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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. It sounded like you thought she was still a great character. Anyways, I don't think there's many ways to save Wendy. If she goes Myrm, she has awful durability and horrible strength (3 base, 20% growth.) I think that she has three options: Cleric, Troubadour, or Mage. She probably has a shot at Cleric, but there's only one troubadour slot, and everyone wants mage. Anyways, here's what she looks like Mage->Troub->Cleric HP: 17/60->16/55->17/55 MAG: 1/55->1/25->1/30 SKl: 3/45->1/40->2/40 SPD: 4/60->5/80->4/57 LUK: 6/40->6/65->6/65 DEF: 2/7->2/14->0/10 RES: 4/40->5/35->6/55 Each of them have their strong points. She's a pretty good MAG tank no matter which one she goes, and her physical durability is horrible no matter which way she goes. I'd say mage is the best path. A little extra HP probably does more than 3%/7% higher defense growths, and 40% RES is plenty. 30% extra magic growth is better than troub's 20% extra SPD, especially when mage already has plenty of speed and she has such a low base. Also, fun facts about her in some of these classes: Even with her insane speed growth as a troubadour, she doesn't cap it until 20/0. 20/0 Cleric!Wendy has only 27.45 HP and 1.9 DEF, but 16.45 RES. At 20/0, mage has 11.45 MAG. Troub only has 5.75.
  2. If the enemies even had 10 AVO, she's at 58 HIT. With effectively 12 attack. If some random enemy has 2 DEF and 30 HP, then she does ~20% damage per round on average. Not impressive. And if this enemy has 65 HIT and 14 attack on her, then on average this enemy does ~24% damage to her. And this is almost definitely worse than any enemies in in the Isles. She's probably doing even worse. For example, if some enemy has 70 HIT on her and 18 attack (much more reasonable) then she's losing ~40%. And this is all assuming 1RN. If you factor in the 2RN system, then it's even worse for her. And now you need to give her 2 levels per chapter against enemies like this just to compare to NM Miledy. Good luck.
  3. Wut? NM Miledy would still win DEF by 4.3, and that's assuming you could actually get Wendy nine levels, which is ridiculous. Two levels per chapter with WTD in the Isles is laughable at best.
  4. New win: Cain doing 100 damage to Ashera in one round. EM, though. Still, TRIPLE DIGIT DAMAGE. And he didn't activate his Mastery. He would've just obliterated her with that...
  5. Well, it certainly isn't a good as an FE mug, but as a sprite, that's great, just not very FE like. The right (OPV) eye seems kinda large, although I think that's mainly due to face shading, Besides that, though, nothing sticks out.
  6. I dunno. 10/0 Wendy (which I highly doubt) has .35 less HP, 1.95 less STR, 1.4 less SKL, 1.95 more SPD, 5.05 more LUK, 4.48 less DEF ,and 1.1 less RES on NM base Miledy. So all she really has is some doubling and 9 AVO. I guess her growths mean that down the road she becomes better, although she doesn't really ever win durability by much (20/10 she has 1.55 more HP but loses DEF by 2.96 and RES by .15) And then HM Miledy... Well, she now loses HP by 8.35, STR by 6.95, SKL by 5.4, SPD by 1.05, DEF by 7.48, and RES by 2.1. She only wins LUK by 2.05.
  7. They sure don't. My friend's dog had one litter, and then one of her puppies was her next litters dad. Kinda creepy.
  8. Best: Sigurd Worst: Hmm, tough. I'll go with Lyn.
  9. I have a solution to the Black Royal problem: Dheginsea.
  10. Best: Rescuing or supports... I'll decide later Worst: Fatigue
  11. There's two main secrets to levelling up healers. The first is to heal any little wound, no matter how small. If nobody on your team actually needs healing, but somebody is down 1 hp from having levelled up, it's still a free 11 exp for your healer. The other secret is to try to focus on one healer at a time. Don't bring both Serra and Priscilla to the same chapter unless you desperately need the extra healing, which won't happen in most chapters. I never bring more than 1 healer anyways I generally try to do that, but I suppose I'll just have try harder That always happens to me. Maybe we play similarly? I know that I always play very defensively. Not very efficiently because of that. But it does mean that my healers get little experience.
  12. What are you talking about? Berserker!Est would be hilarious. Watching her try to swing an axe at late game enemies would be really entertaining.
  13. Look at units near the top of the tier list, and 20, generally. You might promote healers before 20, but I don't think there's anyone who really wants an early promotion.
  14. Daros and Dart aren't uber muscular. In fact, they're less muscular than some of the other axe users. I mean, they're pretty close to Dieck and Gerik, and they use swords.
  15. Camus, Glen, Selena, Linus, Lloyd, Uhai (come on, IS couldn't have given us a decent Nomad?) Zelgius (Well, he kinda is) That's all I can think of right now.
  16. For Gharnef and class set B to get a mage class. Maybe if Etzel joined WAY earlier at a much lower level, it would be decent...
  17. In America they'd be $50. Unless they were small games, then they'd be anywhere from $15-30.
  18. Hack the silver lance to give +20 to all stats and have 99 attack and 99 crit. Well, until enemies get silver lances. But by then you shouldn't need that anymore. btw, that was a joke.
  19. Rewjeo


    And there were GBA ones, as well. I liked Sonic Adventure most. I'm not sure who's my favorite since at this point they all bug the crap our of me in the newer games. I feel as though Sonic is dead. They really should just move on to new games. For example, Sonic and the Dark Knight could have been amazing, but it just didn't work. And then the whole werehog (literally means man-hog) was just plain stupid. Still, the old games were great, so Sonic will never truly die.
  20. Well, until part 3, where he's consistently second (first for the beginning of 3-6) and might (important word there) tie or even beat Tauroneo.
  21. The FE10 ones aren't magic based. I just wish they'd return. Forging ala FE10, maybe. Either that, or they could haves something where you have a unit who can forge and has a "forge level" and as their forge level goes up, what they can add to forges goes up. This way you could customize your forges looks, exactly how much strength, hit, weight, etc. Special abilities. And then the game would calculate what weapon level it would be. Oh, and you'd do this while at base. It would suck (and be totally unrealistic) to have to deploy your forger in order to get a forge. Of course, if they did that, I'd say limit it to 1 forge per chapter. After all, come endgame you could forge, like, 6 weapons with like 18 attack, 90 hit, and 30 crit with 1-2 range and working like a brave weapon. And maybe one or two earlier than endgame.
  22. Well, he gets 25 AVO with the forest. Actually, if it's possible, you could get him between the forests for both of them having 25 AVO against him, as well as Eirika having 10 crit. Or you could try for a rapier crit then a silver lance hit.
  23. So you got nearly everyone killed, yet KNOLL manged to survive? Sweet.
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