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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. In FEDS, you can press L (I think) just before a battle to turn the animations off. Not really as cool as being able to turn them ON, but it's there in FEDS, too. Boyd activating Colossus with a bow was pretty cool compared to the other animations in PoR, and it would be cool to see someone do that in real life, but compared to most FE stuff, it was "meh".
  2. But not in America. Also: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/herb If you listen to how they pronounce it, the h is silent. And it says that it's pronounced "urb" or ESP. BRIT. "hurb"
  3. Maybe not for YOU, but for a lot of people (I'd guess most people on this forum, but I'm not sure) it most definitely is.
  4. I think I'd hate it as an FE game. And I agree that longer isn't necessarily better, but it also isn't necessarily worse. If they could make it long and have a good plot at the same time? Well that'd be fantastic! With any luck, the next FE's taking so long because they're doing just that. And have you tried the Rune Factory games? 'Cuz if that's the stuff you like, I'd suggest them for you.
  5. And she'll never make it to any opponents. All of your other units will have 2-3 MOV on her as well as significantly better stats. She'll never get to promote unless TFW drastically slows down. After all, by the time she promotes the first time, Gilliam could very well have already promoted. Have fun on chapter 15!
  6. I'd say that the bonus disk is fair, go for it. Looks pretty good so far. I think that I've done ch. 11 faster than that, but I don't think I've gotten close to 5 turns on 12 before. If you can keep beating chapters that far under the turn limit, I don't think the programming errors will affect you much.
  7. I like the forging of basic weapons and armor and mount/armor ideas for the most part, but I disagree with the mounts being stolen or you being knocked off. The rest of the stuff seems to be going more in the Rune Factory direction, and while that game's fun, I don't think it would work in Fire Emblem.
  8. So, it's the Pent wannabe vs. the most gullible character ever. So, Saleh joins in Chapter 12, and he's pretty awesome. Compare his stats to anyone else at this point, and you can see that: Base Saleh w/ Elfire: 30 HP 26 MT 126 HIT 12 AS 35 AVO 8 DEF 13 RES 9 CRIT 11 CEV And he can also take a thunder tome for 2 AS and 5 CRIT in exchange for 2 MT and 5 HIT. Compare to, say, base Gerik w/ an Iron Blade (the Steel Blade probably broke last chapter): 32 HP 23 MT 100 HIT 13 AS 34 AVO 10 DEF 4 RES 6 CRIT 8 CEV Now, Gerik won't be base level, but it doesn't change much. So offensively, it's 1 AS (or -1 if Saleh goes thunder) against 3 (8) crit, 3 (1) MT + DEF-RES gap, 26 (21) HIT, and the ability to attack at 2 range and get those guys coming down the mountains. Defensively, it's 2 HP and 2 DEF against 1-5 AVO, 3 CEV, 9 RES (10 if he uses a light tome), and 1-2 range. So he's winning offense quite clearly, and defense as well as he takes no player phase counters and isn't a sitting duck for enemies with 1-2 range. This is all against Gerik, who's a pretty great unit. And he's got C staves. Saleh's easily one of your best units right now. And as awesome as Cormag and his flying would be, he's not here. So, Cormag decides to show up next chapter. Let's see how he compares to Saleh even if he hasn't leveled up yet: Base Cormag w/ Killer Lance: 30 HP 24 MT 90 HIT 10 AS 24 AVO 12 DEF 2 RES 34 CRIT 4 CEV And he can take a Javelin at the cost of 4 MT, 5 HIT, and 