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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Yeah, prepromoted is a pretty vague term. It could mean before promotion or promotion before. Personally, I think we should do "prepromo" for before promotion and "postpromo" for after.
  2. Arcanine, Mightyena, Houndoom are wolves, especially mightyena. And their pre-evolutions could be considered wolves, as well. I don't see how Kyogre resembles an Orca.
  3. Well, with that speed, he's probably doubling a lot to make up for it.
  4. Honestly, Eirika's son is so overboard on the gold and jewels that, IMO, he looks sorta feminine. I'm surprised you're taking character requests, given the huge number of characters there already are.
  5. Rewjeo

    Oh hey guys!

    The water one sucks. It is a disgrace to otters everywhere. EVERYWHERE. EVEN THE STUPID MENTALLY RETARDED DISFORMED EVIL ONES. The girl trainers really ugly, IMO. And whoever drew the boys face didn't do a very good job. It's lopsided =/
  6. Is that a property of the weapon, or is that because Ike's forced to bless Ragnell?
  7. Heroes, Sages, Cavaliers (but not GBA paladins), Great Knights, actually almost any horse-back unit except troubadours (they're just not that cool yet) and GBA paladins. Actually, extend that to any mounted unit. Gotta love lotsa move. I can't stand fighters, pirates, zerkers, warriors, reavers, etc. Low hit weapon, low SKL/LUK, no doubling means that they only get one chance to hit. And I gotta say, being RNG proof is really nice in FE.
  8. Seth might be the best tool for FE tiering- even better than FEDS Warp! Also, IIRC, Gill can double loldiers and revenants while taking no or practically no damage if he procs speed. 51% chance in two levels, 65.7% in three.. It isn't much, but it IS something. Although it's been so long since I used him that I may be thinking of NM.
  9. I'm gonna do ratings based on both limited Seth and Sethskip, so go back and read those on Seth/Eirika if you're interested. Balancing is still only for limited Seth, though.
  10. The TINY TINY benefit if higher durability and 2-range? What world do you live in? Durability's important (although Josh's pretty durable, so it's small) and 1-2 range is pretty huge, even in such a player phase dominated game. 7-8 for Natasha.
  11. Well, besides turncount, and efficiency run could get you a 1 on everything else since there's no incentive to not kill people/spend money/use BEXP. But, then, you'd at least get a better tactics rank. And that's when not even trying to get the ranks.
  12. It's self improvement for whoever you're using. Therefor no one is really "optimal deployment" except Seth. Ah, I see. I was thinking it had to do with Vanessa's weakness to ballistae. There's still a pretty good chance of one of them missing. Also, Tirado heals 8 HP per turn, so Joshua's actually got to do 56 damage on player phase attacks, 64 on enemy phase attacks. That's a 4-5HKO. 4-5/6 with a 66.79% chance of hitting isn't great. If you want to use Gilliam, then he'd be trained earlier. After all, plenty of it is just self-improvement.
  13. Chapter 6: Meh. I usually just bumrush that one with Seth since I hate it so much, so I dunno enough to really comment on it. Chapter 7: What do you mean someone "has to" deal with those enemies on the left side? They've certainly never bothered me before. Ever. By the time Seth/Vanessa'd get over there, the ballista would be empty. Chapter 8: Well, depending on how much treasure you're grabbing, you may be there a while anyways. My guess is you're just grabbing the Whip and Robe for efficiency, though. Anyways, against Tirado, I'm seeing Joshua at level 10 at best. This gives him 31 ATK to Tirado's effectively 16 DEF/40 HP. So, 3HKO, 2RKO, at 66.79 true hit. Even in one round, he's got a ~55% chance of missing. It's not great. Especially when 7-8 seems more likely. Chapter 9: Meh. butwhatifeirika'slevel13? Chapter 10: Gilliam might be pretty good for this chapter if he just heads straight towards the throne while other people head south. Besides that, though, none of them are all that good, and I'm not really sure about Gilliam. But after this Gerik's there. And soon, Saleh and Dozla show up. Meanwhile, Eirika's coasting along doing... whatever little she's doing. It seems pretty close to me.
  14. I'd say she saves .16 turns in the prologue since, IIRC, she has a 16% chance to crit. Maybe I'm not aware of your strategies, but I remember her doing things in 1&2 besides the brigand reinforcement. Although, thinking more on it, she was mostly killing things for EXP... Still, in 2, I remember her dodge-tanking some brigands from the south while sitting on terrain. Anyways, the thing is, whatever turns she saves, she saves. Joshua, on the other hand, gets the turns he saves-the turns someone else he boots saves. Which one outweighs the other, I dunno. And I see Joshua kicking off Gill or Tana or something like that, not Colm. If his combat is so bad, he's not being deployed. And if he's thieving, no one's kicking him off. Edit: Oh, and I forgot warp isn't infinite range in this game.
