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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Either through the base convos or that thing right underneath it. Also, I noticed that, when it's all black, you get nothing. But if you wait a chapter, a quarter of it will change, and you'll get something. If you wait two, it seems if fills up half way, and you get two things.
  2. They do NOT have 1-2 range with their breath. Just 1 range. Although, it wouldn't surprise me if IS gave them 1-2 range in Lunatic from what I've seen.
  3. I'd expect the flying dragons can be handled pretty easily with Excalibur, but if they all move in on you at once...
  4. Hm, I thought that what was said that implied this and FE4/5 were connected implied that FE4/5 took place way before this. Maybe he went to Elibe and formed Bern. That would explain how they got their wyverns. After all, this isn't something that Kaga came up with. It could be IS wanting to link all of FE. Edit: Or maybe he just went to FE2's continent.
  5. So, right now, you can only get it if you either have a flash cart or an actual Japanese copy of the game? Dang.
  6. Yeah, but Jagen didn't join in CHAPTER 22. I found at least three things without even trying, so either there's a megaton of stuff there, it seems as though you always find it. If I were to reclass Palla to General, she would be 14HKOd by those fire dragons. 21 if she sits on a fort or gets DEF in a levelup. Excalibur is ridiculous. 39 effective might means that, on someone with enough magic, it's probably OHKOing the flying dragons even in Lunatic. Mage MU at that point could OHKO one with up to a 53 HP/RES combo and take up to 46 ATK without being OHKOd. And if you needed more, you have orb shards.
  7. Oh, right... Sucks for him. Two luck isn't stopping any criticals at this point.
  8. Well, that means he's either a lategame prepromote combined with an est, or that units have unique growths in these extra chapters. Also, how are you guys getting WiFi for downloading those? Are you playing it on your DS?
  9. Ch. 11 dragons are stupidly easy. In Normal Mode, Etzel OHKOs them at base with Shaver, and Excalibur is hilarious. MU did 52 damage per hit to their 28 HP. And both Shaver and Excalibur have crit and are highly accurate, so you're pretty much guaranteed to kill them. And promoted Catria and Palla could ORKO them, Palla with a javelin so she didn't have to eat the counter. BTW, I think Palla's gonna be the best unit again. She's been hilariously good. Recruitable Michalis=Win. That luck could be problematic, but you've got at least +3 LUK between two of the shards, so that helps. One or two Goddess Icons, and he should be fine, at least on lower difficulties.
  10. The mask was disappointing at first, but I still think it looks cool. That hat is more disappointing, IMO, because it looks so separated from everything else.
  11. Frey's playable. Joins in chapter 6 along with Norne.
  12. The scene with Xane as Chiki is still there, but this time MU is there. Not sure if MU's tricked or not, though.
  13. Yup, respawned. Although I 2-turned it, so they only respawned once. And I think I'm the only one going through casual mode. So far, I haven't noticed anything besides Radd/Caesar's movement that's different from classic.
  14. Base Malice ORKOs Roro with a Lady Sword And she's 3HKOd back at 37 displayed hit. 4 crit could bite her, though. Edit: She however, fails on the boss Roros. And 10x appears to be another Gharnef clone thing. I won by taking out the top right side.
  15. There seems to be no punishment for losing a character in casual. If they die in the preparation's arena, they do not come back until the next chapter. No mindlessly throwing units at the arena, unfortunately. Of course, it seems to give you really easy matches, and if you don't like it, you can just leave and enter, so...
  16. Well, he's not wearing the same thing as SD, so I'd expect it's a new one.
  17. Ugh, my ROM crashed again. It seems to just randomly do that when I seize or view base convos, and then it reverts to the last save before I opened the ROM last. Guess I should just turn the game off and on every time I save. Anyways, Astrum shows up in chapter 9 if you spend enough turns. Which wouldn't be a problem if Minerva's village wasn't so freaking far away or if other people could visit them.
  18. Well, if you haven't gotten to the Gaiden yet, just try to keep them all alive and see if they join later.
  19. I've seen several perfect (bar MAG/RES) level ups in this game, so I think the growths are much higher than SD. I think just about everyone has an existent growth rate for anything they can use. I've seen some non magical units get RES. Edit: Mallesia just got a DEF-only level up
  20. Is that the Gaiden? Because one of the Gaidens seems to require those four to be alive.
  21. Except he has craptastic weapon levels everywhere. If he could at least pull out a B Magic as a Sage he'd have decent attack with that 14 SPD and Excalibur, but he's not pulling much out even as a Sage, and if you reclass him to something with more speed, he's gonna have some poor weapon levels. Well, unless you can get him a decent effective C Ranked sword/bow forge.
  22. There are several points where it asks you things and you can choose yes or no. First, she asks if you want a headband. If you say yes when I think Marth asks you, you'll remove it. After 3x, Wrys will ask, and you can be bald. Again, say yes to Marth to change it back later. After that is Wendell and you get a less majestic version of his hat. That's as far as I've gotten, but I'm sure there's more.
  23. There seems to be a ton more. Fourteen new chapters (isn't that almost double what there was before?) in the main game as well as the BS FEs and downloadable chapters alone is a freaking huge increase. Then you've got the base convos, and there are a bunch of those and they (I assume) add more character development.
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