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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Well, you'll probably set the class growths to 0% as well, which would weaken the enemies, right? Try setting the character growths to -100 or something instead.
  2. I've gotten really busy lately, so I haven't had time to work much on this. Just posting so you know that I haven't forgotten.
  3. Chapter 9A Deploy Eirika Tana Artur Seth Franz Moulder Colm Lute Joshua Since I'm low on weapons, I sell the slim lance, secret book, Elysian Whip, and Torch. This brings me up to 22802. Turn 1 I just set up for enemy phase. Colm takes a hit from a soldier, but hit back fairly hard. Forde leaves a soldier at 1 HP, Kyle and a merc trade blows, and Kyle levels up. HP STR SKL. Franz hits the Ocean Seal pirate. Turn 2 Franz finishes the pirate. HP SPD DEF. Lute fininshes a soldier. Colm another. HP SPD RES. Seth takes out an archer. HP SPD LUK. Arutr misses a merc. Eirika fixes that. Enemy phase Forde and a merc fight. Forde takes a hit from the sniper. Turn 3 Eirika takes out a merc. Josh double crits the sniper. Colm and Artur take out a merc. Forde heals, Kyle attacks a merc. Not too much happens enemy phase. Turn 4 Lute takes out a merc for HP SPD RES. Josh takes out a mage for HP SKL SPD LUK. Tana grabs the rapier. Seth's one square away from killing the pirate that's going for the other village. Oh, well. Kyle takes out a soldier. Forde attacks a merc. Seth takes out the killing edge myrm. Colm and a merc have a fight, the pirate destroys the village. Turn 5 Colm finishes the merc. 99 EXP. Josh takes out a fighter. Forde stops at the vendor. Seth kils some mercs enemy phase. Turn 6 Seth takes out a soldier. Crap happens enemy phase. Turn 7 Lute takes out a pirate. Eirika, another. Artur, a soldier. Forde stops at the armory and I end up with 9522 gold. Seth takes out an archer. Franz trades blows with an archer and a fighter enemy phase. Josh dodges one pirate and kills another. Turn 8 Some reorganization for enemy phase, Josh takes out a pirate for HP SKL SPD LUK. Eirika dodges and kills a pirate for HP STR SKL SPD RES. Colm plays with a pirate for HP STR SPD LUK RES. Seth, Forde, and Eirika get hit from 2 range. Turn 9 Eirika crits a mage. Colm crits the pirate. Franz takes out a mage. Turn 10 Franz recruits Amelia. If I wasn't going for a no-death runthrough, I would just killed her 3 turns ago, but oh well. Set up for enemy phase. Forde dodges a fighter and puts him in OHKO range. And then gets hit by a hand axe pirate with 27 hit. Turn 11 Lute handles one for MAG SPD RES. Forde chips another. Artur finishes. HP MAG SKL. Franz takes out the axe-reaver soldier. Seth takes out another soldier. Turn 12 Set up for enemy phase, Seth critsa merc. Then another. Kyle puts one in OHKO range. Turn 13 Eirika kills an archer. Kyle finishes a merc. B Lances. Tana weakens an archer for Forde who gets HP SKL SPD. Seth takes out an archer and dodges Binks. Turn 14 Seth takes out an archer. Gets hit by Binks. Turn 15 Seth killing edges Binks. HP STR SKL. Turns: 15/97 Prolly coulda gone lower if I didn't have this weird obsession with everyone living in SS. It was my first FE game. Funds: 9522 Stats: Name Level HP ATK SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Eirika 12.59 22 10 16 17 12 7 5 Seth 7.31 36 16 15 15 15 13 9 Franz 12.88 29 14 9 12 8 10 4 Forde 10.20 27 8 9 11 8 9 4 Kyle 9.76 29 12 8 8 7 10 1 Colm 11.53 26 7 5 16 10 5 3 Joshua 10.10 28 9 16 18 9 6 3 Lute 7.21 20 10 9 10 10 4 8 Artur 9.32 23 8 11 12 2 2 11 Moulder 7.11 22 7 8 12 3 4 6 How do you get recordings in VBA into a format so that they can be uploaded to Youtube? 'Cause that'll make this easier. In the meantime, I'll take more detailed notes so that you can understand what's going on better.