  15. I question Myrrh at the bottom of D Tier. She's tough to kill and do huge damage. I can see her being very helpful for warpskipping and taking out bosses. Although if she's at a lower level, she might have durability problems as well as doubling/2HKO problems, so I'm not 100% sure. Glad to see Knoll so high. He's so underrated by so many people. Poor guy. Even tries to save Magvel by warning them about an earthquake. And what does he get? Treated worse than the trainees. So sad.
  16. Wait, so we're warpskipping, but having more move matters? But she's deployed with no negative, so doing a little bit still adds up. Joshua still has negatives, and those might make him worse. Especially with the number of turns she can save in chapters P-4. Quite frankly, he probably joins right around the time her best period ends.
  17. And her having Sieglinde to help take out the monster bosses isn't helping with warp-skipping at all. /sarcasm Mainly, though, Eirika doesn't have to have a higher gross value than him, because she has no negative. She's maybe a 6.5/10 over the course of the game, but there's no negative. Joshua's more like a 8.0/10, but he's kicking someone off, easily dropping him to more like 6.0/10. And he gets his 7.0 thanks to being a 6.0 for a long time. BTW, those are pretty rough numbers I came up with on the spot, so...
  18. Was Cormag closer to it? That's the only thing I can think of that doesn't seem to advanced for the AI to do...
  19. I think one problem with Raven vs. Marcus is that if you use Marcus early, he saves turns and lets you make up for EXP later, making Raven worse. Or, if you use Raven, you can not get as much EXP, but save more turns so you can get EXP early on, making Marcus worse. Neither of them can do what is most useful if you use both of them. Or at least, that's what I've gathered from reading this debate.
  20. Well, it's not very hard at all to mess with class sets via hacking on an emulator. Although you can't combine all the classes together, unfortunately.
  21. I'm gonna agree with what Integrity said. Although I'm inclined to call Rolf's the best just because I enjoyed it the most.
  22. Eirika Eirika is, as I said in my previous post, only slightly above average combat-wise. Statwise, she's pretty much the definition of mediocrity. However she does have a few things going for her. She's around for 95.4545...% of the game on her route and 72.7272...% of the time on Ephraim's route. And every chapter she's in, she's forced. That gives her a lot of time to build up positives, even if she isn't doing very much. And her earlygame is pretty important, too. She's got pretty good offense(similar to Franz's, better than Gill/Vanessa thanks to hit rates), especially thanks to her rapier. It means that she's one of your best units for knights and cavaliers, although there her dodge-reliant durability can fall apart. Plus it allows for a 1-turn of the prologue. So she probably saves us a fair number of turns early on. In her own route, she also gets a second rapier, making for 80 total uses. And, once those finally start to run out, she gets Sieglinde, her own prf monster-effective sword. This is especially nice since there's some tough competition for Audhulma. She's also got a nice support with Seth for full ATK/DEF, which just so happen to be her two worst stats. She's also got reasonable supports with Ephraim, Tana, and Forde for full attack and half defense, although I doubt any are getting past C. Eir. Route: 9/10 Eph. Route: 7/10 Balancing: She is not forced deployment. But really, I'm gonna cut her down 3 base speed, but boost her growth to 82%. This way, her start isn't so good, but by level 15, she's back on track, meaning it doesn't affect her Ephraim route too much, but slows her down for a big chunk of her own. And afterwards, she still doubles everything. I'm not sure if this does everything, though. I may have to mess with her prf swords, and might just give her Dark instead of Light... Sethskip: Eirika doesn't do a whole lot here besides seizing, but she still has her rapier as well as being fairly important in her first few chapters, saving maybe 2-3 turns. Later, Sieglinde lets her maybe save a few turns, and at least do some self-improvement. She's forced deployment, but does almost nothing with it, really. So, this puts her at almost exactly neutral (5.5). But since she's just above neutral here: 6/10 Edit: Forgot to post her actual score
  23. Well, if all you'd need is someone to translate the kana (not the actual language) I could do it. I don't think I know enough Japanese to really translate it, yet, though.
  24. I think CATS is assuming that we're ONLY talking about EXP rank, ignoring the others completely, while CE is still taking them into account, but only discussing the effect on the EXP.
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