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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. How much BEXP do you have? If you have enough, you can make 1-2 other units decent in between massive amounts of BEXP and stat boosters.
  2. She also has 4 MOV while your mounted units storm ahead. Even if knight has better stats, 3 MOV in this game is huge. Not as huge as FE4, but still really important.
  3. If you're just loading statboosters on them and tossing them the best equipment then it doesn't really matter. If you AREN'T (which you definitely won't for a while) then, as you pointed out, Paladin's still better.
  4. No, it's more like Jagen's 1-10 vs. Minerva's 10-Endgame (AKA 15 chapters plus Gaidens) and even then I don't think Jagen's really doing anything special for more than the first half of that time at best.
  5. Because she really needs the speed. Anyways, I also think that cav->anything is good, although I usually make her go Paladin because I feel like she's supposed to be a paladin.
  6. Rewjeo


    SA meaning Sonic Advance or Sonic Adventure? Anyways, I like the Sonic games a lot. Generally, if we ignore the most recent games, they've almost all been great. The ones for the most recent generation of consoles have been pretty lame, though.
  7. The Final Confrontation was EPIC. Never played H5, but man, that chapter sounded HARD. And extremely epic, too. It must've felt good to finally beat back Medeus' armies and finally defeat the dragon himself. The hardest battles are always the most gratifying, no?
  8. How is it not possible? They are buyable at certain points in the game.
  9. Well why is Ena entitled to BEXP when Tormod isn't? And as for the whole "Wastes experience" thing, you really don't need that EXP. DB chapters don't require the DB to be leveled up. I mean, if you NEEDED every first-tier unit to reach tier 2 for part 3, then yeah, I'd say that wasting experience is bad. Too bad you don't.
  10. If you can get her there... She's pretty horrible at base. Even in EM she'll be doing horribly offensively, making it very hard to get her kills, and then her durability is also awful so you can't even have her use the time she needs to kill them. However, I'd have to say that if you can't get TORMOD to work properly, then I don't know how you could possibly beat the game using anything but Royals and Haar. Tormod's there to make Part 1 easier. If you can't use him well there (where he 2RKOs things at worst and has pretty good durability) then I have no idea how you could possibly have gotten Oscar or Nephenee (or anyone, really) to work well.
  11. Well, they also took a big blow to their utility with no rescuing. I was also mainly talking about in-game, though.
  12. New ones, although I'm not sure which section they go under: EM EXP gain. I, no joke, promoted Mia, Titania, Haar, Oscar, and Ilyana by 3-5 in EM. Shinon and Gatrie were close behind. And I got Geoffrey to promote in 2-3, and I just ran straight up to the boss. With a bronze lance. I don't know if it's possible to get full BEXP there in EM, what with the enemies getting one-rounded by Geoffrey wit ha bronze lance. EM BEXP gain. Going into part 4 with 118,000 BEXP in a run where I didn't care about efficiency. In case you care, 62,000 BEXP gets base Fiona up to 20/20/20. When you throw in the extra part 4 BEXP, by endgame I could probably choose any two tier one units to bring with me. And before anyone says anything, I don't usually play EM, I just felt like doing one for fun.
  13. Imagine an FE7/FE8 seize chapter. You just fill up your convoy with elixirs, and now you've got 15,000 experience to spread around your team. And that's ignoring any items you might have with your units in-chapter. 150 levels... You could have all three trainees at base level and pump them all up to 10/20/20, and then you've still got 900 EXP to use on someone else. Yeah, this would break the game.
  14. If they joined at the same time, maybe. Especially if this was like FE6 and he could S Rank all the weapons. But Seth has, like, more than twice his availability, and his extra is during the hardest part of the game.
  15. Statwise. I'm pretty sure that their utility is meant to counter that, though. Paladins are another good example.
  16. Figured I'd make one of these for RD. Anyways, here are a few of mine: Epic Wins: Eddie going into 1-2 and being able to double every enemy (Except maybe the myrms) with his steel sword. On my most recent playthrough, my Ilyana's been surprisingly tanky. 45 HP/21 DEF/27 RES for 3-E. Going to 4-E, she's got 45 HP/ 24 DEF/ 33 RES. 29 SPD is also pretty nice. She doesn't usually hit that until 20/20/17. Epic Fails: My Miccy on my most recent playthrough. She only got up to 11 speed in part 1 and hasn't gotten any speed since. She's also got screwed magic. And DEF. Seriously, I don't know what to do with her. She's going to 4-E with 28 HP/6 DEF/22 RES and 12 AS. Actually, promotion will boost that, but still. Sadly enough, I found out that if I had her attack Lekain with his Rewarp staff, he could actually one round her. If I could record my Wii, I'd probably record her attacking a bishop for horrible damage and dieing in return. She'll probably just end up healbotting and blessing Purge. Not that it'll really help much. She's barely pulling of two-digit damage with it in Part 4, and only at about 60 HIT. Is it possible to bless staves? If no one's tested it, I might try with her.
