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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Well, you can also compare them to an empty slot to find out if they're negative. I prefer that way if you're trying to find out if they're negative so that you don't end up saying "You're only better than 80% of the cast, so you're negative," as opposed to "I'd go faster if I wasn't using anyone than I'd go if I tried to seriously use you, thus you're negative."
  2. It IS... but the games don't tell you that. They say that you have 99 _ hit, and that that affects your chance of hitting. Not that that is your percent chance of hitting.
  3. You could try going REALLY slow. The "fast" turncounts for chapter one are like, 20 turns.
  4. If that was true, it would be impossible to S-Rank HHM. The first chapter has a 0 turn requirement.
  5. It could be evidence if it's missing in the Japanese one, though. In English, we can just say that the translators messed up, but in Japan, the script writers forgetting an honorific is really quite laughable.
  6. They could theoretically gone into non-fatal training battles and then healed. I'd like this to be implemented for the sake of NPCs also getting EXP.
  7. Sigurd was on a forest fighting axe users. Although what you say about those incidents sticking out in my mind more is probably true.
  8. Have you played FE4 and 5? Ever noticed how you only hit ~60% of the time when you SHOULD be hitting 80% and then your opponents hit 60% of the time when they should hit 10%? To quote myself on something that really happened to me:
  9. Well, I only realized how insane his defenses were once I was already up to him and my mages were all down at the front beating back the reinforcements, so it turned out to be faster to just go with Marth, Oguma, and Paola since it would take so long to get the mages up there. Next time, though, I'm definitely bringing mages up to that room with me.
  10. I could've sworn I already tried talking to him with Oguma and it didn't work... Ah, well, my entrance defense strategy is failing anyways, so I'll start over. Thanks! Edit: Yup, it worked. I hate Lang, though. Only beat him thanks to an amazing stroke of luck. Paola, Marth, AND Oguma critted him. Now, I have one more question. How should I go about recruiting Astria without dieing? I mean, he's kinda surrounded by REALLY scary enemies...
  11. I was going to vote for Mordy. Then I realized that Janaff, Ulki, and Volug existed, too Yeah, Volug.
  12. So, does Navarre join next chapter even if I kill him? Hope so, 'cuz he moves, and I do NOT want to deal with some guy running around with a Killer Sword when I can't kill him. Edit: Also, where IS Samto? I haven't seen him, and I've opened up every room...
  13. So, I'm at chapter 6, when you first see Navarre. If I want his Orb Shard, to I have to kill him, or will he have it when he joins next chapter?
  14. I forgot about doing that... Although even then, JAROD 3RKOs her. And a mage with a fire tome still only does (magic-4) damage per hit. A maxed mage with a fire tome 5HKOs her transformed.
  15. Black Knight can't equip any skills. IIRC, he has six skills locked. And IF Nailah needed wrath for good offense and IF we could get her down to that little HP, she'd actually be great. 19 HP/ 32 DEF/ 26 RES is amazing. There's no way anything OHKOs, and I doubt if anything even hurts her. Even will Elfire, a mage needs 12 magic to hurt her. They'd need (lol) 30 magic to OHKO her. Of course, none of that matters since she OHKOs almost everything (if not everything) and she ORKOs absolutely everything. Not to mention getting her down to 19 HP given the whole insane defenses thing...
  16. Rewjeo


    Nope. I'm not a fan of him and his awful speed + mediocre durability + mediocre (as far as FE7) hit. I won't deny that he's technically really good, but he just isn't the type of unit I like to use.
  17. Crap, I forgot to post here The opener's up, and it's been up for a while, if you didn't notice, CATS.
  18. FE9 fixed mode. Characters always get the same stats with little variation caused by enemies, weapons, and bands. Statboosters, too.
  19. Rewjeo


    BUT HE NEEDS TO DIE. I don't even care who kills him. At this point, it seems far more likely for either Kakashi or Sakura to kill him. Although I think you guys are right. Masashi won't kill him off... BUT HE NEEDS TO DIE.
  20. That same Eliwood from the first post 5 levels later: 29 HP (3 in 5 levels, screwed here and still 3 points above average XD) 12 STR (2 in 5 levels, about average, 2.5 points above average) 12 SKL (2 in 5, below average, but still 2 points above average) 14 SPD (2 in 5, exactly average, but still 3 points above average) 16 LUK (3 in 5, above average, and 4.5 points above average! Of course he chooses to be most blessed in LUCK of all things) 11 DEF (1 in 5 levels, below average, but 3 points above average!) 5 RES (2 in 5 levels. About average. 1.5 above average) If Eliwood was always this good, he'd be top tier. He has gained HP 110% of the time (I really don't know how it happened), STR ~64%, SKL the same, speed the same, LUK ~82%, DEF 55% of the time, and RES ~45%.
  21. So are we going with each person posting three times?
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