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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Well, if you beat whatever difficulty is required (it appears NM) then there isn't a limit to begin with.
  2. If WTD still cancels Weapon Rank bonuses, then drackoknight could reach 3HKO on the hero and thieves at least. But SM 4RKOs that hero. SM Reiden seems to stop doubling after 15. I guess drackoknight then is best if it isn't being doubled. Asking again just in case people didn't catch the edit: Are we assuming no reclass limits (whatever the means?) Edit: I think Etzel could grab 8 levels for that. He only got that by the end of the ice dragons for me, but I had MU taking out the flying dragons.
  4. I will be ignored by people talking to me? YOU MEAN I'M LIKE AN IMAGINARY FRIEND?! YESZ! iswearthatmakessense So as long as people don't forget me, I won't die. All I have to do is make sure people can't forget me!
  5. Oh, right, I forged him an overkill steel lance. Yeah, that was probably it.
  6. SM is 4HKOing the paladins. Probably the horsemen, too. BUT HEY HE ORKOS BISHOPS AND MAGES. Anyways, he needs a 7MT ridersbane forge to OHKO those paladins. Yuck. Dracko is 3HKOd by thieves and (noneffective) ballisticians, though. With a dracoshield and a little luck he can be 3HKOd by some ice dragons in 14. It won't be consistent, though. Sniper's even better. 5HKOs paladins. Without doubling. Horsemen only need like 10 DEF to be 5HKOd, too. Even if he magically got those 3 level ups for chapter 13, he's still 7HKOing the Ice Dragons. 9HKOs the chapter 14 ones. Edit: Should we assume no reclass limits, or that this is the first playthrough?
  7. Every single person should take English class from Bizz. Every. Single. Person.
  8. There seems to be a limit to how many rounds in the prep screen arena a unit can do. I was gonna test the no master seal promotion thing with Reiden, but the guy wouldn't let me do enough rounds. Wasn't counting, though, so I don't know how many.
  9. 23.95 AS actually means he'd double everything but snipers most of the time. I was thinking along the lines of keeping up with Catria, Palla, Luke, Sirius, and such. And if there's a ridersbane forge laying around for some reason, he could take it for some potential OHKOs. Although with an unforged ridersbane, SM's 54-2DEF damage is better than 40-1DEF damage. Unless the enemies have 34+ DEF... Plus armourslayer and wyrmslayer, I guess. Actually, ridersbane is probably a waste on him anyways when it could go on Luke/Palla/Catria/etc. Yeah, SM.
  10. This is in FftF. It's not exactly meant to be taken seriously... WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME Also, I fail to see what's so creative about a sig or avatar. Taking some random stuff from other places (99% of avatars and 90% of sigs) doesn't strike me as creative. Things like writing, composing, choreography, drawing, painting, sculpting etc. strike me as creative. Slowking should write a book, too.
  11. I love how in the Aran topic everyone says he sucks and Nephenee's better, and in Nephenee's topic, everyone starts talking about ways that Aran's better. It's great. I agree with the third tier outfit stuff.
  12. A Sage can only grab 35 HP max, I think, and that's assuming it has max MAG and the enemy has grown no RES. Maybe a point or two more with weapon level, actually. But, anyways, since RES actually grows in this game, I'm thinking 25ish at best. That gives them effectively 85 HP/20 DEF. It takes 42 ATK to still ORKO.
  13. Hmm, going back to Reiden, if we give him three levels as a SM (and I'll use the SD growth rates here, so it will be a little off) he has 19.4 HP, 8.35 STR, 13.8 SKL, 10.95 SPD, 11.2 LUK, 4.45 DEF, and 1.15 RES. Sniper and SM sorta suck. Sniper's pulling 23 ATK with a Steel/Killer, and with even a Master Sword, SM only pulling 27 ATK. Sniper isn't doubling, SM doubling all non snipers. Enemy stats would help to see if SM's 27 MT really is any good. So, looking at paladin and drackoknight... Paladin: HP: 41.4 STR: 15.35 SKL: 18.8 SPD: 17.95 DEF: 12.45 RES: 7.15 D Swords (some WEXP from SM, so probably close to C), C lances (30 WEXP from B ) Dracko: HP: 39.4 STR: 16.35 SKL: 18.8 SPD: 17.95 DEF: 14.45 RES: 4.15 E Axes, C (almost B ) Lances So, in either case he's screwed with snipers since he's doubled. He's got 39 effective might with a ridersbane as a pallie and 40 as a dracko, which is pretty decent. I'd guess he's 2HKOd either way, although drackos got a shot at being 3HKOd by 35 MT. I dunno what enemy ATK is like at this point. It's also got flight, although Pallie can get Wyrmslayer and Armourslayer if you want. B lances gives him 29/30 ATK for enemies he can't get effective MT on. So, without enemy stats, I can't see exactly how that's doing. Others more experienced with Lunatic, with that kind of performance past chapter 14, how's Reiden doing? Edited to remove the stupid B) thing.
  14. Show me some proof that isn't anecdotal that proves that all GBA games have, without a doubt, the same RNG. Most people have problems with it, which means that it's probably unfair. Although I've also heard something about the game not showing you the real HIT values, so that could play into it. It's not just lower weapon hit, though. Lance shouldn't miss half the time with 80 displayed, and those brigands with 40 displayed shouldn't hit 3/4 the time.
  15. Wow, him needing a seal is... not much at all. He's only costing 4850 gold total in that case. And 3600 of that can be used by other people, too.
  16. Very creative. You should write a book!
  17. No, he means that on Lunatic, enemies don't have forged magic tomes when they get other forged weapons.
  18. I'm not saying that he's good. I'm saying he's not that bad. I'm not saying being 2HKOd is good, I'm saying that them having higher attack than dragons doesn't matter if he's 2HKOd by both. If no one needs a forge, then that money doesn't matter that much (and I mean "that much," not "not at all") because where else would we put it? If other people need forges, then it's not much of a negative. I didn't say that chapter 15 is easier. I said enemies were easier, and by that I meant that they're less durable than the Ice Dragons.
  19. I was defending you Soul >.> Anyways, people were saying that the RNG in all the GBA games was the same when it could very easily not be.
  20. If Reiden isn't being doubled as a Paladin (and it doesn't sound like he is. 22 AS seems to be the max enemy AS) then he could grab a ridersbane. Even unforged, that's 38 MT. That's gotta put a big dent in them. Edit: Turns out 22 AS, not 20, is highest.
  21. I just thought it was interesting that this community is just so very creative. 40% of those topics' titles are almost identical.
  22. I was referring to durability there, unless that changes too. And if he's 2HKOd by the paladins, too, who cares? Oh, and if there's a forge sitting around anyways, he can ridersbane them. So, we can't give him a forge because it prevents other people from getting forges? It's not like no one else can use the forge. And how much of a forge are we making out of his 2500 gold Master Seal? Also, I love how you tell me to come back after playing Lunatic and then use what Paperblade said.
  23. If no one is having problems, then why do we care if he needs stuff? Enemies just get easier after 14, anyways.
  24. 1) Who cares? I had two extra Master Seals at that point and you can grab another one in a couple chapters. 2) No, a shard if a speedwings is too much. 3) Uh, other people can use it, too. And it's not like he's top tier or anything, obviously.
  25. Leiden has 6 HP, 1 STR, 3 SKL, 1 SPD, and 3 LUK and 1 RES. Abel has 2 DEF. Leiden also has 4 chapters of availability (13, 13x, 14, and like 95% of 15) over Abel. He can probably grab, say, 3 levels in that time, too. And he's been helping us with dragons for three of those chapters.
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