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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. In TearRing Saga, IIRC, dancing functioned like in FE, whereas singing buffed units within a certain radius, and the effect got better the more you used it. There was also a small chance it would let a unit move again. So FEif could do something similar.
  2. Robin's Japanese name is, IIRC, Rufure. Reflet sounds familiar as an English form of that, but it's not particularly faithful. Lufray would be my go at Anglicizing it.
  3. I always interpreted that as them using magic, since the explanation for their flight is that they kick to fly, and, well, that certainly isn't generating much lift without magic. Looking at it specifically again, I suppose it never actually says magic, though. Interestingly, in that support Vanessa also says that no one could ride pegasi if they flapped all the time even though that's exactly what dragon riders do.
  4. That looks bigger to me than FE dragons, and it likely weighed up to 250kg/550lbs. Now, we still probably have to suspend disbelief a little bit on the weight/physics end of things, but it's not so farfetched that you could ride a flying animal. Animations at least seem to support that wing flaps do something, though IIRC Tellius pegasi move up and down, too, so it looks like we aren't finding any perfect consistency on this topic.
  5. Regarding Hawkeye: I never meant to say that no one could find Hawkeye's design sexy, I just meant that it's not obviously, universally sexy, like Camilla's boob dance. With Hawkeye it also plays into other aspects of his character, which of course we cannot say either way for sure for Camilla yet. I suppose technically, if she's written the right way, I could actually be totally fine with her design, even if I'm not a huge fan of her being used as fanservice in the trailer. Firstly, please cool the caps and bold. It doesn't help this discussion in any way. Now, onto your points: It's my understanding that Native Americans generally rode with pants? Based on a quick Google search. There is bareback riding (which means no saddle; different issue) to take into account, but frankly I'm not knowledgeable enough on the topic to say anything about that. I will point out that Native Americans have a number of reasons to not have worn armor that don't apply to FE. Firstly, they were up against guns largely, so armor was pretty useless. Perhaps more importantly, they lacked both a history and an effective means of producing armor. Rath: Um, he wears pants? Like, he shows his elbows, fingertips, neck, and face. One of the most conservative designs in FE, really. http://serenesforest.net/wp-content/gallery/blazing-sword/path-of-radiance-gallery/ruth.png I never meant to imply that you want every female like this. I simply meant that a large number of Awakening characters via reclass can bare their thighs to their logical detriment, and literally all of the art of the females from FEif so far (except maybe the Hoshido maid girl, can't tell) have them with bare thighs. And after that you are literally restating my point (or, well, arguing with the same point I was). Please point me to the part where I said sex is bad and no one in real life is concerned with being sexy. Because I did not. I explicitly said, in fact, that sex appeal on characters like Tharja doesn't bother me (at least, not necessarily). Yes, some people like being sexy. But Sully is not that person. Probably not 100% of women (and like 5% of men?) in FEif are that person. If they are, that's bad writing or a serious genre shift. On top of that, you can be sexy without baring your thighs and showing cleavage in battle. If you actually feel that NM's post and your response to it apply to my argument, then you are either strawmanning or totally missing my point. Case in point: I just came back from a performance of Rocky Horror and participated in the Virgin stuff.
  6. If anything Camilla would be a reason for me to choose Hoshido. I'm sure there are others who feel the same.
  7. Regardless, I don't think Hawkeye is generally considered to have much sex appeal, does he? His design is also more consistent with his character (though actually logically you would want to be fairly covered in a desert) than what we've seen of, say, Camilla, who seems to be a more caring older sister type. We've already established that Tharja isn't really a huge problem (though I'd rather she didn't exist anyway).I think it's fair to say that there's a difference between a sexualized model (they're almost chibis...) and a sexualized portrait/OA, though. I would imagine that dragons would be even worse, actually, since basically every flap would move them up and they would fall in between. Pegasi canonically fly with magic and not wings, though, so I suppose it could be the smoothest thing in the world. In any case, that still doesn't explain why they would bother baring their legs. Even in situations where practical concerns aren't important, people don't randomly expose just their thighs. And even if there is some reason in Fire Emblem, why don't men do it? I mean, one of the arguments for Tsubaki being a man is pants. It really is obviously about sexualization for no in-game reason. I just want some internal consistency. Taste plays a part, too, sure, but my complaints regarding FExSMT zipper panties is different from this since they really just stem from the taste side of things. Edit: Regarding the prude comment, I'd like to point out that I chose Nailah as a design I like. She shows lots of leg, cleavage, and shoulder. She's got pretty big breasts, and she's tatted. But that works for her character. (On the topic of Nailah, perhaps Volug would be a better example of male sex appeal? Just a thought.)