30 CRIT if he wants 1-2 range. Well, offensively it's 25 (20) CRIT against 2 (0) MT + DEF-RES gap, 36 (31) HIT, and 2 (4) AS. Saleh can also grab the Body Ring this chapter for no AS loss from Elfire. If Cormag takes the javelin, it's a blowout. That AS leads to Saleh doubling more. And if either or neither double, Saleh does more damage- especially if Cormag pull out a javelin. Cormag has to rely upon the extra crit to potentially beat Saleh. And the Killer Lance only has 20 uses. Defensively it's 4 DEF vs. 7 CEV, 11 (15) AVO, and 11 RES. And Saleh has 1-2 range over him if Cormag wants to keep decent offense. Oh, and Saleh doesn't have to worry about bows. And C staves>>>1 MOV + flying here. So Saleh gets 1+ chapters of being awesome while Cormag doesn't exist, and then beats Cormag everywhere once he decides to show up. Chapter 14 rolls around and I doubt either of them have leveled up more than once, so it's a pretty similar story. Chapter 15 comes and they're both awesome here. Cormag has unlimited supply to Killer Lances and Saleh's got Physics. This chapter Elfire is buyable, as well. 3 Saleh w/ Elfire and Body Ring: 31 HP 26.6 MT 128 HIT 14.8 AS 42 AVO 8.6 DEF 13.7 RES 9 CRIT 11.8 CEV He could also potentially get C Gerik for this chapter, although it doesn't do too much and Saleh would be off away from Gerik anyways. 12 Cormag w/ Killer Lance (Javelin): 32.55 HP 25.65 MT (21.65) 92 HIT (87) 11.35 AS 27 AVO 12.75 DEF 2.45 RES 35 CRIT (5) 5 CEV So how do they compare offensively? Saleh ORKOs every wyvern rider with no problems if he takes thunder, let alone Elfire. Cormag, on the other hand, 3HKOs at best. Some of them he doesn't OHKO even with a critical. He has a 52.39% chance to ORKO. Not awful, but not at all reliable. If he takes out a javelin, then he drops to awful offense against them. Saleh wins. Saleh also ORKOs all the pegs with thunder. Cormag ORKOs with a javelin, although much less reliable HIT. Saleh wins. Saleh 2HKOs the Mercenaries and doubles most of the Iron Blade ones. Cormag 2HKOs all of them even with a javelin, but has no hopes of doubling. He's got a ~30% chance to crit. Close, but I'd give it to Saleh since I can rely on him to kill as opposed to relying on 30% chance. Saleh 2HKOs all the Myrmidons, although he doesn't double. Cormag's in the same boat as with the Mercenaries. Cormag actually wins for once! Still, 30% ORKO is nothing amazing. Cormag ORKOs the fighters- although only with 77 HIT before factoring in enemy AVO. Saleh ORKOs them with a basic fire tome. Saleh wins. Mages! Can Cormag pull off a win? Nope, Saleh ORKOs with a fire tome. Cormag can pull out a javelin and easily ORKO. Well, as long as he hits. Saleh can also go up against them without worrying about dieing. Cormag can potentially be 2HKOd. Saleh wins. Shamans! Maybe Cormag can pull off a win here? Oh, wait, Saleh ORKOs them with a lightning tome. Same story as with the mages here. Saleh wins again. Cavaliers up next. Saleh still ORKOs with fire. Cormag needs a crit to ORKO. About 50% ORKO as opposed 100% for Saleh. Guess who still wins? lolTroubadours. Rangers up next. Saleh 2HKOs with Elfire. Cormag potentially OHKOs with a crit. Of course, he's also potentially ORKOed by them. I guess Cormag technically has better offense, but Saleh's the only one of the two to actually potentially fight them. Thus Saleh wins here, too. Zerkers. Saleh 2HKOs with Elfire. Cormag 3HKOs with the Killer Lance- and 77 HIT before their AVO. One has a Devil Axe- which both are staying away from- and the other has a dragon axe. Cormag staying out of there. Saleh wins. Both 