  4. Chapter 7 Deploy Eirika Natasha Artur Seth Franz Moulder Colm Lute Garcia Joshua. Turn 1 Artur attacks the first soldier, Colm finishes. Artur's weapon level goes up. Enemy phase, Colm takes 14 damage from the next soldier. Turn 2 Artur finishes the soldier and Natasha heals Colm. Enemy phase Franz dodges a fighter and KOs for HP STR SKL RES. And sword weapon level up. Same thing happens with the next fighter, but no level. Takes 11 damage from an archer and a mage. Turn 3 Garcia chips the mage. Eirika finishes for HP STR SKL RES. Artur and Colm tag team the archer. Colm levels up for HP STR (finally) and SPD. Moulder heals Garcia and levels up for MAG, SKL, SPD, DEF, RES. Enemy phase Seth takes out a fighter and Moulder gets attacked from above by a mage. Every time I play this chapter, I forget about that. Turn 4 Seth takes out the mage. Natasha heals Moulder. Josh attacks a fighter. Enemy phase, Josh finishes the fighter an levels up. HP SKL RES. Seth is attacked by a merc and misses. Franz is attacked and hits. Turn 5 Josh crits a mage. Colm and Eirika tag team a merc. A few people get the last merc down to 1 HP. The jerk has 44 AVO 27 HP and 6 DEF thanks to the forest. Enemy phase he hits Lute but gets KOd. Lute levels up for HP MAG SKL LUK. Turn 6 Franz takes out a soldier. Level up! HP STR SPD LUK. Franz now has as much STR as Seth. Seth takes out another soldier. Enemy phase Colm dodges a fighter, Garcia's hit by the ballista. Seth's attacked by an archer. Turn 7 Garcia and Colm take out the ballista. Colm levels and gets HP STR (YESZ) SKL and DEF. Seth and Franz each take out an archer. Enemy phase the fighter attacks Garcia who KOs and levels. HP STR SPD LUK DEF. Turn 8 was spent heading to the boss. Turn 9 Seth Franz and Lute failed miserably in taking out the boss, so Eirika rapiered him and took the gate on turn 10. Turns: 10/66 Funds: 3350 Stats: Eirika 9.92 20 HP 8 ATK 14 SKL 15 SPD 10 LUK 6 DEF 3 RES Seth 4.61 33 HP 14 ATK 13 SKL 13 SPD 14 LUK 13 DEF 9 RES Franz 10.50 27 HP 14 ATK 9 SKL 11 SPD 8 LUK 9 DEF 3 RES Colm 9.19 24 HP 6 ATK 5 SKL 14 SPD 9 LUK 5 DEF 1 RES Artur 5.86 21 HP ATK SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Lute 4.03 18 HP 8 ATK 9 SKL 7 SPD 9 LUK 4 DEF 6 RES Chapter 8 Deploy Eirika Artur Seth Franz Moulder Natasha Colm Lute Joshua. Turn 1 Franz takes out an archer and gets C lances. Artur and Colm take out a soldier. Lute and Eirika take out another one. Eirika levels up. HP STR SPD LUK RES. Enemy phase Eirika gets attacked by a knight. Not much happens. Josh and a myrm trade blows. Franz and a merc trade blows. Turn 2 Lute finishes the knight. Josh finishes the Merc. HP STR SPD DEF. Eirika finishes the myrmidon. Kyle javelins a soldier. Forde takes on an archer. Enemy phase Forde dodges a knight but crit tinks him. Kyle has a bad encounter with a fighter. Seth takes out a shaman. Turn 3 Colm opens the door to the treasure room. Franz chips a knight for HP and RES. Ephraim finishes for HP STR SKL LUK. Forde takes out a fighter. Kyle, a fighter. Enemy phase Seth takes out a knight and breaks his javelin. He then gets hit by 3 more. All with ~50 hit on him. Kyle and soldier put each other in OHKO range. Turn 4 Kyle javelins the soldier and levels. HP STR SKL SPD LUK. The brothers chat while Moulder heals Franz. Artur takes out a knight for HP SKL RES. Seth takes out a knight for HP STR SKL SPD. Enemy phase Seth takes out another and softens another. Forde dodges a mage. Turn 5 The cavs set up to take on the reinforcements. Ephraim takes out the mage. Artur finishes a knight. Colm grabs the angelic robe. Natasha heals Seth. Turn 6 Crap goes on and the cavs seriously mess up. Eirika has to run in and save them. And Moulder is put in danger. Artur attacks the longbow archer. Enemy phase Ephraim wins a fight with a merc and Moulder takes damage. Cavs work together to give Forde the kill and he levels. HP STR DEF RES. Ephraim takes out the merc and levels. HP STR LUK DEF. Artur finishes the