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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. FE8. FE12 is one of two games in the series (the other being FE7) that I just don't really enjoy playing despite having no real problems with
  2. It really depends on the specific instance. Every season is sometimes awful and sometimes amazing. Weather is just too fickle here for me to be able to pick one.
  3. I feel like writing a "good" essay and cheesing your way through have a tendency to be synonymous, at least with certain teachers. So yes, I have cheesed my way through assignments.
  4. As a tiny child I did (and apparently hated) t-ball (or tee ball or whatever) and later did stuff like soccer. I now avoid all balls. I'm still legally a minor, so I guess my extracurriculars I do now could count? Tons of music (mostly violin) and tons of theatre and also some Taekwon-do (and for some reason Firefox wants that to be Taejon-do...)
  5. it does say "exclamation (also herp derp)"
  6. The thing that really bothers me about literally having the new definition added is that it is inconsistent with everything else. When people use literally to add emphasis, it's hyperbole. You don't see every colloquialism or use of figurative language added to the dictionary. Why this one?
  7. Hm, my textbook used that, but it may have just been a "here learn more kanji!" kind of thing. I wouldn't exactly call myself a reliable source on the subject either, though.
  8. I guess it can. It depends on how you write it. 一人 (literally "one" and "person") and 独り (as far as I can tell, here it's all just for pronunciation; someone more proficient in moon may know better) are pronounced the same but mean different things. Edit: Actually they may not be pronounced the same. I've never used hitori as alone in a spoken conversation with a Japanese person, but hitori meaning one person is pronounced more like sh'tori than ひ-と-り。
  9. Zelgius did a pretty crappy job of making it a fair fight, as he acknowledges later on since Greil is intentionally crippled at that point. Also apparently Zelgius knows about the weapon triangle and had the advantage that way and still went. If his "best" was "oops I guess you're crippled and, well, if you insist on using Urvan, I'll just kill you super easily" then, um, how is he in charge of such a massive army and why is he handpicked by Sephiran? Meanwhile, Pelleas goes to war to save his people and, more importantly, dies for them. Not even charges onto the battlefield or anything - he just commits suicide via wimpy mage lord with a knife. I don't think you can call it being a nazi to the laguz when he treats himself the same way - disposable if it will save the people of Daein. That's simply put. I'm not going to type up an essay on this, but for all of Pelleas's faults he is inherently goodwilled while Zelgius is kind of sociopathic.
  10. This exactly. This is how I spent New Year's Eve and I have no regrets.
  11. Nodoame is a cough drop, although Japanese cough drops are pretty tasty, I recall. A friend accidentally bought some thinking they were candy at first. Hitori means "one person." I guess I should've phrased that first post as "one person rather than a cough drop" for ultimate moonspeak-whatevers, but oh well.
  12. I agree, it would be much better with a person rather than a cough drop singing. moonspeakers gather to understand what I'm saying
  13. *dying Death itself actually doesn't concern me at all which itself is mildly concerning but actually dying sound generally miserable to me. Also I have a whole bunch to live for, but being dead doesn't sound so terrible to me. As far as fears go? Basic (generally rational) ones like heights. I do have an unusually strong aversion to pain, but I actually have a decent tolerance for it when something happens that I really have to sit through. Dread is by far the worst part of it. That actually describes me in general. Mostly I avoid doing things because I dread them, but if I need to do something for some reason I'm usually not that bothered by it. There are also a lot of things I find unpleasant but don't really fear.
  14. I would cry if you made me go. Not because of Miku or anything, it would be cool to see the hologram. But... concerts... ewwwwwwwwwwwwww.
  15. According to reference.com, "The wyrm is an alternate spelling of worm or wurm, a European dragon" so wyrm is not "why-rm." As it turns out I have been pronouncing wyvern wrong for a very, very long time though.
  16. Only if you're me and are terrible at slicing bread. Anyways, this topic has already been made over in the games section: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42606
  17. wait boney's been a member since Feb 2009 but boney was born Aug 2012 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
  18. What other notable games have come out? As much as I love this series, Awakening is not the one I would choose to do well.
  19. I'd want to see one in person first, but if it actually can be easily and safely pocketed and is comfortable to use, I would actually buy this over the other models. Because I am cheap.
  20. I really don't think Harken excels in SPD. I've gotten him up to a level 4 Merc before and never had him break 8 SPD. As someone who is technically part of the team I feel like I should probably know this better :/
  21. Really? My Harken's have all been slowwwwwwww. Like getting 2 SPD across eight levelups every time that I've played. Marcus, meanwhile, has been hitting plenty hard for me and, um, actually doubling more than Izzy before this last update because she never broke level 3. This last time I've played through, though, all three trainees were pretty equal in terms of usefulness. I still haven't done C5 with the update, though, so we'll see how that goes.
  22. The worst part of this is when it happens in literature.
  23. Didn't find anyone when I searched, fortunately. Knowing my dad, he's probably already tracked down my entire extended family and had them removed.
  24. I don't feel like Kein and Alva are really a red/green cav duo. I mean, up to that point Cain/Abel and Alec/Noish were the only clear cav duos. It wasn't until Kaga left that we got them pretty regularly. I mean, they even turned the FE3 cav trio into a clear duo plus a random chick who just so happens to also ride a horse in FE12. Edited for English.
  25. Is this Chapter 2 discussion regarding LTCing it or just beating? If we're just beating it, I sent Eagler down to fetch the village on turn one, ran the swordies forward in a line towards the fighters to beat them, then bought a bunch of vulneraries and made a wall by the armory with Madelyn healing and vulneraries spread around. I didn't even touch the bottom enemies until either they charged me or all the squires/mercs from up above were dead.
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