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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Why does everyone think Adept is good for Ilyana? Let's be nice and put her at 20/6. 18% chance to activate. 20% with a transfer. Mia has a 48.16% chance t activate, 51% with a transfer.
  2. No, it doesn't. Whether the cap is 20 and they reach it as soon as they promote or it's 25 and they reach it at 20/10, it still prevents the stat from getting any better.
  3. I wouldn't call him a doof. I like IkexElincia more than GeoffreyxElincia, but I still like it.
  4. Well, if we aren't using Rolf, do we care if he dies after recruiting Shinon? Or is the mage in a position that makes it so that Rolf has to spend one turn in its range before talking to Shinon?
  5. Maybe they're waiting for E3? I sure hope that they are, I want my next FE.
  6. I don't really want a unit doesn't cap a stat until, like, 20/20(/20) because otherwise it just prevents them from improving. All that Priscilla not capping stats means is that she has the potential to be even better. Someone who usually caps everything can't really be blessed at that point.
  7. Roshe isn't a god in NM. I've tried it before, and the only way to get him to potentially double is to go with Myrm for a while, and then his attack drops to awful levels for a while. If he sticks as cavalier, he WILL get doubled by some enemies, and WON'T double anything, except some AKs. Although, say, Gordin now has the potential to become really good, at least for player phase. But... Anyways, there's no reason to avoid attacking Minerva and her pegasus knights from a distance (important, because Minerva does a lot of damage with Hautclere) as it's pretty much free EXP. And the EXP from Gaidens is probably more useful than units you aren't using.
  8. Oh, Merlina (or whatever her name was) from Sonic and the Black Knight. Seriously, Sonic's liek "Why would I want a world where everyone's always happy and never dies or gets hurt when we could have this world that's about to fall apart where everyone's unhappy a lot and dies and gets hurt a lot?" Now, I don't remember it very well (I don't think I've ever seen everything that explains that) so maybe there's something that I'm missing, but from what I know, I 100% agree with her over Sonic. Although that whole game was, well, weird, so...
  9. Well, in Blazing Sword, there isn't any advantage to capping a stat. All it does is cut off your growth. In RD it helps for BEXP, so capping is a LOT better there.
  10. 20/20/1 Silver Sword Lucia (WTA factored in) HP: 44 DEF: 18.9 ATK: 35.5 HIT: 169 CRIT: 36 CEV: 20.8 AVO: 121 AS: 32 Ludveck Tomohawk: HP: 45 DEF: 26 ATK: 40 HIT: 131 CRIT: 16 CEV: 12 AVO: 58 AS: 18 She 5HKOs, won't miss, 24 CRIT. 42% chance to crit in two hits, 56% chance in 3 hits, 77% in 4. 16% Astra. 30% chance in two hits, 41% in 3, 50% in 4. 60% chance of KO in one round, 74% in 1.5, 88.5% in two, 100% in 3. He 3HKOs. at 2.1% true hit. ~1/100% chance of a KO in three rounds. So, thanks to 1-2 range, it is POSSIBLE, although there's only a .01% chance of it happening. Yeah, I'm guessing she's sorta supposed to be a SM there... or maybe unequipped.
  11. It doesn't make his goal any better, it makes HIM better. He's not your generic villain with a goal that's likely a cover up for "I WANT POWER", he genuinely believes in his goal.
  12. Maybe that's because those skills are linked to the dragons, not the unit itself? Does anyone know if Nihil affects Daunt?
  13. Thanks for ignoring "can potentially" there. That means something very different from "will always without a doubt be entering combat twice as often and will never ever dodge". And if you're going to say "she can promote later" then she has to deal with her sucking for longer. Note: I DO think she should go Ranger ASAP. I think what dondon's saying is that D swords isn't all that good, but it's a lot better than only bows. Edit: Also, 12/1 Neimi only has 20 ATK with an Iron Blade. With 9-10 AS. She probably has 3 at best from supports, maybe 4 ATK. Thats 24 ATK and 10 AS at best. Supportless 13/0 Franz (Hey, he only got one more level than her!) with an Iron Blade has 10.5 AS (.9 more than her) and 21 ATK. C Forde/C Seth gives him 24 ATK. Of course, she's on a horse, Colm's a thief, and Garcia could easily not be in play. So it could turn into a 4 ATK advantage for him as well as his 1 AS advantage. And this is with levels way skewed in her favor.
