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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I think I was thinking Saleh joined in chapter 11 for some reason. Although I don't think Forde will be promoting before the very end of chapter 14 at the earliest. Still, giving Forde 4 levels gives him 3.4 HP (He now has a 3.35 lead there) 1.6 strength (Saleh's only winning attack by 5-6 with Elfire, wow) 2 SKL (Not changing much) 1.8 Speed (Saleh can still pull of a 5 AS win) cuts down Saleh's CEV lead to .15, and gets 1 DEF and RES (His defense lead is now 2.4 and he only loses RES by 8). I'm not sure how much that 1.6 damage is helping him (I'm not on my computer with enemy stats) but he's definitely not one-shotting as much as Saleh at endgame. I'd still say that Saleh>Forde is possible, and Saleh into High at least.
  2. Neimi isn't that bad. Mostly because she gets the opportunity to go ranger. It's not like FE8 didn't miss other archetypes. There's the Gotoh/Gato archtype that's missing. There's the Est one (Myrrh might count for that, but I don't really think so because she joins incredibly durable and with huge offense), too.
  3. I already showed why he should go up. Also, I could maybe see Saleh>Forde --/10 Saleh Fimbulvetr/Excalibur HP: 34 ATK: 31.7/54.7 HIT: 127/137 CRIT: 10/20 AVO: 43/41 CEV: 14.6 DEF: 10.7 RES: 16.15 AS: 13.6/12.6 Forde 20/5 Silver Lance/Vidofnir Paladin HP: 41.3 ATK: 29.2/45.2 HIT: 124/134 CRIT: 9 AVO: 47 CEV: 13.3 DEF: 13.6 RES: 7.5 AS: 17.1 That's for Endgame. Forde wins HP, AVO, DEF, and AS, although Saleh can take out a lighter tome to win AS. Saleh wins attack (54 attack with Excalibur OHKOs all but 7 enemies. The elder baels, the malduin, the dracos, and Lyon himself), crit, hit, CEV, and RES. Now, Forde could have a Kyle support for crit, hit, and CEV as well as a little bit of attack and defense, though. So with a Kyle support Forde has 46 attack with Vidofnir. How many enemies does he OHKO? 17/50. So Saleh actually does pretty well here, although Forde's 7 HP and 4 DEF leads plus his 10 AVO leads mean that he's quite a bit more durable. Saleh only has 8.65 RES and 1.6 CEV to defend against that. I'd say that Saleh being >>> Forde when he joins and then only being slightly worse for ~1/2 the time he's around I'd say that Saleh > Forde. Edit: Actually, he's winning for more than half the time he's around. At promotion, Forde only wins HP and defense (and speed, but only by .1). Saleh wins everything else, so I'd say that Saleh's actually winning for 2/3-3/4 of the time. And then in chapter 15 he crushes Forde due to not being on a horse and having physic. I'm not seeing how Forde >> Saleh makes any sense. Actually, I think it might be possible to say Saleh>Artur&Lute. He's still doing well lategame and crushes them when he joins. Also, I'm thinking Artur>Lute. He gets a higher staff rank at promotion IIRC and he gets Slayer. Is there really a time when she's performing so much better than him that she's>him?
  4. It's the accuracy. And then Ewan is also doing more damage do to targeting RES and has a higher attack growth. And then he only needs to be 10/10/1 to get summons, while she needs to be 10/20/1 to compare to your team for endgame. Comments on Saleh up?
  5. I thought you meant that a unit with a 60% growth rate would GET 4 while a unit with a 40% would get 6. I don't quite understand, but that makes more sense now.
  6. That would PUNISH units for having higher growth rates. It would make more sense if the number of stat points the unit got was equal to their growth total. Although I personally like the random level ups. A stat point system means that having a 320% HP growth rate or a 40% growth rate in everything wouldn't matter. You'd get just as many stat points. I like your idea for the halberds and glaives, although you could combine those classes into one that uses both. They're fairly similar, at least they appear so.