3HKO the paladins, although Saleh potentially doubles. Cormag has crit. Ehh, pretty close, but Saleh will have a better time either finishing them off or setting up for someone else to finish them off than Cormag. Saleh wins. Saleh can actually attack the bosses for decent damage without worrying about getting killed right away in return. He wins. Defensively? Well, Cormag runs into trouble with axes, magic, bows, and the bosses. Saleh has to worry about the zerkers and can only take one hit from the bosses. Besides that the strongest enemies (Wyverns) 3HKO both. Beyond that, nothing threatens either of them. Then, Saleh has 15 AVO (30 against axes and shamans, 0 against swordies) plus terrain over Cormag. Saleh clearly wins offense and still wins durability. On top of this he also has staves- including possibly Physic for 15 and definitely Physic after that. Onto Chapter 16! I'll give Cormag 2 levels and Saleh 1 plus C Gerik. 20/4 Saleh C Gerik Elfire: 31.5 HP 26.9 MT 132 HIT 15.2 AS 44 AVO 8.9 DEF 14.05 RES 14 CRIT 17.2 CEV 14 Cormag Killer Lance (Javelin) 34.25 HP 26.75 MT (22.75) 95 HIT (90) 12.25 AS 30 AVO 13.25 DEF 2.75 RES 35 CRIT (5) 5.75 CEV Offensively again? Saleh ORKOs Knights with fire, Cormag 3HKOs with ~30 crit. Saleh wins. Cavaliers: Saleh ORKOs with fire, Cormag 2HKOs w/ Killer Lance or better. I'd still give it to Saleh for being able to fall back on weaker weapons. Shamans- Saleh ORKOs with Shine, Cormag ORKOs with a Javelin- and 70 HIT. Saleh wins since I know I can rely on him to not miss. Fighters? Saleh ORKOS easily, Cormag 2RKOs with his Killer Lance... and 59 HIT. Saleh wins. Mages? Saleh still ORKOs. Cormag ORKOs with the javelin and 70 HIT... if their speed rounds down. Saleh for reliability. Mercs: Both 2HKO. Saleh has 84 HIT w/ Elfire (and can drop to fire for more accuracy) and Cormag has 64. Saleh. lolpriests lolthieves Great Knights. Whoo-hoo. Saleh borderline ORKOs. Cormag 4RKOs at best, 5RKOs (with 53 HIT) at worst. Saleh by miles. Warriors. Saleh 3HKOs and might miss the double. Cormag 4HKOs w/ just over 50 HIT and doesn't double ever. Saleh, again, by miles. Heroes. Saleh 2-3HKOs and doesn't double. Cormag 3HKOs at best and 4HKOs w/ ~40 HIT and will get doubled. Gee, I wonder who wins? *coughSalehcough* Sages! Cormag 2HKOs w/ just over 60 HIT and ~30 CRIT. Saleh 4HKOs. W/ over 99% real hit. Cormag's actually got a lower chance of killing them in 4 rounds than Saleh is before you factor in critical, and Saleh's got an enemy phase against them. And to think, it actually looked like he might win somewhere! Druids! Saleh 3HKOs and doubles, Cormag 2HKOs and doesn't. Meh. Swordmaster! Saleh 2RKOs, Cormag 2RKOs. Meh. Orson? Cormag 5HKOs w/ <30 HIT. rofl. Saleh 4HKOs w/ ~65 HIT. Saleh wins. Durably? Strongest enemy on the map 2HKOs both. Silver Axe heroes actually potentially ORKO Cormag. Saleh has 14 more AVO before factoring in WTD/WTA. Oh, and don't forget that Cormag's facing crit rates. Yeah, Saleh still wins. And he definitely has Physic by now, too. Onto chapter 17. I'll say they both got a level, although it doesn't change much. 13 AS doubles fighters, cavaliers, and druids. 