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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Err, yeah. So do all of those units I listed. The point was she isn't special.
  2. His combat is awful, so the odds are he isn't promoting even at 10/10/1 until near the end of the game. At that point, his own offense is so bad that the summon's can't be all that much worse (if at all) while reaching farther and having other uses.
  3. Voted Z since I can't stand him losing to Eddie. But Mia's the best.
  4. What? Ewan gets a 4.5 and you say that summoner is "lol" when it's his best choice? I'm inclined to greatly disagree with this rating topic. I kinda' want to start my own, but I wouldn't want to when you just started yours.
  5. This game chucks so many promo items at you that Knoll promoting has virtually no cost. From then on, he has phantoms. That means he has like 7-8 range attack or something like that as well as okay offense. Phantoms are also highest priority on enemy phase so he can always guarantee an extra hit and can often have a good chance at more. He can also save someone who's in danger of being killed on EP with a phantom. Err, besides CON, Falcoknight is better than Wyvern Knight. Also, her MOV isn't THAT special. A list of units that could have high MOV: Seth, Franz, Kyle, Forde, Eirika, Ephraim, Lute, L'arachel, Natasha, Ewan, Amelia, Tana, Vanessa, Cormag. Probably forgot someone, too.
  6. Knoll<Rennac<Syrene? Whut? Knoll and Rennac should get the same score and Syrene should get, like, 1.0 or 1.5. Also, Knoll's durability is amazing. It's so good he can make your entire team invincible.
  7. Where can resolve save turns? Mordecai with WTF 40 DEF (IIRC) at base with it is pretty great, not to mention his high damage per hit.
  8. Well, I believe the tier list generally assumes that the player is perfect or near perfect, so I don't think that's too much of a problem.
  9. IMO, while it does make sense to credit Nino for 28x, we then run into the problem of where the line is drawn on what one unit gets credit for that another unit they recruit does. IMO, units need to either get 0 credit for recruiting someone or we need to make a rule that says that units only get credit for what a unit they recruit can do if they are never used, i.e. their inventory 99% of the time. And in a few cases, things like 28x.
  10. What? Unit w/ 30 AS and doesn't double: 30% chance of adept. Unit w/ 30 AS and doubles: 51% chance of adept. And then you factor in that it's probably something more like 26+ AS doubling vs. <=20 AS not doubling. It should go on someone who 3HKOs and has good speed and doubles. Even though it seems like it would be good for someone who doesn't double much, it's really much better on your earlier example.
  11. Might I ask what makes Scyther<Mareep (don't want to bother with Heracross, since I have no experience with it)? My level 13 Scyther handled all of Morty's gym trainers, making leveling easy, and has proceeded (along w/ Slowking) to be indispensible. Now, admittedly my team is very underleveled (at this rate, it'll be stretch to get a Typhlosion by the elite four without grinding) so its huge offense is probably more useful, but still, I'm curious. Also, if you're willing to assume that Slowpoke can evolve to Slowking (as soon as you beat Whitney is possible) then I can see it climbing. Its speed doesn't become completely atrocious (it almost always goes first for me, and even though it has the quickclaw, I doubt that it would go first that often) and is insanely durable and hits hard. Now, I don't know how level ups work in pokemon, if they use an RNG or if it's set, but if it's RNG, then this can mostly be dismissed as PEMN.
  12. All terrain tiles have stats. But different stats from units.
  13. Merlinus has the following that "other" ULEs don't: HP Stat, ATK stat, SKL stat, SPD stat, LUK stat, DEF stat, RES stat, CON stat, AID stat, MOV stat, EXP gain (although a different form), promotion, the ability for the player to control, deployed only if the player chooses, a class, a face, he's an individual, he has supports, he can "die", he can be attacked, units cannot move into the place that he takes up(Walls/Peaks/etc. don't count. Fliers), can hold items, allows us to use a certain action only while he is in play, has the ability to wait, etc.
  14. How many other ULEs are there? I mean, you CAN argue that tiles are ULEs, but they're far less UL than Merlinus, and I would say that they aren't ULEs.
  15. Wait, so you'll only get extra damage if you have an A rank in that weapon? The wording's a little confusing. Although it would explain why I wasn't seeing a damage difference for WT.
  16. Personally, I feel as though Merlinus could easily be tiered, and I'm indifferent as to whether or not he is. Although I feel as though it would be best to tier him and then people can choose to ignore him if they want. It's not like anyone's forcing people to discuss him if they don't want.
  17. It's tough. Honestly, both have a lot of crap, but both have their standouts, too. I'm really not sure.
  18. You could adjust the FE7 char's levels to those of the FE8 characters and then change their stats.
  19. Knoll is VERY underrated by the general fanbase. He's decent while he's around at just the cost of the Master Seal. Which is practically nothing, especially on Eph. Route.
  20. Are you sure that WTA gives +1 MT in this game? Last I played this game, I remembered noticing that WT only affected hit. Although it has been a little while, so maybe I'm wrong.
  21. Rewjeo


    I read somewhere on the main site that originally, Lachesis and Eltoshan were going to have a kid but that it was removed. Although it was unconfirmed.
  22. On its own. I tried to weaken it first with some other pokemon, but it OHKOd them first <_<
  23. My level EIGHT Togepi just beat Morty's Gengar. Didn't even take half of Extrasensory's PP. Although it did take all of metronome.
  24. I doubt that Shiida/Barst are gonna be good boss killers in 0% growths.
  25. Is the pokewalker considered? If it is, you can grab Nidoran F (not sure about M) before the first gym leader. I doubt it is, since there's no way to know when you'd unlock which route... Also: http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/hoennsinnoh.shtml Here are Hoenn/Sinnoh Pokemon available in HG/SS.
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