archer. SPD. Turn 7 Ephraim fights a merc, Seth has a vulnerary stolen. Turn 8 Artur fights a mage. Lute takes a merc, just barely levels. HP MAG SPD LUK. Ephraim and Eirika talk. Seth finishes the thief. Turn 9 Artur nearly finishes the mage. Seth moves in on the throne room. He has S lances. Moulder levels HP SPD DEF. Seth owns up close in the throneroom but can't attack the mages. Josh is at 3 hP. Turn 10 Lute crits a shaman. Ephraim crits an archer. Seth pulls back to avoid potential death. Forde has a bad time with a knight, seth gets attacked by a mage. He's been hit like 6 times by mages with ~50 hit on him. Turn 11 Break the wall. Artur chips for SPD and RES. Now healed Seth finishes. Turn 12 Lute opens the next treasure room. Forde whiffs with >90 real hit. Ephraim takes out an archer. Artur and Franz tag team a mage. Seth crits the last one. Turn 13 Kyle finishes the shaman. Seth chats with Ephraim. Franz gets Tirado to use his javelin. Turn 14 Eirika Rapiers Tirado. Crits, but then he great shields. Reginleif finishes. HP SPD DEF. Turns 15 and 16 are spent grabbing treasure and seizing. Turns: 16/82 Funds: 13350 Stats: Eirika 11.18 21 HP 9 ATK 15 SKL 16 SPD 12 LUK 7 DEF 4 RES Ephraim 9.98 27 HP 12 ATK 10 SKL 14 SPD 11 LUK 10 DEF 3 RES Seth 5.98 34 HP 15 ATK 14 SKL 14 SPD 14 LUK 13 DEF 9 RES Franz 11.84 28 HP 14 ATK 9 SKL 11 SPD 8 LUK 9 DEF 4 RES Forde 9.30 26 HP 8 ATK 8 SKL 10 SPD 8 LUK 9 DEF 4 RES Kyle 8.95 28 HP 11 ATK 7 SKL 8 SPD 7 LUK 10 DEF 1 RES Lute 5.66 19 HP 9 ATK 9 SKL 8 SPD 10 LUK 4 DEF 6 RES Artur 8.14 22 HP 7 ATK 10 SKL 12 SPD 2 LUK 2 DEF 11 RES Colm 9.56 24 HP 6 ATK 5 SKL 14 SPD 9 LUK 5 DEF 1 RES Joshua 8.12 26 HP 9 ATK 14 SKL 16 SPD 7 LUK 6 DEF 3 RES Well, Joshua's doing pretty well, so I think I'll adopt him into my team. Someone'll probably get dropped later, though. Can't help but feel that 8 could've gone a lot faster.
  5. I think the phantoms float. They take no penalty from terrain and no bonuses, either.
  6. I know that it doesn't totally excuse FESD's plot, but you have to give it something since it was written 20 years ago.
  7. Chapter 5x Turn 1 Ephraim moves forward and takes out a soldier. Orson moves forward and takes out the next. Forde Javelins the archer. Enemy phase Forde is attacked by the archer. Turn 2 Ephraim Reginleif crits the knight for 84/21 damage. Kyle finishes the archer. Orson opens the door. Enemy phase Orson is attacked by the fighter and misses. Dodges the mage. Turn 3 Forde finishes the fighter. Orson takes out the mage. Kyle and Ephraim tag team a merc, Ephraim levels up! HP, STR, SPD, LUK. Enemy phase, Ephraim is attacked by the fighter and KOs. Turn 4 Forde and Orson grab the chests, Ephraim heals. Turn 5 Enemy phase Kyle gets attacked by a cavalier and Ephraim by an archer. Turn 6 Ephraim Reginleifs the cavalier. Orson takes out a fighter and Kyle whiffs the archer. Enemy phase Ephraim's attacked again. Turn 7 Ephraim KOs the archer for a level up! STR, SPD, DEF, RES. Enemy phase Kyle is attacked by a knight. Then a soldier who gets KOd. 99 EXP. Then another soldier and crits with a 1% chance for a level up! HP DEF... Orson is tinked by a cavalier. Turn 8 Kyle heals, Orson finishes the knight, and Forde javelins a soldier. Enemy phase Forde takes 10 damage from a Shaman who he KOs for a level up. SPD, RES. Turn 9 Enemy phase Orson takes out a fighter, Forde whiffs a monk. Orson is tinked by an archer. Kyle and Forde tag team an archer. Turn 10 Forde and Kyle tag team a fighter. Enemy phase, Forde gets attacked by a knight. Orson takes out a soldier. Forde gets attacked by another one. Forde and Orson get attacked by magic users. Turn 11 Ephraim Reginleifs the knight. Orson takes out the mage. Kyle levels off a soldier. HP STR. Enemy phase Ephraim takes out a soldier. Turn 12 Forde takes out the monk for a level. HP SPD LUK. Orson takes out the boss and Ephraim grabs his silver sword and seizes. Turns: 12/47 I probably could've gone faster, but I really don't like this