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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. That's actually the meaning I am familiar with for that kanji, but that seems to come with a different pronunciation than it has here. Though it would still carry that connotation, I suppose.
  2. To be fair, to the Japanese audience, the Hoshidan will sort of be "home." Imagine if it was switched and you were choosing between a game about good people who are like you and a game about bad guys who are weird and foreign. A lot of people would go with the familiar one.
  3. It's worth noting that the first character in this version of the name means "wing," which is awfully fitting for a peg knight. The second would be pure/raw/in its natural state.
  4. I prefer Hoshidan character designs, but since it was basically advertised as the easy, clichéd one I have to go with Nohr.
  5. Really what amazes me is just how long Youtube has been the home of, well, Youtube commenters. You'd think that culture would fade out eventually, but somehow it just grows and grows.
  6. I feel like the question isn't so much "What difficulty?' as it is "What kind of difficulty?" Generally, I'd vote for FE5 (with some changes) but I doubt IS will do that, especially since I'm not sure exactly how they could put in a bunch of different difficulties with an FE5-esque challenge. The easiest part of FE5 is the enemies; that's what IS goes to to increase difficulty nowadays.
  7. Meh, I identify pretty strongly with Edmund Tyrone in a lot of ways. If you happen to know who that is.
  8. Scouts (and by that I mostly mean Alicia) are by far the best units in the game. You can basically win everything by just buffing your scouts and having them run past everything.
  9. Head to the library, read some good books, then whip out my violin, chill by this one pond, and play beautiful music 'til the night consumes me.
  10. Esperanto was literally created to be an easy auxiliary language. Over a hundred years ago. Not that many people speak it today. I can't wait for the Duolingo course, though.
  11. My thought was also time manipulation. The things I could do with more time...
  12. I don't really know, but my own thoughts on it would be this: ch is basically t+sh. That is how the ch sound is written using the International Phonetic Alphabet, and German also sets it up that way (that's why you have words like "Tschüss" with all those consonants at the beginning). It's pretty easy to see at least how the てし part would have become ち. In the case of じ, the English j sound is just a voiced version of ch (basically), and で of course is just a voiced て. As for the rest, I would imagine that the i and m sounds just faded away at some point. You can sort of recreate this by saying, out loud, teshimau, then tshimau, then chimau, then chmau, and finally just chau.
  13. I assume there was a Crusade and you joined in. The person who contributes most to the Crusade gets the land at the end. Anyways, keeping control of Jerusalem is tough if you don't have a good base since you'll have to deal with recently conquered, different religion, and different culture penalties. Ideally, you could ally yourself with someone like the ERE to help out. Prior to the retinue nerf, I would have advised placing some strong retinues there and using terrain/attrition to your advantage, but odds are there's not much you can do with retinues now. You're probably best just losing the territory/giving it away. It will be more pain than it will ever likely be worth. The Holy Land isn't great, except for RP purposes.
  14. I don't get why people are so stubborn on the Sheik issue. The idea of Sheik is male. Sheik, as seen in games, is biologically female on account of actually being Zelda. The Lucina example works well here: the "Marth" we see in Awakening is biologically female, but that doesn't actually make Marth a woman. However, in practice it makes more sense, IMO, to call Sheik a her and Marth a him, on account of the fact that we only ever have a Sheik who is actually female, whereas there is a real Marth who is male.
  15. The combination of nuclear arms and the general interconnectedness of the major powers of the world makes a large scale conflict unlikely under any circumstances. For instance, Russia depends too much on natural gas exports to Europe and Europe depends too much on that gas for anyone to really do much about anything over there, and of course the US isn't in a rush to mess things up, either. China and America could not reasonably get into much of a conflict right now, as the two are too dependent on trade with the other. And then there's the part where, at least for the time being, there's no real competition in how a war would go. The US/NATO would basically win anything, unless the conflict went nuclear and then, well, everyone loses. China could probably make up the ground over a few decades, but even then they wouldn't have much of a reason to get into a direct conflict with US. The would fight mostly over power projection in the Pacific, and honestly it's hard to say how that would go. I suppose you could sort of call that a Cold War 2, but really I would say that the bigger concern right now is the continued existence of things like the Islamic State.
  16. Balthazar. (Although IIRC that's actually one of the names of the three magi originally, it pops up in Shakespeare and is a very cool name IMO.)
  17. Indeed, although there's no lack of Celtic stuff in there. Although all of that Celtic stuff is specifically Gaelic. The only Brythonic thing I can think of is the localization of Levin as Lewyn. Of course, there is the general issue of most people not having any clue how either Gaelic or Welsh orthography works.
  18. Have you posted this over on the official P'dox forums? There's some pretty remarkable mods over there. If you can find any other modders who are also FE fans, I'm sure you could get some help. You can absolutely mess with start dates. In fact, that's actually incredibly easy to do. It's just editing a txt file. I played a couple games starting in 867 before I bought Old Gods by doing that, although I couldn't play the pagans. Anyways, I look forward to this and wish you luck! The mod itself will be in English, though, right?
  19. Wouldn't "Daraen" in German be the same as "Darän," which would in turn basically be "Darren?"
  20. Beyond Earth will come out and not be Alpha Centauri II, and much rage will ensue. That's how I'm seeing it playing out.
  21. 12 hour system is how I understand time, so that one, even if it is a little ridiculous in some ways.
  22. I hate it when I'm peeing/pooping and someone else is in the same bathroom and it's like making tinkling/plopping sounds.
  23. Certain peoples used axes extensively, sure, but a lot of others didn't. Axes were generally used because they were economical and easy to make, not so much because they were an excellent weapon. There are a number of limitations on axes as a weapon, particularly in more organized warfare. Frankish warriors in Roman times were generally less organized than, say, the Romans, Greeks, and later European kingdoms - including Charlemagne's own Frankish empire. A google search brought this up: [spoiler=Stuff on Charlemagne] You may notice it specifies an axe as a tool brought separately from the weapons for battle. This source discusses the equipment of the Franks under Charlemagne - and mentions specifically how the most famous axe of the Franks was no longer in use and had given way to a blade. The Lombards and Saxons are mentioned as using axes, but again those were relatively unorganized peoples who generally lacked much metalworking ability. In contrast, it was actually standard for certain of Charlemagne's troops to have metal armor. And societies in Fire Emblem are capable not just of mail, but of plate armor - and it's pretty common at that. Historically, those societies were not actively using axes in battle. That's what I meant by "generally uncommon." I didn't think I had to qualify uncommon with more than generally, but here you go.
  24. Based on what I know/have heard/read/etc.: It depends, is the guy with a lance on horseback, or on foot? A lance on foot is pretty useless, but if he's on horseback then the swordsman is in serious trouble. Y'know, given that a lance was a specific type of polearm designed for charging cavalry. I'm pretty sure that, in general, a sword was the go-to weapon for one-on-one combat, while spear type weapons were used for formations and specific tactics. Axes as a weapon were generally uncommon.
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