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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Here we go. Cavalier/Paladin Marcus HP 32/60, STR 9/25, SKL 14/20, SPD 11/25, LCK 10/20, DEF 9/15, RES 8/20 Allen HP 21/85, STR 7/45, SKL 4/40, SPD 6/45, LCK 3/40, DEF 6/25, RES 0/10 Lance HP 20/80, STR 5/40, SKL 6/45, SPD 8/50, LCK 2/35, DEF 6/20, RES 0/15 Wolt HP 20/85, STR 5/40, SKL 3/50, SPD 7/36, LCK 2/35, DEF 7/20, RES 0/12 Bors HP 23/85, STR 7/25, SKL 4/35, SPD 8/53, LCK 4/55, DEF 8/22, RES 0/17 Lugh HP 20/70, STR 8/20, SKL 5/50, SPD 8/43, LUK 5/25, DEF 6/25 RES 2/7 Rutger HP 26/85, STR 8/30, SKL 5/60, SPD 9/38, LCK 2/30, DEF 9/20, RES 0/15 Saul HP 22/85, STR 8/45, SKL 7/50, SPD 13/41, LCK 2/0, DEF 7/22, RES 0/12 Zealot HP 35/75, STR 10/25, SKL 12/20, SPD 13/20, LCK 5/15, DEF 11/30, RES 7/15 Treck HP 25/85, STR 8/40, SKL 6/30, SPD 7/35, LCK 5/50, DEF 8/30, RES 0/5 Noah HP 27/75, STR 8/30, SKL 7/45, SPD 9/30, LCK 6/40, DEF 7/30, RES 1/10 Klein HP 29/65, STR 13/30, SKL 11/40, SPD 13/43, LCK 10/45, DEF 11/12, RES 7/27 Percival HP 43/75, STR 17/30, SKL 13/25, SPD 18/35, LCK 12/20, DEF 14/20, RES 11/10 Hugh HP 30/95, STR 17/10, SKL 11/30, SPD 14/38, LCK 10/35, DEF 12/30, RES 6/0 Zeis HP 28/75, STR 12/50, SKL 8/45, SPD 8/33, LCK 6/25, DEF 10/15, RES 2/7 Yodel HP 37/20, STR 22/30, SKL 18/15, SPD 17/10, LCK 11/20, DEF 10/10, RES 25/20 Karel HP 46/215, STR 21/135, SKL 21/140, SPD 20/128, LCK 18/120, DEF 18/113, RES 14/105 Ellen HP 18/70, STR 5/55, SKL 7/35, SPD 9/16, LCK 8/55, DEF 6/12, RES 0/22 Thany HP 21/55, STR 5/30, SKL 4/55, SPD 10/48, LCK 5/55, DEF 9/13, RES 3/12 Dorothy HP 20/90, STR 7/50, SKL 6/45, SPD 5/41, LCK 3/30, DEF 7/15, RES 2/17 Lilina HP 18/65, STR 9/55, SKL 5/20, SPD 5/28, LCK 4/60, DEF 6/20, RES 3/12 Fir HP 22/80, STR 8/25, SKL 3/50, SPD 3/43, LCK 3/50, DEF 8/15, RES 0/15 Tate HP 26/70, STR 7/40, SKL 6/45, SPD 9/43, LCK 3/35, DEF 10/18, RES 4/7 Igrene HP 36/75, STR 16/30, SKL 18/30, SPD 19/40, LCK 9/15, DEF 13/7, RES 13/7 Juno HP 36/60, STR 11/15, SKL 13/40, SPD 20/25, LCK 14/40, DEF 10/10, RES 14/7 This seems to be a good class. Believe it or not, but the Paladin (F) class has 4 more base speed than falcoknight with only 5% lower speed growth. They're fast. Anyways, I'd say that we have a lot of units who'd like this. Of course we have quite a few that I think can be eliminated easily. Lugh and Hugh easily. Sure, Hugh has a great base strength, but lol10% growth means that his damage isn't going anywhere fast. Besides them, pretty much all the prepromotes besides Marcus and Zealot have no claim here. Lilina might have a shot here thanks to her good offense, but that's a stretch. Bors is also probably not going to take it since his strength is abysmal, and his skill is pretty poor as well. Too bad, though. His other stats are quite good. Wolt's pretty poor, too. Fir is probably out since she has horrible base skill and speed, and she isn't excelling in growths there. HM bonuses might help her, though. Thany and Tate want this class (It pretty much improves them everywhere, especially Thany's durability.), but they don't do much with it compared to other units. Oh, and Ellen is probably out. 9 base speed? Yes pl- With 16% growth? No thanks. Now, for units that have a good claim. Obviously Allen and Lance. Dorothy is also pretty good here. Saul does pretty well here, too. And of course Marcus and Zealot have a good shot at this for utility, although Marcus might go Bishop/Sage. I'm getting lazy, so I'm gonna cut this short here. 1. Dorothy 2. Saul 3. Allen 4. Lance 5. Marcus 6. Igrene 7. Tate 8. Zealot 9. Trech 10. Rutger
  2. Ivysaur. Vine whip and bullet seed are amazing (I killed two lvl 9 computers with 300 HP in stamina mode without getting touched using only those moves.) and his up smash and midair down smash destroy everything. Squirtle's okay. Water gun is lame (So is fludd. Seriously, Mario went from having one of the best moves to possibly the worst.) but his other moves are decent. Charizard's possibly my worst. Rock Smash would be great... if it was fast enough to hit anything. Fly's good for recovering, but not so much for damaging, and Flamethrower is only okay. Squirtle's good for SSE, but when Brawling, Ivysaur is one of my best characters.