chapter, so I'm going with 12. Funds: 3350 Stats: Eirika 7.34 19 HP 7 ATK 12 SKL 14 SPD 10 LUK 6 DEF 2 RES Franz 7.42 24 HP 12 ATK 8 SKL 10 SPD 6 LUK 8 DEF 2 RES Seth 3.26 32 HP 14 ATK 13 SKL 12 SPD 14 LUK 12 DEF 8 RES Colm 4.43 20 HP 4 ATK 4 SKL 11 SPD 9 LUK 4 DEF 1 RES Artur 3.96 20 HP 6 ATK 7 SKL 9 SPD 2 LUK 2 DEF 7 RES Lute 2.03 17 HP 7 ATK 7 SKL 7 SPD 8 LUK 3 DEF 5 RES Chapter 6 I've never liked this chapter. Usually, I just have Gill sit on a forest with Eirika rescued while Seth bumrushes, but this time I'll try it with a full team. Deploy Seth, Eirika, Franz, Colm, Artur, Lute, Garcia, Joshua, Natasha, Moulder Turn 1 Colm runs onto the farthest forest he can reach, revealing enemies. Others follow in behind him. Seth heads north. Enemy phase Josh dodges a soldier and leaves him with 2 HP. Colm dodges a merc but only hits for 3 damage. He then dodges a fighter and gets rid of exactly 1/2 his HP. Seth's attacked by quite a few enemies and actually misses the KO on them. Turn 2 Seth takes out the scariest enemy left by him. Colm finishes off the fighter for SPD. Garcia takes out a soldier for HP STR SKL LUK DEF. Artur chips the merc for HP, MAG, SKL, SPD, RES. Josh chips the merc again. Franz javelins him. Lute takes out a soldier. Enemy phase Josh is attacked by a knight. Ouch. Franz takes out a soldier for HP LUK DEF. He then takes a hit from a merc. Seth has fun with the cavaliers. Turn 3 Seth takes out the last cavalier. Garcia hand axes the knight. Lute and Artur finish the Merc and the Knight. Josh and Franz are healed. Eirika sits down on a fortress. Enemy phase Eirika takes a hit from a knight and KOs. Attacked by a fighter with 0 hit. Attacked by the halberd guy with 0 hit. She crits for SKL & SPD. Dodges a javelin. Garcia dodges a shaman and misses once. Turn 4 Enemies appear to move in the fog behind me. Uh oh. Seth runs down to help out. Colm finishes a fighter from Eirika, who takes out the shaman. Lute takes the fortress and attacks a soldier, who is finished off by Artur. Josh heads to the village. Enemy phase. Seth's attacked a lot. Leaves the enemies barely alive. Turn 5 Seth heals and moves onto a forest. Josh grabs the village. Enemy phase, Eirika is attacked by a soldier and a hidden knight. Fortunately, she dodges and doesn't die. Turn 6 Lute and Franz chip together to take out the soldier. Lute gets SKL DEF RES. Franz takes out a cavalier for HP, SPD, DEF, RES. Enemy phase I manage to trick the knight (who has a horseslayer) into attacking Natasha instead of Franz. Turn 7 Lute KOs the knight. Franz a priest. Seth takes out the last cavalier. Enemy phase Artur takes 6 from a mage but does 10 back. Turn 8 Colm finishes the mage for HP and SPD and D swords. Seth kills a troub. Enemy phase Artur takes 12 damage, but crits the soldier for SKL RES. The poor girl dies to the spider. Turn 9 Colm and Franz take out the boss. Colm gets HP. Turns: 9/56 Funds: 3350 Stats: Eirika 8.63 19 HP 7 ATK 13 SKL 15 SPD 10 LUK 6 DEF 2 RES Seth 4.24 33 HP 14 ATK 13 SKL 13 SPD 14 LUK 13 DEF 9 RES Franz 8.95 25 HP 12 ATK 8 SKL 10 SPD 7 LUK 9 DEF 2 RES Colm 7.20 22 HP 4 ATK 8 SKL 13 SPD 9 LUK 4 DEF 1 RES Artur 5.32 21 HP 7 ATK 9 SKL 10 SPD 2 LUK 2 DEF 9 RES Lute 3.47 17 HP 7 ATK 8 SKL 7 SPD 8 LUK 4 DEF 6 RES Right now, Eirika's HP and REs screwed, but SKL, SPD, LUK, and DEF blessed. I guess I'll take it. Seth's STR screwed but SPD and DEF blessed. Franz is STR blessed, LUK blessed, and DEF blessed. Colm is STR screwed (there's only an 8% chance of him having base STR right now) SKL blessed LUK screwed and RES screwed. Blegh. Artur is SKl, SPD, and RES blessed but LUK screwed. Lute's HP screwed, SKL blessed, SPD screwed, LUK screwed, and DEF blessed.
  8. Knoll's actually very underrated. At least on paper, Chapter 15 is great for him. That's the main reason I'm using him. To see how useful he really is. I'll go add spaces in between turns, then. And I have 5x done, but I'm on another computer right now, so I'll get that posted at some point.