15 AS doubles valkyries, great knights, some pallies, the sage, and wyvern riders as well as the previous. If Saleh gets 16, he doubles everything but the Wyvern Lord, Zerker, SM, Heroes, and Lyon. Saleh borderline 2HKOs most promoted enemies, easily 2HKOs the unpromoted ones. Cormag, on the other hand, has trouble 2HKOing unpromoted enemies. Promoted ones (especially Warriors) just laugh at his pitiful damage and poor hit rates. Saleh also gets Fimbulvetr this chapter. Defensively? SF says that there's a shield this chapter, which Saleh can grap for 32 HP/11 DEF compared to Cormag's 35 HP/13.5 DEF. Occasionally this lets Cormag take another hit, but Saleh still has his avoid and 1-2 range on player phase to make up for it. And then Cormag has flier utility for this chapter against Saleh's staff utility. So, it looks like Cormag is actually starting to tie Saleh in non-offense areas! Unfortunately for Cormag, he's still losing after 6 chapters and there's only 4 left in the game. Onto chapter 18! Cormag wants to promote now to close the gap. 16/1 (Wyver Knight) Cormag Killer Lance/Short Spear. 38.95 HP 28.85/27.85 MT 101/91 HIT 16.15 AS 32 AVO 13.75 DEF 4.05 RES 37/7 CRIT 6.45 CEV 20/6 Saleh Elfire/Fimbulvetr 32.5 HP 27.5/30.5 MT 138/133 HIT 16/14 AS 48/44 AVO 11.5 DEF 14.75 RES 14 CRIT 13 CEV Offensively? Saleh loses to Cormag against Gorgons, although Saleh has ~50 more hit w/ light magic, so it's not as though Cormag's really destroying him here. Saleh easily ORKOs everything else if he doubles, Cormag misses Baels if he doesn't score a critical. And it's not as if Cormag's hit problems have gone away completely. 70-80 hit rates aren't amazing. Saleh just doesn't miss. Meh. Chapter 19! I'll give them both 2 levels. Cormag got another 2 HP, 1 STR, 1 SPD, 1 LUK, and 1 DEF. Saleh got 1 HP, definitely has 18 MAG, 1 SKL, 1 SPD, 1 LUK, definitely has 12 DEF, and is borderline on another RES point. Nothing but a few GK, Pallies, MKs, and Warriors have 11-12 AS, and only Heroes reach 18 AS, so Saleh can go to Fimbulvetr for clear offense wins against all the other enemies. Against those enemies? Cormag wins against MKs, but Warriors have a 4-7 DEF/RES gap and axes (lol>50 HIT lead), Pallies have 2-4, GKs 6-8 (Saleh can also potentially have >50 more hit here), and Heroes have 6-8 as well as axes. So Saleh still wins clearly in offense. But can Cormag finally pull off a major defense win? Not really. He's occasionally taking an extra hit, but he's still facing higher hit rates, existant crit rates, and has no good 1-2 range to use for player phase as well bow weakness. And Saleh has staff utility as well. Cormag just doesn't have time to create a big enough win (if he can create one at all) to come close to canceling out what Saleh's done. Just a quick comparison for endgame: 20/10 Saleh Excalibur (effective) B Gerik (5-6 turns a chapter. It's doable) 34.5 HP 55.7 MT 142 HIT 14.6 AS 50 AVO 13.7 DEF 17.15 RES 30 CRIT 24.6 CEV And he can take Elfire for 3 AS if it helps. 16/5 (or 20/1) Cormag Vidofnir (effective) 42.35 HP 51 MT 123 HIT 17.95 AS 44 AVO 14.75 DEF 4.65 RES 7-8 CRIT 7.85 CEV So, offensively, Cormag only wins if he doubles and Saleh doesn't and Saleh doesn't ORKO with another tome. Saleh has 5 + DEF/RES gap MT, 19 HIT, and 22-23 CRIT over Cormag otherwise. Defensively, it's 6.85 HP and 1.05 DEF vs. 6 AVO, 12.5 RES (I know it's just RES, but that's a lot), 16.75 CEV (guess who isn't facing crits?), and 1-2 range. I can actually see Saleh winning there. And Saleh still has his staff utility. So Cormag's hard pressed to win at all come endgame. Saleh has 1+ chapters of Cormag not existing, then crushes him for 4+, wins for a few, and then comes out about even at the end. I think it's quite clear who wins.
  9. Cavalier. She'll like that 3 MOV and swords'll probably help, too.
  10. Okay. Can you link me to what you have?
  11. Are you alright with Saleh vs. Eir. Cormag? He's fair bit better, but I'm not very experienced when it comes to debating. Also, do you have enemy stats for 12-Endgame?
