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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I recall there being a problem with not being able to get the right analog stick to work with PS3 controllers. I'm not sure if that was an OS specific problem or what, though. Other than that, you should be able to get it to work fine.
  2. I definitely agree with the dislike for the soundtrack, which apparently isn't such an unpopular, opinion, but whatever. The only soundtrack that I can even remember is that one map theme that sounds like everyone in the orchestra is horribly out of tune. For an actually unpopular one, my favorite character in the game is Pheros. At best, the playable characters were funny for a little while before getting repetitive and boring, and the rest of the villains honestly would have been more interesting if they showed up as generics with unique weapons and models and high stats.
  3. I don't recall seeing anything in Awakening to suggest that Ylisse is feudal, but it would make sense for Fred's family to have a small fief.
  4. My time matters, and I'll gladly be wrong and entertained all day than right and bored all day.
  5. If you have 25 skill and double, RfK boosts your chances for activating from 44% to 58%. If you have 35 skill, it boosts that 58% to 70%. 40 skill and it boosts your chances from 64% to 75%. Assuming the unit only has one of Sol/Luna/Ignis there, Aether would effectively boost those chances to 57%, 71%, and 77%, in comparison. DS+ changes an 84% chance to a 91% chance or a 91% chance to a 96% chance. If our unit has Sol and Luna already then here's how Aether and RK affect your odds (again assuming you double): At 25 skill: 82% w/ RK, 76% w/ Aether At 35 skill: 91% w/ RK, 88% w/ Aether There are numbers. Think of them what you will.
  6. Between this comment and the whole "FE would have died if Awakening sold badly" I think we can pretty confidently say that we're going to see a 3DS FE14. Although having SMTxFE on WiiU confuses me if that many sales really are necessary.
  7. Couldn't be the arrow pointing to the right, could it? :P Anyways, I wonder if that will be an exclusive stage or a shared one. There are plenty of sidescrolling console Marios, after all.
  8. FE12>>>FE13, as far as Marth's design goes. I'm pretty sure FE13's Marth only got that redesign to make a certain spoiler believable, too, making FE12 Marth more canon, (if that makes sense) IMO.
  9. I'm fine with all of your names, but just a handful of thoughts, if you care: Never even consider Rutoga. It's not romanization, it's romaji. It's no more reasonable to use that than it is to have Roi, Makasu, Aren, Ransu, Woruto, and Bozu (just guessing on what their Japanese names are) be your starting party. I have mixed feelings on Ogier. I like the pronunciation, but it just looks like Ogre to me :/ I personally fall on the Oujay/Ojay/whatever side of the fence, but I'm sure I'd get used to Ogier. I don't particularly like Jerrot, but you don't really have any good options for him. You could kind of justify Jared or something, but that's a stretch and also FE10. I kind of want to suggest Jarret over Jerrot, but that sounds really nitpicky to me, and may not actually carry over the correct pronunciation. For Arcardo - I'd just drop the o for Arcard. Arcardo kind of feels like a Rutoga style romanization to me. Edit: Allen makes Alance not as good a name combination :( Also, are Allen and Alan actually pronounced differently?
  10. He's a pain to recruit, and by the time you can manage it all you'll have left to do is endgame with a team that can 2 turn it without thought and 1 turn it with some "clever" use of Rescue. .5/10
  11. I'm fortunate enough to go to a ridiculously nerdy school where a sizable chunk of the student body doesn't date and hasn't even kissed anyone. Which is handy because it means nothing comes of my complete and utter lack of desire for a relationship.
  12. Still something like this. I kind of want an FE that's just a flat out tragedy in the end.
  13. He joins with subpar stats, especially once you factor in supports, and he exists for maybe a handful of paralogues and then endgame, so he doesn't have the time to fix his problems. Not that he really has great options for fixing them anyways, what with his meh reclass options and almost nonexistent support options. 1/10, and add on -1 bias for being a disgrace to FE's otherwise solid list of tragic villains to make it 0/10.
  14. Man some of these new names (talonflame also comes to mind) are awful.
  15. Her average at level 15 is 11.9 so that is as average as she can get.
  16. There's an entire drafting subforum, and another one for other game drafts. That's hardly a new thing to FE. Sumia gets Galeforce especially easily due to her availability and how ridiculously powerful she is with a Fred Pair Up.
  17. I had Avatar high enough for Ignis and Chrom high enough to pass Luna down to Morgan, who I recruited ASAP. That didn't change the fact that Lucina was leagues behind the rest of my team. I could put a 1-2 range weapon on any of my other units and watch things die, while Lucina needed Falchion to reliably 2RKO, and was doing so with 2-4 less movement than everyone else. She was also far less durable than other units. I recall her being reliably 2-3RKOd, with maybe some enemies only pulling a 4RKO. It's not like she didn't improve, but she was never particularly spectacular; and with Morgan as her pairup partner, all she really did was provide him with durability and +1 MOV (not that I can hold it against her for being worse than Morgan). She actively needed to be babied for several chapters to be just another unit. Morgan could at least go Dark Mage and just Nosferatank for a couple paralogues to get up to speed and then some, in comparison. That's the only kid I'd rate as superior to her, though.
  18. I found that Avatar!Lucina did not live up to the hype at all. She was still a fragile unit with subpar offense and no support partner.
  19. Pretty sure that works for every state ever. Countries with self esteem issues don't last long.
  20. Lucina, at level 10, joins a well established team with high movement, great stats, and A/S rank supports. Lucina has bad stats, 5 MOV (fixable through reclass, although she may lose her sword rank - and falchion), and C supports with her parents. Relatively bad offense and relatively awful durability do not a good unit make - her start simply sucks. Being 2-3RKOd on a team that you can pretty much plop anywhere without dying is bad. 3RKOing those enemies back isn't any better. She really requires you to baby her, and in the end you don't get anything abnormally good. She's just... on par with the rest of your team. 4/10, and add -1 bias onto that for being boring and the only unit I regretted using in this game for 3/10.
  21. I haven't exactly studied US history in depth, but I was of the understanding that the US started intervening in other countries' affairs to indirectly combat the USSR. Now that we've established that it's "okay" to intervene, the government basically does whatever is politically convenient while justifying it morally, even though it should be painfully obvious that the those are really not the primary reasons for any conflict we've been in... ever, that I can think of.
  22. Hmm, I'm having a tough time seeing Henry on equal footing with the likes of Anna and Fred here. Henry's speed isn't awful to fix, but he really, really wants DF!Sumia to be in play and open for a support, as well as whatever speedwings you have, and tonics as well. There's some good news for Henry, too - dark magic. Nosferatu is great for getting him EXP as it lets you dump him somewhere and tank, while Ruin is helpful for maximizing his ORKO chance. Once he promotes, he becomes basically an invincible ORKO machine, like much of the cast, but doing so with 8 MOV or while giving Sumia MAG/DEF and +1 MOV is pretty sweet. Unfortunately, he doesn't really do anything too unique to make up for his cost, so I'm giving him... 5/10 He's neutral. But he amuses me, so 6/10 with bias.
  23. With tonics, renown awards, a forge, and a pair up (plus maybe some luck with statboosters appearing in shops) you could probably make Donnel kind of okay right off the bat. +10 to HP and +6 to everything else (before pairups) is pretty huge.
  24. Oh, okay, I guess my opinion is wrong then? FE5 made me think about more than bumrushing the boss, and I liked that.
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