  17. Best: FE10 Elincia Worst: Syrene. If you train Est, she goes somewhere (Not, far, but somewhere) and Sigrun can at least do some chip damage at okay hit rates to let your other units ORKO. Syrene shows up and does nothing for you. I've never played far enough into FE6 to get Juno, though.
  18. If it weren't for the IkexOscar support, I'd say switch Oscar and Kieran. I'd still think about, even with the support, though. Then again, +45 AVO. Yeah, Oscar probably should stay.
  19. >_< Wow. Well, then, he actually should only have gained 2 levels in that time.
  20. Best: Seth Worst: Arran Honorable Mentions: Percy, Allan, Lance, Franz, FE9 Titania. Dishonorable Mentions: Fiona, Jagen
  21. I personally like Mage Knight more, but that's probably just cause I think she's ugly as a sage =P Although I do tend to use cavalry units in this game so the 1 extra move is pretty useful.
  22. If he lost 3 strength too, then I'd say Bandit's definitely a no go for Aran. I wonder how Axe Armor Eddie does: HP: 22/110 (19/85) STR: 11/65 (7/60) MAG: 0/5 (0/5) SKL: 8/65 (11/65) SPD: 5/75 (12/60) LUK: 8/45 (8/50) DEF: 12/35 (5/35) RES: 4/0 (0/20) Pretty awesome. I wonder how much better he would be...
  23. I got another idea. Instead of only being able to double, make it so you get an extra attack for every 4 AS you have on an enemy. So instead of us not caring whether you have 16 or 26 AS against 12 AS enemies (Hi FE7) the 26 AS unit gets to attack 4 times. That's a fairly extreme example, but it would give faster units decent offense against generals. Instead of doing 6x2 to 32 HP, they'd do 6x3 or 4 to 32 HP.
  24. Hmm, maybe I looked at Halb for the strength growth, whoops. And the 75% defense was just a typo. Although he could take the 1-E speedwing and he'd catch up in speed by 20/2. Actually, I'll take a look at Bandit Aran. Let's just see how awesome he is: HP: 29 STR: 11 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LUK: 1 DEF: 7 RES: 0 ... Are their growths amazing? Because those numbers are pretty awful. He just lost 5 LUK, so now his 1-4 is worse, and then he lost a lot in other stats: -4 SKL, -2 SPD, -4 DEF, and -2 RES. He got 1 STR and 4 HP... Yes, yes they are: HP: 85 STR: 85 MAG: 0 SKL: 105 SPD: 60 LUK: 80 DEF: 120 RES: 35 I'm thinking his caps would hurt him again. Those growths are pretty insane, but I honestly don't think this would really be any better than Armor Axe Aran. It has some small leads, but Armor Axe Aran is already capping out DEF easily, so he's not running into problems with his defense. The main thing is that Armor Axe Aran isn't facing crit rates, but Bandit Aran does have the potential to be 4HKOd in Part 3. He just has trouble getting there with his bases. Hmm.
  25. Looking at Axe Armor Aran: HP: 25/70 STR: 12/85 MAG: 0/10 SKL: 11/75 SPD: 6/50 LUK: 6/35 DEF: 15/75 RES: 4/5 The resistance hurts, but besides that he's pretty insane. Well, at least growth-wise. He needs 27 levels to catch up in speed, although with a speedwing he only needs to be 20/2. He gets a 1 base HP boost and 20% growth boost. He gets 2 base STR and 10% growth boost. He loses 1 SKL. He loses 4 base speed but gains 15% growth. He gains 4 DEF and 2 RES, but loses 20% of his RES growth (His RES is only ahead for 10 levels). Looking at his 20/1 stats: HP: 36.1 (+3.6) STR: 21 (+.25) MAG: 3.3 (=) SKL: 21 (=) SPD: 13.5 (-2.05[.05 with a speedwing]) LUK: 10.55 (=) DEF: 21 (=) RES: 6.65 (-.6) Hmm, it seems like caps hurt him. He'd have 24.05 STR, 21.75 SKL, and 25.75 DEF if it weren't for caps. Durably he'd have 3.6 HP and 4.75 DEF on normal Aran and 3.3 STR offensively. He'd have been pretty awesome for part 3. He's not that far away from being 4HKOd by tigers.
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