  14. They DO have an enemy phase. They have 1-range and aren't OHKOd. It isn't much, but it's better than Neimi's. They also get more EXP thanks to better offense against most enemies. Neimi wins against, like, mages, who she doesn't want to fight anyways. They win with everything else (well, soldiers take a few chapters, but...) and ALSO can potentially attack twice as often. That means they'll grow a lot faster.
  15. Wait.... we're comparing Meg to Gatrie when we aren't deploying her? Uh, okay then...
  16. But she STILL only has player phase, and hers isn't good. Her EXP gain isn't anything to rave about, even while horribly underleveled.
  17. Really? Neimi's getting 14 levels in 8 chapters? Do we even assume FRANZ gets that, let alone miss "I only have player phase, and it still sucks!"? More like 10/1, at best. He has 3 STR, 2.5 SKL, and 2.6 SPD on her. Maybe only the SKL and SPD thanks to Colm.
  18. Sonic and the Secret Rings. It's storyline is just laughable, Shara (or whatever her name is) is utterly useless, the gameplay is awful. Ugh. I actually really liked Sonic the Hedgehog for the PS3. You've got your good Sonic gameplay, and then Silver (who's gameplay I really like), and Shadow who gets to do some fun stuff. Although, IMO, Silver would've worked better as his own game (doesn't mesh well w/ Sonic) and Shadow should've gone back to his Sonic Adventure 2 self, but...
  19. Seriously? My 20/20/20 Micaiah wouldn't have had that without 2.5 speedwings DX I don't know why they didn't keep fixed mode.
  20. Try to avoid over-using Marcus early on, though. Not to say completely avoid him, but if you use him to much, then you'll end up worse off later.
  21. Can't Lugh be the son of Nino and Erk?
  22. Vanessa has supports. Yeah, I know I think people overrate them, but by chapter 19? B/B doesn't seem unlikely. Suddenly, she's taking 5-6 less damage per hit and needs to take more to be killed. She's also doing more damage and doubling more. And she was around for, what, 15.5 more chapters than Syrene? And she only gets 3.5 more points than her? @Dozla point: Dozla doesn't join in chapter 17, though. He joins in chapter ELEVEN. I don't care if he's worse than Syrene now, because we probably aren't using him now. What I care about is his ~12-~15.
  23. Well, at least in HG/SS you could actually BUY Metal Coats/King's Rocks as soon as you beat Whitney. Hopefully they'll keep that up.
  24. Err, Syrene joins w/ 27 HP/10 DEF. It takes 24 ATK to 2HKO her. W/ a Silver Lance, she has 26 MT, 15 AS, 106 HIT. In chapter 19, 2RKOs Mercs @85 HIT, Knights in 4 (doubles), 2 for myrms @75, 2 @ 80 for archers(doubles), barely 2HKOs fighters @ 70 (doubles), 2HKOs THIEVES, 2HKOs Druids and doubles (and loses 3/4 of her HP), 6HKOs generals (doubles), 2 for SMs @~70, 7 for GKs (doubles) @ 60 HIT (rofl), 4HKOs Heroes, 3-4HKOs Warriors @ ~55 HIT (may or may not double), etc. She's OHKOd by Silver Axes, ORKOd by the Brave Lance General, OHKOd by Silver Lances, she's even borderline OHKOd by SMs. Yeah, she has bad combat against unpromoted enemies, and her combat against promoted enemies is utter crap. Even Triangle attacking can get her killed. Now admittedly 18 can improve this somewhat, but still, a 4?
  25. Webbed paws (although usually people go with otter) and poisonous spikes on the feet (males only I believe)
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