  9. Guy's better compared to his team than Joshua his. What do you mean? I think Syrene might've just been added last minute so that that triangle attack was there. She's really, really awful.
  10. You forgot Sedgar, Wolf, and Caeda who are all better than most of the people you listed. Cord's great. There's a long list of good units. There's just a long list of crappy units, too. There isn't much in the way of character. It's mostly units, so who cares if you change their class? It WAS written 20 years ago... I think RD had a good plot until part 4. Then it sucked.
  11. Are you kidding me? Why wouldn't you use a spoon as a screwdriver On a serious note, I argue that it's more accurate because it applies to more playthroughs. The number of playthroughs with a not-best-possible team is almost infintely higher than the the number of playthroughs with a best-possible team. And I would write a character guide if I had the knowledge of what makes every character as good/bad as they are in any game. But I don't. The point is, if all you have is a spoon and a toothpick, then you'll choose the spoon. Right now, we don't have much in the way of a screwdriver. I guess we have portions of them for some games, but that's it. And I don't need to just pick the top X units from the list. I can understand why they are there as I'm not totally ignorant of how FE works. Edit: Also, the fact that people are involved in it right now means that it's interesting, so as long as the solution doesn't drain the interest, that's a non-issue.
  12. Yeah. I actually forgot about the walls until I was in the room after the door and someone had the option to break a wall. And my earliest save is Chapter 4. Oh, well. I'll just remember it for next time. Edit: Chapter 5! Chapter 5 Deploy Eirika, Natasha, Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Moulder, Artur, Lute, Colm WTF? Soldiers here have higher resistance than defense... Turn 1 Gill goes to the left stairs and tanks. Seth storms up the middle stair case and does 15 damage to a fighter. Franz takes the right stairs and everyone follows behind him. Enemy Phase! Franz dodges a fighter and gets rid of half his HP. Gets hit by a soldier for 8 and KOs. Gill gets attacked for 4 damage, 16 in return. Seth is attacked by a fighter, and then misses TWICE with 70 hit. This makes 3/4 hits misses. But he owns a soldier and an archer. McCarney appears! Turn 2 Artur attacks McCarney's buddy and crits. Franz finishes a fighter. Moulder heals him and levels up. MAG, SPD, LUK. Gill takes out a soldier. Set up for taking on McCarney on enemy phase. Seth finally gets that fighter. Enemy phase! Franz takes 10, but levels up for HP, STR, LUK, DEF. McCartney hits Artur for 16 and takes 8. Franz takes 7 from a soldier and misses with 90 hit. Ugh. Turn 3 Lute chips McCartney and gets a level out of it. MAG & SKL. Artur chips, too, and Colm kills. Eirika takes out a soldier and levels up. HP, SKL, SPD, LUK, DEF. Franz finishes a fighter and gets healed by Moulder. Turn 4 Franz KOs an archer. Natasha moves forward to recruit Josh. Colm heads for the village. Gill then gets doubled for 18 damage by a fighter. Turn 5 Gill runs away, uses a vulnerary, gets healed by Moulder, and calls Artur in for backup. Natasha recruits Josh. Lute grabs a village. Seth, another. Colm? Another! Enemy phase, Josh dodges a soldier and then crits. Gets hit by the next and crits. Fighter misses and Josh crits. And he levels up! He gets SPD. Awesome. Well, at least it's better than the HP level ups. Gill gets attacked again on enemy phase for 19 damage. Turn 6 Eirika sits on a forest and attacks a brigand. Josh takes Franz' Iron Sword and moves down there, too. Natasha heals him. Franz heads up and to the right. Moulder heals Gill and Artur kills the fighter. Seth heads up with Franz. Enemy phase, Eirika KOs one brigand and puts the other in OHKO range. Franz takes 4 damage and does 13 to a Merc. Turn 7 Franz finishes the Merc and levels up. HP, STR, SPD, LUK, DEF. Seth gets the last village. Josh finishes a fighter and Eirika prepares to take on Saar. Turn 8 Seth buys two Iron Swords and Lances. Lute grabs a lightning tome and a heal. Franz attacks Saar and does 12 damage. Eirika finishes and levels. STR, SKL, SPD, LUK. Turns: 8/35 Funds: After 5x Stats: After 5x
  13. Yup. Summons ftw. Not too much. I'm using both lords, Seth, the cavs, and Knoll. That's only 7 for sure. I'll probably use Duessel and Saleh in their routes, as well. And then probably at least one of Artur/Lute and a healer until Saleh shows up and Artur/Lute promote. Yeah, I wanted her to get more experience, but I was happier with the one turn. I don't think anyone can reach Vanessa on turn 1 if she's rescued him.