  7. Does anyone think Saleh could move up some on Eirika's? To quote myself at another site: He joins with pretty awesome stats about halfway through the game. To compare him to Lute when he joins: He has 7.6 HP, 2.2 MAG, 8.4 SKL, 1.6 SPD, 3.2 DEF, and 3.2 RES on her at level 13. She has 2.4 LUK. And that doesn't really mean anything, either. 11 LUK is plenty for avoiding crits, and he still has an avoid and hit lead on her. And she's High Tier. And if we look at Endgame with her at 20/5 and him at 20/10, well he still beats her in HP, SKL, SPD, and DEF. She wins in MAG, LUK, and RES. And he has staff utility earlier and it's always better than hers I'm not quite sure how accurate my levels are, though. If we compare him to Forde at that point, I'll say Forde's also about level 13 at that point. I'm not sure if a Kyle support would be expected, so I won't include that. Forde 13/0 Steel Sword/Steel Lance HP: 29.95 ATK: 18/20 HIT: ~105/~100 CRIT: 5-6 AVO: ~30/~26 CEV: 9.45 DEF: 9.4 RES: 3.75 AS: 10/7 Saleh Base Elfire/Lightning HP: 30 ATK: 26/22 HIT: 99/109 CRIT: 9/14 AVO: 34/38 CEV: 11 DEF: 8 RES: 13 AS: 12/14 So Saleh shows up and wins in every area except hit and defense, although his HP lead is only .05. But 6 ATK and targeting RES AND 2-7 AS leads mean that he's crushing Forde offensively. That 9 crit lead isn't hurting, either. And then defensively, it's 1.4 DEF vs. 8 AVO, 1.55 CEV, and 9 RES. I'd call that Saleh's win, too. C Kyle is only 5 hit and CEV, and 2 AVO and crit, so it's not really changing anything, anyways. And then there's C staves, which means everything but Latona, Physic, Fortify, and the status staves. And it's not like B for Physic is that far away, and then A for Fortify seems reasonable enough for Endgame. I'm not seeing the tier gap between them. Unless Forde's 3 1/2 chapters mean that much... Edit: He also wins hit when he's using Lightning, and Elfire compared to Steel Lance is ~=, so you could say he wins that, too.
  8. Yes, but... IIRC. I don't know how she went into dragon form, though. And if Sophia is half dragon, then doesn't that mean SHE should be able to transform like Ninian?
  9. Sothe would love to change classes to escape his awful part 4 performance. He'd have a 70% strength growth as a warrior. His speed growth would drop to 30%, though. He'd only have ~26 speed at 20/1 but he would have 36 strength at 20/0 if not for caps. He'd cap strength at about level 12. After that he could switch to Rogue. He'd lose 8 strength and axes, though, so his damage output would become a lot worse. 32 Strength and 26 Speed at 20/1 means -5 speed but +8 strength as a Reaver compared to his averages. That's what Boyd has at the same level. It wouldn't make Sothe amazing, but it's better than how he's doing now. Even if he went from doubling to not doubling, that 8 strength and axes probably mean that he's doing more damage than he was before. Like, 16, instead of double 2's. And then he has Colossus instead of Bane.
  10. I think it would be cool if you had your own character in it (Some sort of portrait creator, and some sort of "forge" for their stats and growths, maybe), and you had choices on where you went and such. I had an awesome idea, but I can't remember it.
  11. Yes, they can. Only Eirika and Ephraim can't IIRC.
  12. Whut? Berserker Ross doesn't even match Gerik's BASE speed until level 10/20/1. Of course, if we promote Gerik at base level, Ross now needs another 5 levels to tie again. Yeah, Ross does not have speed comparable to Gerik. Oh, and they don't both sorta cap strength. Gerik caps strength at level 20/14 and Ross at level 20/19. Gerik is actually more likely to cap out strength than Ross, although even a slightly RNG screwed Ross will at least tie Gerik in strength.
