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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Don't you just love it when characters get blessed in luck and skill, but screwed in all the USEFUL stats?
  2. How is it a tie-breaker? Sophia is clearly better than Wendy even without it. Yeah, they're both crap, but Wendy would need to grab TEN battles per chapter even assuming enemies were much higher leveled and she could grab kills consistently just to COMPARE to Sophia's offense. Now imagine how hard it is to get her to 11/0 by chapter 14 when she CAN'T kill easily and ISN'T facing really high levelled units. That's a lot of negative right there, and she can't even claim that she really beats Sophia for it. I agree that the Guiding Ring shouldn't count.
  3. Even if you assume that enemies average eleven levels above her, and that she averages 60 true hit, she only gets .6*14=8.4+.4[for the 40% of the time she misses] =8.8 experience per round. That's 113-114 rounds of combat. Say, 90 thanks to some kills. Or about TEN battles per chapter. With her 4 MOV and awful durability. Yeah, she can get to 11/0 so that she only loses to Sophia in offense by a little bit. After racking up so much negative that she couldn't possibly hope to win.
  4. Maybe not if they could get those without racking up massive negatives. All it's done is hurt us significantly to get her to compare to Sophia at all. Well, offensively. I haven't looked into defenses yet.
  5. Except enemies don't randomly lose 30 avoid when facing Wendy. Wendy needs like ten levels to tie Sophia's hit. She also ties attack. Before DEF/RES gap. After TEN levels. He's talking about once Sophia shows up. The fact that she wins even after giving Wendy a huge amount of favoritism shows that she's already massively better. Guiding Ring (since most people count it) is enough to potentially put a tier gap there. Edit: Man, people posted a lot between when I loaded the page and posted this >>
  6. Yeah, ridiculously hard. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying it's at all efficient. I'm not saying it's at all reasonable. I'm not saying it won't take dozens of resets and a hundred turns. I'm not saying you'll get anything good out of it. I'm saying it is _possible_. Just _possible_. Just like it's _possible_ for all the subatomic particles in your body and a wall to line up just perfectly so that you could walk through it. Hilariously improbable, but _possible_. In other words, the word possible is both key and to be taken very literally.
  7. Okay: I said that it's possible to train her up. I also said it was horribly inefficient. You said that I was saying that she was good, quite clearly. So, yes, you WERE saying that I was saying she was good when I never made any mention of her being good at all.
  8. Don't use it if you don't have a back-up plan and if there's a chance of them dieing on Enemy Phase if the Devil Axe reverses on them.
  9. Wow. I said that people have trained her up before, so it must be possible, and you assume that I'm using MY personal experience to say that she's GOOD? All I'm saying is that it's possible to train her. Where did I say that she's good, or even that she isn't awful? And yes, it's very possible that they also play on NM. Although I expect that it's possible to train her on HM, however inefficient it may be. Thus the whole worst unit in the game thing.
  10. Nephenee for the long run. Aran's just not that great after part 3 in HM. Too bad, 'cause he's my favorite Halb.
  11. Y'know, the whole canon pairings for RD makes me wonder if they're planning a 2nd Gen game... Anyways, Midia, Arran, and Samson's bases. When you get people comparable to base Jagen half way through the game...
  12. Yes, Canas is worth using. He's not great, but he's good. Devil Axe is 31-luck%, I believe.
  13. Well, I agree that it SHOULD convey information, but first and formost it should be entertaining to the people making it. Why else would they bother? The point is, it's more interesting to do that, and as long as it's made clear that people are placed assuming they're seriously used, then people will still be able to see something useful: Wendy is really, really bad if used seriously. @s Portsman: I meant it's possible, not that she's good. The fact that people have made that claim means that they must have (I just typed havened and thought it was a real word until the spell check thing reminded me that it wasnn't ) managed to seriously train her up.
  14. Well there are people who claim she's great once she's trained up so, I it's obviously possible. Edit: I agree with the whole "It's possible someone's so bad that they can only make potshots" but assuming that a character that's usable, but still potentially negative, will only make potshots is something that I don't agree with.
  15. The point of a tier list is not to list how good characters are when used best (Otherwise Wolt should be out of Bottom Tier for his earlygame and then no possible negatives) but to entertain the people making it. It's far more entertaining to discuss Wendy as a unit being seriously used than as a unit who makes a few potshots. And it isn't "shooting yourself in the foot" when ALL of the units are being compared that way. This isn't specific to her, it's applied to all non-utility units. So Wendy vs. Sophia goes from "Who's potshots are the best?" to a comparison of the two of them throughout the game as if the player was attempting to use them seriously, although in the most efficient way they can use two units like them seriously.
  16. The difference is that you CAN seriously use Wendy. However, you CAN'T (well, unless you hack) have Wendy or Sophia join with max skill, and as you said, your food related suggestion also has no effect on how you play the game.
  17. Wait, you can switch on an advanced AI in FE4? Oh, and doesn't FE4 also have an Elite Mode, or is that just FE5?
  18. Try making some 200% growths, and see if you can get more than +1 from BEXP. In fact, make ALL of them 200% and see what happens.
  19. I always assumed that we tiered them as if people were seriously using them, at least for the sake of discussions. I find Wendy's full game performance vs. Sophia's much more interesting to discuss than Wendy's potshots vs. Sophia's.
  20. You mean like a stage that actually comes from one of the FEs?
  21. I'd say that FE4 is harder than PoR EM, easily. Also, I notice a lack of RD NM/EM. Edit: No, there weren't any other differences between EM and NM.
  22. So we're now tiering Wendy as if the player is not doing anything with her? That means that a good portion of the tier list should just be Unit A=Unit B=Unit C... etc. I don't mean that they're using that unit in the worst way possible, I mean that if I attempt to use that unit seriously and I'd go faster without them, then they're negative.
  23. Rewjeo


    onemanga.com. It seems to be a few days behind sometimes, but that's where I read the manga.
  24. It's because, at least in FE9, you have to hit first, then critical. In FE10, I believe that, unless you have 0 hit, you'll always critical w/ 100%
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