  3. I feel like Sheik got worse from Melee. She was probably my best in Melee, but in Brawl, she's one of my average characters. Ike destroys everything with his smash attacks, and Aether is awesome simply because you can save yourself from death with it.
  4. Hard to say one. I like quite a few from the first two generations though. One that I've never liked? Milotic. It's ridiculously annoying (Water pulse does 90% damage to Tropius who then Solar Beams Milotic for ~10%. WTF) and looks repulsive. I mean, a fat, malformed mermaid? WTF?
  5. I'd say all the trainees are fine as long as you don't mind using the tower. However, not using Seth on the prologue will result in a LOT of restarts. She gets 2HKOd and ~50% hit and 2 or 3RKOs in return. After that, however, is no problem. Knoll is only good if he goes summoner instantly for summons and staff utility. And how is Lute boring compared to the other mages? There's Ewan and Saleh, and I don't see how she's more boring than them. And since when does being unattractive mean that she's bad? Really, though, if you don't want to use her, Ewan can easily substitute her with some tower abuse.
  6. I don't see Nolan doubling them unless it's on EM, and even then he might need to either be RNG blessed or overleveled. Volug I can see, and Edward if you trained him, but that's a pain outside of EM.
  7. I agree that Tormod shouldn't be punished very much for his poor part 4. If we have a unit who is exactly as good as Tormod compared to the team for the exact same time, and sucks exactly as much and for exactly as long, but goes from bad to good, you would give them the same score. However, it is quite obvious that Tormod is better because he is good for a while and then sucks later, but he doesn't have to do anything. Our other unit is required to suck to become good.
  8. I'd do SD way. It doesn't make sense for someone to randomly know how to use high level tomes. I could help with the class thing, too. I could do, say, cavalier/paladin while you did mage/sage. It would save quite a bit of time.
  9. I was just pointing out why other people would like it. If you take someone from a class with lower base growths and stick them in a class with (a) high base growth(s), then you're getting someone who's awesome instead of someone who's just good. He's not bad, but when I can take someone (who already might have similar growths to him) and boost their attack growth by 20%, he's less likely to keep it. Maybe this would work better if we took a class instead of a character so we can compare everyone and then pick say, 3 or 4 extra people over the class limit and order them in terms of who's best. Then, if that person was better in another class, everyone below them would move up. Edit: Well, sure. You could just compare the difference in the promoted classes and apply that to the unpromoted classes.
  10. Saul has a 65% magic growth as a mage. Wolt has a 60%. Zeis has 70%. Lugh's is 40%. 'Nough said.
  11. Lugh? Hmm, well, Mage/Sage is a wanted class, so we probably want him out of there. I'm thinking this'll be a problem with all mages. They have the highest attack growth in their group, so anyone coming from Mage will have poor strength, while if we take say, a healer or a myrmidon or an archer that had a good growth, they'd have an amazing magic growth. I guess archer. Mage is the only way for his offense to not fall into a hole, and someone else probably wants that. His next best option is wyvern rider, which is also a wanted class, and even then, his offense is pretty lame. If he goes archer, then he might have some instant utility. That strength base is okay, and his speed might just be enough to double something. And if he got a few levels, he at least might have enough speed to double often and put things into the zone where anyone you want can kill them.