  13. What? That doesn't make any sense at all. If Marisa was taking Joshua's slot, then I'd assume that Syrene would be taking Joshua's slot as well, which case after Syrene joins we can go straight to a Marisa vs Syrene comparison. Why would we need to do Marisa vs Joshua and Syrene vs Joshua for the entire game? Javelins kill her AS (not like you really want to lose 4 AS when you only have 15), and they have terrible mt for a unit with terrible offense already. When exactly would she pull one out? Flying utility? I don't see that being too useful for Syrene. Flying means you're generally off on solo missions, but Syrene is too weak to take on anything by herself. And if you were sending other fliers to help her out, well then, they don't even need Syrene to do the job anyway. Free silver lance? So what? Why do we care she comes with it? We don't need to actually use her to get that silver lance. We can recruit her, then have her hide in a corner or kill her off, and we get the silver lance either way. Also, I don't agree with only using Syrene for ch 17. What's stopping me from just using Marisa in her joining chapter (or maybe deploy her if we have enough unit slots), at which point we can have Marisa make a couple of attacks or be part of a clean up crew or something? Hell, I can just use Marisa as a expendable meat shield. So the discussion would turn to Marisa in ch 10 vs Syrene in ch 17. That's one hell of a boring debate. I'm not saying that would be the only comparison, but we have to compare how much they're making the team worse overall, not just for one chapter, as well as their other traits. She could pull out a short spear or something, then. She can fly over terrain. She could ferry Eirika/Ephraim over, and then triangle attack with Vidofnir to kill Morva. Is it actually possible for her to OHKO Morva? I don't expect so, but at least she could make Tana/Vanessa do it. And before you say "we're fielding units we don't want to just to make Syrene better? Whut?" If we're doing the chapter that way, all we need is the lord and the three pegs. Oh, and I guess that if we're doing Eirika route, there's a decent chance she could use the triangle attack, too. We also don't need to buy the silver lance for her. The point is, it gives her 20 attacks with it.
  14. If you're dropping Joshua for Marisa, then you can't only compare how much worse she is than him when she joins, you have to compare for the whole game. So you now have to compare how much worse Marisa is than Joshua for the whole game, and compare the same the thing for Syrene. Statistical leads aren't everything, either. She has javelins, flying utility, and a free silver lance she can use to help her offense. I agree with Syrene>Eph. Marisa.
  15. Rewjeo


    I play the violin (going on 6 years) and the mandolin (about 2, but I don't play it much so I'm not great. And I don't know any chords. Always have to figure them out >_>)
  16. Firstly, the only way the world could possibly end is if some crazy people get their hands on some nukes. Secondly, I saw that movie trailer commercial thing, at it made laugh so hard because at first, I thought it was a real ad, not a movie.
  17. Arcanine, Ninetails, and... Ditto, I guess. After all, he could be whatever I wanted him to be.
  18. I'll start on priests/clerics/bishops then.
  19. Forgot 'bout S bonus and supports. Garcia preventing another unit from getting hurt is actually very good. While Joshua is now weighed down by the Armor Slayer and is missing a bunch of HP, Garcia could have had Joshua and another unit at full HP for enemy phase. I guess that Garcia doesn't really have any offensive wins, but he has quite a few defensive leads. Anyways, after looking more in depth, I have to agree that Joshua>Garcia.
  20. Uh, yeah, that's why Joshua has 3 CEV on Garcia... Oh, and I for Josh to have 71 Crit, he'd need 52 SKL. Which he doesn't. If has 22 SKL, then he has 56 Crit. You seem to miss my points completely. Maybe I'm not being clear? GARCIA NOT BEING DOUBLED IS >>>>>>>>>> GARCIA THAT IS DOUBLED. It doesn't matter if this doesn't make his durability spectacular, it still means that his durability is actually fare. Joshua doesn't want to attack the knights because THEY DO A LOT OF DAMAGE TO HIM. If Garcia weakens, then someone ISN'T taking a counter. Oh, and 35-25 = 10, not 16. I'm not saying GARCIA IS PWN BECAUSE HE CAN KILL SOLDIERS! I'm saying that he has offensive wins, namely knights and soldiers. And WTF at "2-range doesn't help Garcia." Then you say that this enemy can kill him, except it won't attack him IF HIS HANDAXE IS EQUIPPED.