  14. I'll be doing both Eir. and Eph. routes, and I'll do 16-Endgame with whichever team's better. I plan on seeing how effective Colm is as a combat unit and I'm gonna use Knoll. Besides that, it's gonna just sorta be as it comes, which I'm sure will hurt me, but whatever. I'm also aware of the fact that I'm not a great tactician, so comments on my strategies would be nice. Obviously "Hard" mode. Turns are chapter/total. Prologue First, I move Eirika over and attack the fighter on the left. She crits, dodges, and then hits. Then Seth moves in front of her and takes the one on the forest. He crits for a OHKO. Enemy phase, the boss comes over and attacks Seth. Misses and then Seth ORKOs him. Yes, I just 1-turned the Prologue. Turns: 1/1 Funds: ??? Chapter 1 First turn, Eirika moves towards the fort, Seth takes out the fighter. Next turn, Franz weakens the Fighter and takes 6 damage, Eirika moves in for the kill. Seth moves over to take out the fighter on enemy phase. Gilliam weakens the soldier. Enemy phase, one soldier heads over and hits Franz who then ORKOs him in return. The other soldier attacks Gilliam and then dies. The fighter heads over to fight Seth. He has 11 displayed hit for 0 damage and 22 HP. Seth has 100 hit for 21 damage and 5 crit. You can guess how this one went. Turn 3, Franz heads over and finishes off the last soldier by the gate. Gilliam heads south to take on the reinforcements, and Seth takes on the boss and misses. Enemy phase, this is fixed. Levels up for HP, LUK, and DEF. Gill chips a fighter for EXP, and Eirika seizes the gate. Turns: 4/5 Funds: 5000 Chapter 2 Vanessa flies over and rescues Ross and then retreats back over onto the mountains. Moulder visits the right village, Eirika the right. Everyone else gets out of the forest. Turn 2 Moulder takes Ross and drops him, Eirika recruits. Franz moves onto the armory for 10 AVO and equips an Iron Sword. Gilliam amd Ross come in behind him. Vanessa rescues Garcia and Seth moves south for the village. Enemy phase, Franz gets hit for 8 damage and hits back for 9. Turn 3. Ross chips for EXP, but no one 'cept Seth can finish him off. So I have Seth finish. Eirika buys an Iron Sword and sells the gem. Moulder heals Franz. Vanessa drops Garcia. Enemy phase a brigand attacks Seth. Turn 4. Eirika parks on a forest, Garcia is recruited. Seth moves towards the village. Enemy phase, Boss and his pal move towards Seth, Eirika dodges both brigands. Turn 5. Gilliam attacks the archer. Garcia finishes. Seth visits the village. Moulder heals Garcia. Franz finishes a Brigand. Level up! Strength and Skill. Meh. Eirika runs over to the armory and buys another Iron Sword and an Iron Lance. She stays there to protect Moulder. Enemy phase. Gilliam gets hit once by a brigand that actually doubled him! Lucky there. Boss attacks Garcia, and they both hit. Brigand attacks Eirika. He misses, she crits with a whopping 3% chance. Level up! STR, SPD, LUK. Turn 6. Seth moves over and takes out a brigand with a whopping 4 hit and 0 damage on him. Franz takes out another brigand. Vanessa head down and chips the boss. She misses but then crits. Moulder heals Vanessa for EXP. Eirika finishes the boss. Level up! HP, LUK, DEF, and SPD. Turns: 6/11 Funds: 6220 Stats: Eirika 3.0 17 HP 5 STR 8 SKL 11 SPD 7 LUK 4 DEF 1 RES Franz 2.49 20 HP 8 STR 6 SKL 7 SPD 2 LUK 6 DEF 1 RES Seth 2.18 31 HP 14 STR 13 SKL 12 SPD 14 LUK 12 DEF 8 RES Chapter 3 Turn 1 Ross chips the bandit, people move forward. Turn 2 Neimi talks to Colm. People move forward. Ross continues to chip. He now has 99 EXP. Enemy phase the bandit attacks Colm but misses, Colm hits back for 7 damage. Turn 3 Ross attempts to chip, but misses. But he levels up, anyways. HP, SKL, LUK, DEF. Seth finishes the brigand Colm was chipping. Eirika chips the enemy that attacked Colm, leaving him with 1 HP. Colm grabs a chest for a hand axe. Franz finishes the brigand. Turn 4 Seth opens the door and heads into the room. Colm grabs the door and Franz goes in front of him. Enemy phase, Seth takes care of the brigand. Brigand hand axes at Colm but misses. Archer hits Franz for 5 damage. Turn 5 Colm gets an Iron