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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Eliwood: 6.26/0 HP: 24 (+ 2 compared to averages, 1.5x more often than average) STR: 10 (+ 2.75 compared to averages, 2.22...x more often than average) SKL: 10 (+ 2.5 compared to averages, 2x more often than average) SPD: 12 (+ 3 compared to averages, 2.5x more often than average) LUK: 13 (+ 3.75 compared to averages, 2.66...x more often than average) DEF: 10 (+ 3.5 compared to averages, 3.33...x more often than average) RES: 3 (+ 1.25 compared to averages, ~1.7x more often than average) Not sure how the LUK or HP happened though. Right now he shouldn't even be able to have more than 12/23... But yeah. So far he's gotten every stat except for RES on every single level up. And he's still gotten RES 60% of the time. Besides HP and RES, he's in the top four for every stat. And he's only losing to the likes of Hector (HP, STR, DEF) lolMarcus and lolOswin. Although he's pretty similar to all of them. I mean, this would be considered really blessed come endgame and he's only leveled up five times! Any other units that are either really good or really bad?
  2. I don't think it seems very random besides the circle around the tree tile to the left of the castle. Besides that, it all seems to go somewhere. Do you know what the map size limit is? Last I asked Xeld didn't know... Although, IIRC, he does know how to increase it. He was, for a while, going to make a one map (255x255) hack. Maybe it was someone else. I dunno. Looking forward to it! I like big maps. Although try to find a way to balance it out so that knights don't insta-fail.
  3. Zubat. They're so freaking common and give crap EXP. Milotic. Ugly, frustratingly powerful, and nearly impossible to get? No thanks. Feebas. Whoo. Nearly impossible to get and it's just Magikarp 2.0. Except Magikarps are really easy to get. Purrugly. PurrUGLY. WTF kind of name is that? I mean, seriously, what's next? Woofdumb?
  4. I voted for Gilliam. Oswin's better, but it pained me to see him with as many votes as AMELIA and WENDY. Besides, Oswin's still got >75% of the votes.
  5. How many other people can do that? Florina and Fiora. Both of whom already have decent RES. And it's a huge map. I see no reason to not send Heath out there w/ a pure water.
  6. First off, I wrote that at like 4:30 in the morning. Secondly, is English your second/third/etc language? That's pretty similar to how I would normally talk when I'm not half asleep.
  7. Guess who's also one rounding everything? Seth. Why does doing that while being unpromoted make it any better?
  8. She can actually be helpful while she's around though. Even if she's a negative for a while, she's not as negative as Nino. If you want to seriously train Lilina, you can have her go at fairly normal pace and take potshots to help others kill and grab a few kills for herself. Nino, on the other hand, actually requires you to intentionally slow yourself down. It's probably faster to not use Nino even when you deploy her.
  9. Paragon is effectively a better version than blossom for most of the game because more level ups = more stats. There only starts to be a difference come high level third tier.
  10. Holy crap! How do they expect you get that much experience in one chapter?
  11. He's 21 levels over the requirements right now. I don't think he'll have troubles, although I'm not sure how ridiculous some chapters might be.
  12. Vanessa, even though Florina's always been more helpful for me. Can't deny the truth.
  13. I'd expect for YOU to know that when bad units are compared, they're compared as if they're actually used seriously. If it was just a max efficiency run, you'd have the top ~15 units up high, and then everyone else in bottom tier ordered by how much they contribute in their joining chapter. Edit: Okay, so this isn't a tier list, so we don't have to follow those rules. But the only reason to debate who's better is in the event that both ARE used.
  14. Seth. There's Marcus, Alan, and Lance who are all great, but Seth's just too great. I think you should add a second (and third?) place poll.
  15. No one has trouble one-rounding? Have you PLAYED this game?
  16. FE5. Good luck beating the game with base equipment and the money you get from selling it.
  17. I guess. After all, character has nothing to do with how helpful a unit is in completing the game.
  18. Oh, right. Yeah, you only need to 5-star funds.
  19. The main thing was that you said that Seth was stealing EXP. If you said that you didn't like Jeigans, no one would've said anything. You just said something that has been proven not true. I don't care if you don't like Seth. I don't usually use him much after chapter 10ish.
  20. @whase: Your module might have been set to (un?) signed so that certain negative values actually represent a positive value from 128-255. I don't know too much about that, but I know that it happened to me and that I fixed it somehow.
  21. Even if Seth isn't necessary early game, he's your only consistent ORKOing unit and is (one of?) the only one(s) who just will not die. Ross, on the other hand, isn't even doing very good chip damage, has crap durability. And Seth is better than Ross come endgame, as well. Compare 10/20/1 Zerker Ross to --/15 Seth. Seth wins HP, SKL, SPD, DEF, and RES. Most of those by significant amounts. They tie STR and Ross has more luck. And Seth has Anima affinity and supports lots of great characters. Ross wins Crit and CEV. Seth has durability, movement, attack, and helps your other teammates with supports. I don't see how Ross could possibly be better than Seth. Even at max level, Seth's more durable. Ross's only notable win here is his STR lead, but supports help mitigate that.
  22. I'm surprised Ardan isn't getting any votes for worst :/
  23. (@ myself) Can't believe I forgot ARDAN Best: Sedgar (or Gatrie in FE10) Worst: Ardan.
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