  21. Rewjeo


    That barrier looked odd, though i don't think it was susano. i think it might have been snakes or his partial transformation. it was an interesting chapter. He might still have the snakes, as that was an actual jutsu, but Itachi removed the curse seal. Sasuke no longer has any transformations. It wont they stopped toonami :( However, Disney X D is picking it up. They are supposed to start next month or so. If DISNEY is picking it up, then it will be AWFUL. Seriously, they'll probably cut out, like, 60% of the show to make it "kid friendly".
  22. Lol@ 14 base HP with 55% growth. That's just hilarious. Although it helps her speed and she has awesome strength. She'd actually be an awesome player phase unit. I guess I should start working on some, huh?
  23. Sanaki and Pelleas being used at the same time with Nephenee? They're both in low, and an angelic robe doesn't save Sanaki anyways (not sure about Pelleas.)
  24. W/ the Silver Blade, Joshua is borderline for 2HKO'ing, while Garcia is borderline on doubling, but if Joshua's not 2HKO'ing he can fall back to the KE/Shamshir's ~90% crits, whereas if Garcia doesn't double, he only gets one shot with his 30 something critrate. If you want to bring defense into the picture, sure, Lancereaver Joshua doesn't 2HKO, but his odds to kill are still easily over 50%. ~41% crit, so ~65% odds to critkill. I never said Joshua was better against the Wyverns. Rather, I just pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of both sides. It doesn't look like there's a clear winner there. Yeah, with a Speedwing, Garcia can manage to avoid getting doubled by the enemies. Garcia's pretty awesome. If you think Garcia fares better early on, feel free to post a comparison. Hm? If he has 56 crit with KE, then he only has 26 crit with the lancereaver. That's only ~45% chance to crit at all. And you seem to have missed the point of him not getting doubled. Do you realize how big of a jump that is in terms of durability? And if you want a comparison, well I don't have much time, but for chapter 6, I'll say level 7 Garcia (C Ross) and level 6 Joshua. Let's see how they compare. Garcia Hand/Iron HP 30 DEF 6 RES 1-2 AVO 25 CEV 4 ATK 18/19 HIT 83/98 CRIT 9 AS 8 Joshua Iron/KE HP 25 DEF 5 RES 2 AVO 35-37 CEV 7 ATK 13/17 HIT 116-118/101-103 CRIT 7/37 AS 14-15 Offensively? Joshua wins against weak enemies that Garcia doesn't double and Josh does, but Garcia is awesome against knights and soldiers. He can ORKO or do significant damage to them. Joshua needs the armorslayer to do well against knights, and that cuts into his avoid, meaning he could take a counter that he definitely doesn't want to take. Garcia? It's in kill zone for anyone, and I'd say that using two units to kill it with neither taking damage>Joshua killing it but taking a lot of damage. Garcia ORKOs soldiers without taking damage. Oh, and 2-range>30 crit for 20 attacks. Defensively? It's 5 HP and 1 DEF vs. 10 avo (cut down with a heavier weapon) and maybe one resistance. Oh, and Garcia has 2 range and Joshua has 3 CEV. 2-range means he's taking fewer counters, and isn't getting attacked by archers and mages on Enemy Phase. that 3 CEV? Well, unless enemies are pulling off 10 SKL at this point, it doesn't make a difference except against killer weapons, and there, 3 CEV isn't much. ATK needed to 2-4 HKO them? 21 ATK 2HKOs Garcia 16 ATK 3HKOs Garcia 14 ATK 4HKOs Garcia 18 ATK 2HKOs Joshua 14 ATK 3HKOs Joshua 13 ATK 4HKOs Joshua I'll say that they're ~= in terms of number of counters they can take, but Garcia still wins physical durability since he's taking fewer counters. Magical durability? Garcia wins because he isn't getting attacked by them when I don't want him to be. and i'm totally not saying that because i'm too lazy to come up with anything else After looking at this, I'd say that I'm not really sure who's better.
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