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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. How many people do we expect to be ready to promote at chapter 10? There's healers, but we shouldn't have a ton of unpromoted healers, and maybe a few others. It's not like there's a whole bunch of people lined up to promote with the first master seal, is there?
  2. IIRC, Giffca has extra speed that lets him double some things that Cain can't, and that makes them pretty equal.
  3. That. He could actually do up to 381 damage via an Ivaldi crit with maxed MAG on a 0 RES enemy, I believe.
  4. Characters. I'd like actual characters, not just fancy looking extra complex chess pieces. I wish they would've actually finished the Laguz Begnion war. I mean, the whole part 4 just seemed kinda stupid to me. Longer Part 2. Better balance. Classes were pretty unbalanced, availability, too, and then those units with less availability so as to build up levels are also often given mediocre at best stats, so they really aren't very usable.
  5. Sigurd easy. And as for the whole Miccy thing, PE really MN. I've had playthroughs where she has awesome speed. And then on my most recent one, 12 at 20/18.
  6. That doesn't really help her horrible defense, and she still needs a boost to her base strength. She could have +100 to her strength growth, but it's still a pain to level her up, so it wouldn't help her.
  7. Wait, how is that possible? Her average at 9 is 21.6, so before the Seraph Robe she would have had 12-13. Anyways, soundstough. Good luck with HHM.
  8. IIRC, Marcia does NOT join in 3-2, and she doesn't go to 2-3. Although I don't know about the other CRK chapter. I never got that far in that playthrough.
  9. She doesn't promote period. Although, she can OHKO the DK with a crit IIRC.
  10. If you don't recruit Haar, Marcia takes his place and doesn't go with the CRKs. Speaking of the CRKS, what happens if you don't get one, or if you get stuck with Astrid?
  11. Myrmidon/Mercenary Navarre HP: 19;90/19;100 STR: 5;30/6;40 SKL: 9;40/8;45 SPD: 11;50/10;45 DEF: 6;10/7;10 20/1 Hero/SM HP: 42/40.3 STR: 15.8/12.1 SKL: 17.65/17.8 SPD: 19.65/21.5 DEF: 10.7/9.7 They really should have left him as a mercenary.
  12. Or that sucky character could hide behind your main forces and run up and do something if it's helpful, thus making them>any unit you didn't deploy for that chapter.
  13. No. It would be most fair if we gave him a blessed 2-range sword so that he can attack Marth.
  14. That was quite simply hilarious.
  15. Yeah, that video sure is awesome. Gotta love the Mythbusters. And as for how Ike survives, he'd have 149 AVO before authority stars. Marth would need to have 40 skill to have any chance of hitting him on worst bio. So yeah, if we're tossing Ike an EarthxEarth support, he literally becomes invincible.
  16. Sorry, nothing rivals THAT. I mean, Ike doesn't literally turn Marth to dust. Marth's remains, however mangled they might be, would still be there. Oh, and I voted Ike.
  17. But he also has no negative because you aren't losing anything for deploying him.
  18. Well, he averages 37.4 SPD (31 Cap) and 26.1 DEF (24 Cap) and MAG on average is only .55 away, so that really isn't all that remarkable. Ilyana having the second highest STR, HP, and DEF in Micaiah's group. Haar had first in all of those. Not quite sure which that goes under...
  19. AK->General Roshea? Base Stats: 21 HP/110 10 STR/40 5 SKL/50 1 SPD/0 11 DEF/35 20/1 Stats: 49.7 HP 18.8 STR 14.5 SKL 5 SPD 20.95 DEF IDK if his defense is really enough to keep him alive, but if it is, which it might be with that HP, then this might make Roshea a half-way decent character.
  20. So basically, while females are still stuck with their usual set due to there being no female brute classes, the male characters would get to choose from any class besides peg/mamkute/thief/lord. How would this change the game, and how much do you think characters would become better. One thing that comes to mind is Hunter->Sniper Gordin. He gets 2 STR, 1 SKL, and 2 SPD. Defensively it's +2 HP and -3 DEF, but what with the whole 2-range only, I don't know how much that matters. And then at 20/1, he has 4 strength and 1 speed on normal Gordin. Actually, combining class sets A and B makes Archer pretty much usless. Any other characters you can think of who would benefit from this?
  21. So outside of 3-P and 3-1, there's no penalty for using any of the GMs? And in 1-5, it's the same but with the DB? Wierd. And @ Silith, I believe that one round is just for picking characters, not an actual playthrough.
  22. If you did kill him, I think that he'd probably just say what he says before he disappears and then warp away. That's what Lekain does if you kill him in 4-3.
  23. That was shut down by smash, so I'd take a look at his post and see if you can find something wrong with the comparisons. He completely ignored staff utility and, for whatever it's worth, B light for better tomes to use against monsters with WTA. WTD Elfire vs. WTA Shine Divine Mt 9 Hit 100 Crit 10 +1 DEF +15 AVO Elfire Mt 9 Hit 70 Crit 0 -1 DEF -15 AVO Of course, if she goes Sage, then she can use light tomes, but lightning instead of divine. Anyways, I don't really mind if Saleh<Lute, but a whole tier below Forde?
  24. I don't mind them dropping. And any thoughts on Saleh up? Currently, he's at the top of Upper Mid, but I think he could easily move up. I could even see him>Lute, maybe.
  25. To be honest, your "balancing" of the masteries makes me want to just say "Screw those, I just got an extra 30 skill capacity! Time for some broken skill combos!"
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