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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. It's not a dating sim; it's a eugenics sim.
  2. I somehow have managed to never actually witness serious console wars. I've come across people jokingly saying PC Master Race (but really, I do play games almost exclusively on my laptop) and that's pretty much it. Other than some XBox One shenanigans, of course.
  3. I'd cut Chrom, Lucina, Robin, Roy, and FE10!Ike. Dream team? Um, this is hard. Naga and the TRS dragons or something because invincibility?
  4. 9: No. I never even bothered trying to identify with the Avatar (whee FeMU named Robin) but it still sucked. 10: Mounts. Mages are usually pretty meh, and OP mounts are part of that.
  5. It's because you're from... New Jersey.
  6. Should be at school/at least doing the homework I've had a week to do. Posting in fftf. Guess.
  7. *fix'd Anyways, moving away from Disney: So is Samus going to be able to overheat or something now to change up her gameplay?
  8. We might, dare I say, discuss Fire Emblem!
  9. They are both acceptable foodstuffs.
  10. I have only ever been warned once anywhere. And it was for saying that something "sucks the fun out of the game" and using the word "suck" in any context poisons the minds of children or something, as the mod/admin/whatever let me know via PM. 11 year-old me knew to get the heck outta there, thankfully.
  11. Colleges look at 9th grade. In some places you still go to a middle school building in 9th grade, but your grades there count. Mind you, colleges don't just look at your end GPA, so if you end up getting 4.0s later a few lower grades before won't matter too much, never mind what extracurriculars might do for your chances.
  12. I don't know for sure if I got Morgan first, but he was the only kid I bothered using the first time around regardless of when I recruited all of the others.
  13. My school gets Pizza Hut pizza for pizza day.
  14. whether i wear socks/shoes/neither is really a case-by-case decision for me
  15. 7 I guess 9 will be good again and then everyone should run from 10 and wait for 11
  16. Then there's just the SPD-WT thing. If anyone would actually pick that... Anyways, while I like the idea of AS being modified by WT, it has never really been implemented well, IMO, and I don't oppose the loss of weight.
  17. Slept for 7 hours straight last night. It was beautiful. Otherwise, every night but Saturday night, I usually am in bed for 8 hours and sleep for like 5 hours because I wake up at least once an hour gahhhhhhh. Saturday night I sleep for about 10 hours, only waking up once or twice in there.
  18. I would like it if magic mattered more in general. As things are, though, the magic triangle isn't something I usually pay attention to. It affected some things in the GBA games occasionally, but I think I just ignored it in Tellius and was fine.
  19. Fixed. Because that is hardly a FE specific thing. I really don't mind the lack of helmets in PC portraits, since it lets us actually know what they look like, but I would prefer to have them helmeted in-combat when an enemy of the same class would be.
  20. This is a really hard question. There are so many people from the past that would be really worth meeting. I'm reading the Oresteia right now, so maybe one of the Greek playwrights so I can get copies of all the plays we've lost while I'm there? Because that's easier than deciding between guys like Socrates, Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Bach, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Edit: Derp, missed the "or more" in the question. Um, everyone maybe?
  21. I don't think you understand the range of American music. Americans have written pretty much every kind of music ever, bar music styles from before there were truly "Americans."
  22. I'm really not a fan of the modern pop sound, rap, or hip-hop. Basically any other genre I at least can like a song. I just don't like the sound of those genres.
  23. Not necessarily. He'd only be one-quarter manakete, and who knows how that works out. I mean, it's possible Ninian could have passed on none of her manakete genes. Which would make Roy genetically the same as if he was the child of Eliwood and Ninian's father... Although applying science to FE is a bit iffy.
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