  8. I never said I liked it in the other FE games. And, until just now when I looked up the battle sprites, I actually always assumed that the in-game sprites wore white pants. A few frames definitely look like they're showing lots of leg, though. Shame.
  9. No one in real life has ever gone into battle riding a horse (or anything) with their thighs bared, at least not when they had the choice not to. It's hard to get dumber than that without doing something fatal (like refusing to armor your chest...) And, really, a lot of the problem is that it makes no sense in universe. For instance, we know certain peoples have gone into battle stark naked in real life. Not because ~oooh naked bodies~ for random spectators (who don't even exist from their perspective) but because of the psychological effect it would have on opponents (and perhaps themselves). They had a reason. People riding mounts without proper pants will do them no good, except perhaps attracting men when they're in uniform but not fighting - and, really, honestly, do you think that every female in the game is that kind of person? It should be extremely rare that a person sacrifices function in the context of war for sex appeal. Now think of characters like Sully. It is totally out of character for Sully to try and be ~sexy~ instead of kicking butt. That's why I don't have as big a problem with Tharja's outfit being on Tharja (while DLC Micaiah is a travesty). But it still bothers me that mostly she just hangs out and no one really cares. As far as it being boring: look up old designs. [spoiler=some female designs from Tellius I'm totally on board with that aren't boring] Some even have cleavage!
  10. In what world is this arm "fine?" Seriously I would be seeking medical help if my arm looked like that. It's not even recognizable as an arm to me without the rest of the body as context. Also, Caeda's torso is terrifying. I mean, it's one thing not to have 1:1 anatomical accuracy (it's anime, after all) but it's another for people to look outright deformed.
  11. I'm with Ana on this one. What is going on with Marth's arm. Everything covered by Caeda's shirt. What.
  12. Jumping back a few posts, but I thought I'd clear up what I've seen of this: This is not talking about the game as a whole being closer to great literature than the others, but that what people bothered writing was pretty well written, i.e. the localization team did a good job. I haven't played it in long enough to really argue one way or the other, but that's the case as I've seen it.
  13. I'm glad I'm not the only person who is more bothered by the pose than the two left feet. At least the feet aren't so in your face. Also I wish she would put some real pants on :/ Mamui is awesome, though. Maybe not exactly what I think of with FE, but I really like it nonetheless.
  14. I always just assumed they were slightly insane brothers. Though it's been a while since I've played a chapter with any of them, so my recollection may be off.
  15. If anything, they would have needed to spend 2000 years focusing on making sure their language did not change. 1200 year old English is entirely different from Modern English to the point of mutual incomprehensibility, never mind 2000 year old Proto-Germanic. Also, everyone on two continents speaks the exact same language. So I think we have to accept a certain level of abstraction on the language side of things and chalk it up to writing style.
  16. Comparing Camilla to this I'm not really sure where the "realism" is supposed to come in. I mean, I suppose the humans all have basic human features?
  17. Though the other route won't be as expensive as buying another base version.
  18. What if everyone was totally asexual. Like, sure, that one girl has big boobs, but what if they were just a nuisance because no one in this universe actually likes boobs?
  19. On the other hand, it is a very well streamlined game. It handles much more nicely than previous Fire Emblem games. Also we finally got mixed magic/physical classes again. And, while Awakening is definitely one of my least favorite FEs (it only really beats out the NES games, and that's due to them just being so old) it is still a solid game when compared to everything else in the world, IMO.
  20. At least he hasn't given us zipper panties (right?)
  21. Well, we've seen this before with RD. Characters' map models had their personal colors for armor, with other things being blue/red/green based on their alignment for that particular map. I haven't played in a while, but I don't remember every struggling to tell who was on which team, even with the wide range of colors. Though Aran did always look like he had already moved...
  22. So why is Garon taking in his enemy's child as his own (and apparently not changing his name...)? My best guess would be that he knows about the dragon bit and wants the power of a dragon on his side. How original.
  23. Blue/green is a pretty arbitrary distinction that a lot of languages don't even make. Nothing to do with how we perceive color, just how we define it. Those are unquestionably blue to me, though, with only the slightest hint of green. I'd sooner call the red orange than the blue green, personally.
  24. As NM said, I am sure different people work on each translation simultaneously. I can think of no reason not to do it that way other than translators being overloaded on other games.
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