Lance. Franz goes back, Eirika moves forward and attacks the brigand. Vanessa trades Franz her javelin. Seth grabs the javelin. Enemy phase, hand axers tries to hit Franz, but misses. Archer hits Eirika for 7 damage. Turn 6 Eirika finishes the brigand and is then rescued, dropped, and healed. Franz attacks the archer. Colm gets an Iron Sword. Seth comes in and javelins over Franz's shoulder to finish of the Archer. Enemy phase, the thief steals a vulnerary from Franz. But I still have 10 and an elixir and Moulder. So Seth OHKOs with the javelin on Turn 7. Some repositioning. Enemy phase, the steel axe brigand attacks Franz and misses. Franz leaves him with 1 HP. Level up! HP, SKL, SPD, and RES. Hand Axe brigand attacks Colm and misses. Turn 8 Franz finishes the brigand. Vanessa and Garcia chip on the hand axe brigand. Colm finishes. Enemy phase, Franz is hit by the merc for 4 damage. Hits back for 9. Turn 9 Fr nz finishes with an Iron Lance. Seth takes out the boss. Eirika moves forward for the seize next turn. Turns: 10/21 Funds: 6220 Stats: Franz is the only one who leveled up this chapter and matters. He got HP, SKL, SPD, and RES. Chapter 4 Deploy Eirika, Artur, Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Vanesa, Moulder, Garcia, and Colm. Turn 1 Vanessa heads south and attacks the bonewalker. Eirika heads south and attacks the revenant. Artur heads to the village. Colm parks himself on a forest. Garcia hatchets a revenant. Seth heads south and javelins the bonewalker. Misses once. Levels up and gets HP. Awesome, Seth. Some other movement. Enemy phase, Eirika gets hit by the revenant and then KOs him. Other Revenant attacks Colm, but misses and is left with 2 HP. Revenant attacks Franz. Hit for 4 damage. Franz crits. Level up! HP, STR, SKL, and LUK. Bonewalker hits Eirika for 7 damage. She KOs him. Level up! HP, SKL, RES. Vanessa's attacked by the bonewalker. She KOs. Turn 2 Garcia goes up and hatchets a revenant. Criticals. Colm finishes off a revenant from enemy phase. Level up! HP, SPD, LUK, and DEF. Moulder heals Eirika. Artur attacks a Mogall and gets a crit. Franz goes on a forest and uses a vulnerary. Gilliam attacks a revenant. Vanessa gets Lute who then attacks the Bonewalker from the forest. Enemy phase. Colm's attacked. Dodges, hits for 18 damage. Attacked again, KOs. Franz is attacked by a bonewalker. He dodges and then hits for 12/23. Lute is attacked, and also dodges. Artur is attacked by a Mogall. Dodges. Turn 3 Franz finishes the bonewalker. Artur finishes his mogall. Lute finishes her enemy. Colm his. Level up! HP... Gilliam and Garcia work together for a kill. Gill levels up! HP... Seth takes out another bonewalker and Eirika sets herself up at the top of the bridge. Enemy phase! Eirika's attacked. Takes 7 damage, deals 20/30. Weapon level up! Vanessa's attacked. Takes 4 damage, does 22/29. Seth's attacked by a bonewalker. KOs. Turn 4 Eirika finishes the revenant. Franz goes ahead of her and takes out another one. Eirika's healed. Lute takes out a revenant. Seth sets up to take out a mogall. Enemy phase. Franz is attacked. Takes damage, KOs. Level up! STR, SPD, LUK. Seth grabs the mogall kill. Turn 5 Nothing much happens player phase. Enemy phase, Artur's attacked. Takes 9, but KOs with a crit. Level up! HP, SKL, SPD, RES. Turn 6 Boss attacks Eirika. She gets a crit for the kill. Level up! STR, SKL, SPD, LUK, DEF! Turns: 6/27 Funds: 6220 Stats; Eirika 5.68 18 HP 6 STR 10 SKL 12 SPD 8 LUK 5 DEF 2 RES Franz 5.10 22 HP 10 STR 8 SKL 9 SPD 4 LUK 6 DEF 2 RES Seth 3.09 32 HP 14 STR 13 SKL 12 SPD 14 LUK 12 DEF 8 RES Colm 4.04 20 HP 4 STR 4 SKL 11 SPD 9 LUK 4 DEF 1 RES Artur 3.06 20 HP 6 MAG 7 SKL 7 SPD 8 LUK 3 DEF 5 RES
  15. Aran has absolutely no use past 3-13 in HM. His extra DEF means that at best he's equally as durable as Nephenee come part 4 since he struggles with getting doubled.
  16. Read the edit. After actually thinking more on it instead of spewing whatever popped into my mind, I pretty much agree with what you said.
  17. Oujay's in the same circumstance, only he has part of chapter of axemen ahead of her. I think that people overrate how bad of a start he has.
