game.
  9. How many characters do you know that can beat a unit with 15+ levels and possibly a class change plus WTA and a silver weapon while you have an iron weapon? I'm guessing none. I mean, if you throw a knight in, a silver axe is going to kill them. Merc? Same story as my myrmidons. An axe user? 'Twould be laughable... as long as you aren't the one playing. Basically, the Arena is how the game kills my units, since I usually am overly careful to not let my units get killed.
  10. Just because he has long hair doesn't mean he looks like a girl. I never thought he was a girl. Lucius, however, I did think was a girl.
  11. Yeah, seriously. Six STR and a two MT weapon half-way through the game won't do much... if anything.
  12. I'd say Astrid. Oscar is RNG screwed constantly, or for some reason he has a 30% speed and 20% skill growth on my disc. Whatever, Astrid grows quickly, has good growths, and is a very good melee unit after promotion. Kieran is somewhat underleveled and underwhelming, and I also find him somewhat annoying. Astrid is more underleveled, but has paragon, so she shoots up. Makalov... he joins at level 10 unpromoted when everyone else is promoted. Titania is too high leveled early on, so she doesn't get used to avoid exp hogging, and later on is weaker than the paladins I'm using. Geoffrey... well... yeah.
  13. He's better for battle than the other two most of the time, and he's my only axe-user until either Raven or one of the cavaliers promotes. And he doubles often enough, so that combined with great power and the ability to hit (Something the fighters and Dart lack) makes him very powerful. Personality-wise, the other two annoy me more often than him. Actually, that's mostly Lyn. Eliwood just never really shines on the battlefield. So I'd say he's the best simply because the other two aren't really anything special. He'd have to be very mediocre on both battlefield and personality-wise to not be the best.
  14. I can't arena abuse. Like, CAN'T. Guy had been too weak to train for me, so I tried the arena. Level 3 falcoknight with Silver Lance OHKO'd Guy. I restarted the chapter. This time, it was a level 3 General with a silver lance. OHKO'd Guy. Restarted, benched guy, stayed away from the arena. P.S. Those enemies levels aren't exact, all I remember is that they were promoted and had silver lances... Or maybe they were high level unpromoted. Whatever. Oh, and this same thing happened to Joshua. Arenas hate me.
  15. I'd say that calling it FE11 is just fine, but if they simply took FE1 exactly as it was and put it on the DS, it wouldn't be called FE11.
  16. Epic Fail: Eirika not dodging ever on the prologue on normal even after TWELVE restarts. How the crap can you not dodge someone with a ~30 displayed hit? Epic Win: In the chapter where you're defending that castle in Rausten, I sent Colm down to the left to get the chests. This was my first playthrough so I had no idea what was coming. Colm was a level 4 rogue with nothing but iron swords. He got hit once by the generals and paladins, who in turn were all wounded to the point at which if they weren't already dead, they had only about 10 HP left. Also, I calculated Kyle and Seth's stats at level (Kyle was already level 2 and Seth was level 7) 6Kyle 7Seth promoted to compare them in my recent playthrough, and with an Iron Lance Kyle 2HKOs Seth. Seth 23HKOs Kyle with an Iron Lance. Seth only has a ~10% higher hit. Wanna guess who'd win?
  17. That you say you aren't Marth Koopa when you almost definitely are. I have one big hole in your logic. It should be called FE11 because IT'S THE ELEVENTH FIRE EMBLEM GAME RELEASED. Plus, changing the "flawed system" would just make it so that no one knew which game anyone else was talking about.
  18. Oh, you lost yours too? I had just barely joined, so no one knows who I am, but whatever.
  19. Well, I lost my account thanks to those hackers <_< Anyways, it was said on the first page that there would be some things that they could bring back that were more recent. Is there any way I'll get my old account back, or should I just stick with this one?
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