  12. He said that his favorite character is Lyn, that this playthrough Kent has been his most useful, and that on that same playthrough, Rebecca has been slightly worse than Wil. He never said that Lyn or Kent is the best in the game, and he never said that Rebecca is always worse. Anyways, I'm gonna go with Hector. He's forced, and while he has a late promotion, it's not that hard to level him slowly and still keep him just as powerful as your other units. After promotion, he has more room to grow and gets Armads, so being underlevelled is never really hurting him much. I'd say being forced, having two prf weapons and being one of the best units (And only really being beaten by prepromotes, even then) even underlevelled shows that he's the best unit in the game.
  13. I'm pretty sure he sees what a unit's growth rate is and then compares it to the class. He takes the difference and adds it to another class. For example, Unit X has 90% HP in CLass A which has 80%. If Unit X changes to Class B which has an HP growth of 55%, then Unit X's HP growth becomes 65%. Edit: Nevermind, beaten to it.
  14. I'm gonna go with those letter things. I assume A is best, C is average, and F is worst? Here goes. Class: Martial Artist? Level: 5 (I've done quite a bit of sparring) Weapon Level: Strike D HP: C I have pretty average stamina. STR: I'll go with C, although it really depends on the technique. I guess I could just implement that into the class, though. SKL: A I'm really good with technique, so this is my one good point. SPD: B I'm pretty fast, although I'm definitely not the fastest out there. Luck: ??? Defense: C I don't like being hit, but I can take some. Resistance: In terms of strong mindedness, I guess a B, in terms of resistance to things like fire? I'm pretty sure I have an F, along with everyone else here who doesn't own a heat suit.
  15. My best? Ike, Marth, Pokemon Trainer (specifically Ivysaur, although Squirtle is *okay.*) and Lucario. Worst? Metaknight, Dedede, and Diddy Kong.
  16. I don't care at all. I'm not a loser (I think) so I didn't vote, but it like, never happens, so whatever. In fact, whenever it does happen, it's usually humorous.
  17. Not entirely. Sometimes you can learn useful things about characters. Although I must admit, arguing debating is fun.
  18. Florina. She has more availability, and doesn't cost me money. Oh, and from PEXP, she's beaten the crap out of Fiora. She does significantly better than Fiora on her joining chapter. She actually usually manages wins in spd, skl, and def, while occasionally winning the other stats. One time around, I actually had a Florina with = HP, +1 STR, +1 SKL, +1 SPD, +4 LUK, +1 DEF, and +1 RES when she was one level below Fiora. Then compared to Farina? She had like, +9 HP, +8 STR, +6 SKL, +8 SPD, +4 LUK, +4 DEF, +7 RES. Of course, that doesn't mean anything since she had like, +1/-2 HP, +3/2 STR, +3/1 SKL, +2/1 SPD, =/-4 LUK, +3/5 DEF, and +3/4 RES compared to her averages, but still, it's pretty much cemented my view on the best.
  19. I'm pretty sure Bishop is the best for combat due to slayer, although I also like sages and mage knights.
  20. Why would we put Marcus in sage? I mean, it's probably HIS best class, but that means someone else is getting a worse class. I'd probably stick him with bishop if I really wanted him to heal over sage. 15% growth difference is bad, but I'm pretty sure it would give him a higher staff rank and it means a better unit gets sage and a 15% higher magic growth. I'd probably stick him in either bishop (healing) or wyvern lord (Better durability and no movement loss for rescuing). Really, it depends on who else fits into those classes. In the end, he might actually go to a horrible class for the sake of getting someone else out of it or he might stick in paladin since there are 7 slots for that, and he does what he does just fine as a pallie. Marcus has low priority since he has poor bases and horrible growths, so I think that in the end, we'll just stick him with whatever close to the end.
  21. So? Ever heard of FE:7 Guy having base strength at 20/20? And yet he's still up high on the tier lists. Fire Emblem level ups are not set. Although I must admit, Nolan is always like that for me. Well, at least after like, chapter 2. Once on easy mode I trained him to Reaver, and he was still like that. And yet, he's in high tier. Obviously Nolan is usually good, but we've just had poor luck with him. That doesn't mean he's bad.
  22. Same thing here. Dang Part 2, I just wanna get to Part 3.
  23. Nevermind. Someone can delete this post.
  24. Moulder's always been better for me, although honestly, I've never gotten much more out of them than other units. As for Colm, I'd say he's very good, as far as thieves go. He actually has enough offense and durability to hold his own on the battlefield while still having thief utility. Using him is probably easier than not, especially if you're willing to Tower him up to a decent level.
  25. Really, it all depends on your preferences. GK has better promo bonuses (and maybe caps, I don't know.), but Paladin as +2 move. If you think that +2 move would be really useful, go Pallie, but if not, go GK.
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