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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Then you need to be smarter and more responsible when it comes to being dumb and irresponsible. You're clearly not doing it right.
  2. Do you think it's possible to laugh so hard that you can't breathe for long enough that you pass out?
  3. These questions are bad, annoying, meaningless. i am busy, stressed, sleep-deprived.
  4. No. Nothing related to having kids sounds pleasant.
  5. Have you ever met a dog? Anyways, tigers are not domestic animals, and they're also not social animals. That's that. The tigers might be content for now, but as soon as it suits them, someone will die.
  6. I would convert to Mormonism and hide out with them in the mountains forever. Or
  7. This really depends. During the summer, most days, sometimes even twice in one day if the situation calls for it. When it is cold and dark when I wake up? I only shower when I feel gross.
  8. A man is an adult male human. Or potentially it could refer to all humans, i.e. all mankind does not typically exclude women and children.
  9. Nay, you most certainly mayn't.
  10. I don't actually like being wished a happy birthday myself, so I don't wish other people a happy birthday, either.
  11. As far as hobbies go? Um, everything, I guess? Way more music, way more theater, way more writing. Probably more time on video games, but the long stretches where I don't play at all may balance out with the days where I play nonstop.
  12. It's not helpful for either of those. You have to understand why they're there to understand their value, and the two are going to look for completely different things in units, anyways. A character guide or, you know, discussion are what will help people. Tiering itself is not the end, it is the means to one.
  13. Ah, okay. For some reason I was imagining you were not so far east. Yeah, picking Vermont over the Rockies because of proximity makes sense. Also the air quality probably isn't so terrible there in the winter.
  14. Going off of a "normal" American dialect, it suggests "known" over "none." The "none" sound would probably be ナ based on my experience. This should hold true for Aussies, Brits, and Canadians from what I know, too. Of course, "known" could be pronounced as anything from non to nəoʊn, but I think that's still a better approximation for the sound of the kana than nʌn.
  15. I can't give you that, but I can give you a 0DS if you want.
  16. why is that your list and not, like, utah or colorado or something Anyways, as far as states I have done more than pass through... New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, North Carolina, Michigan, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico... and I think that's it. I'll be adding more this year through college visits, though.
  17. Has anyone tried finding anything from the kana? It might be a case of something being Japanese-ified strangely and that getting lost when it is pulled back into English. The kana does suggest bowl-guh-known, though.
  18. The fact that winter exists concurrently is pretty annoying. Although if it stopped snowing in, say, January instead of May I would be okay with that.
  19. Autumn is my friend's annoying kid sister who still tries to cry her way out of everything. Not a big fan, personally.
  20. Single, want it that way; looking for someone with four paws and fur; I'd like to be a successful author/actor/composer/theoretical physicist, ideally.
  21. Two older sisters. We're best buds. And they have cats.
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