  12. Rewjeo


    Whether it's dramatic or tragic, I just want Sasuke to die. I mean, it's not like there aren't any other potential villains left.
  13. A thought on the coins: Since their effect isn't random every time you use them, would it be considered alright to go through and figure out what each of your coins does, reset, and then make forges with the extra bonuses from the coins? I know it's a strategy I use, and it definitely helps to get through chapters faster at times.
  14. Sure. How does 8 sound? I don't particularly care who I'm defending. Oh, and I'll open. Man, I'm gonna get destroyed
  15. Merlinus has a face. He is eventually movable. There is only one of him. He can talk. While Int does bring up some interesting points, I'm inclined to agree with Reikken here. He is far more than a terrain tile. Also, Int's logic has some flaws. The tiles lack levels, growth rates (stats at all, actually), and individuality. You can't tier, say, fort. That would be akin to tiering myrmidons/swordmasters as one entity. You would have to tier every tile in the game. Do you realize how pointless it would be to tier every single grass tile in the game when they literally make no difference? Merlinus, on the other hand, is one unit. He has a map sprite, he's a single entity, he can enter battle, he performs a unique function, he exists for more than one chapter, he can move, you can choose whether or not he exists, he can be removed from play (AKA killed). I'd honestly tier enemy units before map tiles.
  16. So we shouldn't consider Alan and Lance supporting? Or Moulder and Vanessa? Or Kent and Sain? Generally supports are only brought up if they're likely to happen and really beneficial, like the ones above.
  17. Did that too. He's obviously better than her. Joshua's a pretty good unit, but he's probably the worst of the good SMs. Ehh, Fir's about tied with him, I think. But yeah, he's definitely not better than Rutger or Guy.
  18. Fighters and Brigands have a base speed of 4-5. He isn't getting doubled by them in chapter two. 36 Crit(- LUK) only lasts for ~13 rounds of combat even with crits factored in. It doesn't matter how much better Josh is than someone else statwise. It's how they compare to their own teams. Joshua never goes much above average while Rutger's better than the vast majority of your units.
  19. Lance is slightly better, but they're the two best units in the game. I use them both.
  20. Colm steals forever. He also can grab things in chapter 15 and isn't a failure at combat. He'll be deployed over Rennac. Well, the general consensus is that she is. Dancer utility is hard to quantify, but generally people think she is. Gilliam really doesn't have much trouble against the axers. Chapter 1 has soldiers, too. And past the first revenant chapter there are lots of non-axers, so he doubles loldiers consistently. Are you sure they all have 1 AS? I thought they had 0... If he gets two levels, he has a 51% chance of 4 AS. 3 levels, 65.7%. 4, 75.99%.
  21. I think that would work well, although I'd like a more in depth option, as well. One that's more like forging.
  22. Does Joshua have anything else going for him? Nope. Not even good supports. Moulder's got his awesome supports, and Natasha's got... well, I'm not sure about her. And they've both got staves. Colm is fair in combat as well as having thief utility- and being the only one with it for a long time. OMG she isn't as useful as Ninian? Wow, she must be awful if she isn't as good as Ninian! 0 AS soldiers don't even get to say hi before they get owned by Gilliam. Revenants, too.
  23. Fir>Marcus, anyone? Tactics are such a complete joke in this game, so Marcus is much less important than in an efficiency run. You can take an extra 7 turns a chapter earlygame and still have extra time. I'd say Fir's EXP+late game combat is worth more than giving us superfluous extra time.
  24. Fir>Marcus, anyone? Tactics are such a complete joke in this game, so Marcus is much less important than in an efficiency run. You can take an extra 7 turns a chapter earlygame and still have extra time. I'd say Fir's EXP+late game combat is worth more than giving us superfluous extra time. Edit: Whoops, wrong tier list. This is efficiency. nvm. I'll go post their.
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