  18. I don't think we need to make it as interesting as possible, but it needs to be interesting. And as I pointed out, I find normal efficiency to be more accurate that maximum efficiency. But the fact that I'm not completely ignorant of how FE works means that I CAN use it as a character guide. It obviously isn't as good, but it's still the spoon, AKA decent. The fact that I understand how FE works means that I can figure out why units are where they are on my own, or that I can use it as a character guide. Which is very important, at least right now, as there aren't any complete character guides that are very accurate.
  19. If it isn't interesting, then no one will discuss it. Thus the tier list becomes pointless. Yes, it is important for it to be accurate, but first and foremost, it needs to be interesting, otherwise it's pointless. And I'd argue it's more accurate to not assume that the best possible team is always used as people rarely use the best possible team when they play. Availability needs to be balanced, though. Availability is huge for lower tiers either way. Although I think (going back to the Bartre vs. Rath thing) that I don't make it as big as most people. I don't find Bartre to be massively better than an empty slot, so Rath doesn't have to be dramatically better than him while he's around to be better than him. Just marginally better (as most of the game still remains). But Bartre needs to be massively better than Rath when both exist if you count his earlygame as negative. Also: See? I think that explains how a tier list can work as a character guide. Obviously FE is more complicated, but all it takes is a basic understanding of how it works to figure out why units are where they are in most cases. And your quotes say completely different ideas. One says that the main purpose of a tier list is to convey information, and then another says that a tier list is not good for that since it doesn't explain how to use units. Edit: Scratch all that. I've been saying things that have really just been popping into my head. I actually took a minute and thought about it and remembered why opportunity cost and comparing a unit to the worst one already on the team make sense. Although my point on how tier lists can work as character guides still stands.
  20. The current system makes it so that the only person who gets any sort of considerable credit from anything is the unit who acquires something. Let's say there's an item that gets stolen. It makes one unit go from a 5/10 to a 9/10. But there's another unit that goes from a 6/10 to a 10/10. Both units get huge benefits from the item, but neither of them get any credit because the other one uses it just as well. The only unit that gets any credit is the thief. But what if this was automatically gotten without any special actions. Well, it may as well not exist as no one can get anything from it. But that's inaccurate as it drastically improves a unit's performance and yet the current rules treat them as if they were still a 5/10 or 6/10. Even when you take into account the fact that the one who doesn't get it likely won't be in play as it hurts their performance so much. This system makes it so that removing all one use items except for promotion items would make little difference to a lot of units. Thieves would plummet, and a few others would drop as well, but that's it. I don't think you quite understand what I'm saying. I'm saying that it's ridiculous to assume that Abel only gets to use a ridersbane at all 50% of the time he's in play. He should get SOME amount of use from it every single time he's in play, but not all of it any time he's in play. Obviously I don't assume the tactician is retarded or anything like that. I would assume them to be a good tactician. But they're human. They make stupid mistakes on occasion and not all strategies are super obvious. Especially in RD where you have to count enemy movement. Is it ludicrous to assume that they might once get someone attacked on accident? So, of your options, I'd go with near perfect. But not quite. So it's inaccurate to measure a unit's performance with resources? 'Cause that's what I'm getting from that. Well you obviously aren't using him inefficiently. You use him as best you can during that time. And he's clearly contributing as it's not hard to make him better than an empty slot. Now, if you compare +/- utility with the worst unit on the team otherwise, then these ideas don't work. Edit: Scratch all that. I've been saying things that have really just been popping into my head. I actually took a minute and thought about it and remembered why opportunity cost and comparing a unit to the worst one already on the team make sense.
  21. Dieck. They're close, but I prefer units that I know I can rely on instead of hoping for a critical. Plus Dieck can wield just about anything for 0 AS loss. Although I may be a bit biased since Dieck's always gotten blessed for me.
  22. Because it makes things more interesting. Both discussion and playing. That's why people don't always use the same team.
  23. Doesn't it make more sense for someone to win because they've contributed more rather than lose? It makes the least sense if we're applying it to things that can be split. Why would we only assume someone gets to use a ridersbane a certain percent of the time they're in play at all? And then with opportunity cost, one-shot items become useless. I mean, it doesn't matter how good someone is with a resource, it does nothing for them. Why? Because someone else wants something. There are only a handful of resources that actually make a difference. If someone gets the full benefit a certain percent of the time, then the resources the game gives don't become useless for tiering. That one assumed that the player had no information not provided with the game. I think it just makes sense to assume that the player isn't a perfect tactician. That represents the community better. The community is not full of perfect tacticians, but it IS full of people who have access to external information. It's more like the punishment is being way overblown so that existing less is actually good.
  24. Well, since I'll be finishing up my debate soon, I was wondering if anyone (preferably someone closer to my skill level than CATS...) was up for a debate? I'm thinking bottom half of the tier list FE8.
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