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Everything posted by Subsonic

  1. Not exactly. "Give thanks to the benevolent gods for your salvation," said Libra "No I will not!" Noire screamed "W-what!" Libra gasped in shock. "It's always the gods, gods, gods with you! Why? The gods don't care about you! You devoted your life to them, and they let you die! 'Give thanks?!' I curse them every day! If they're so benevolent, why would they let the world get this bad? And why would they take you away from us? You don't know what it was like for mother and I having to fend for ourselves! And you have no idea what it was like for me when your precious gods took her too! All I ever wanted was to be with my parents... I don't need gods! I needed what I always needed-- you and Mother!" So it was basically just a "fuck you" to the gods and even Libra. It was beautiful. 0-0 It's been around before Fire Emblem. Now that's news to me. I've only seen it around when it's being used in the context of Fire Emblem. Is there a husband equivalent? Oh and to be a little stick in the mud, the period goes inside the parenthesis.
  2. The one that really sticks out to me is the Noire/Libra conversation in the Future Past dlc. I just love Noire's "Fuck you!" It just gave Noire so much depth. She really became this child who had to grow up too fast in order to save the world and survive. It was really beautiful imo, and it's probably one of my favorite conversations throughout the whole game. Off topic, can someone tell me what started this waifuu business? (Can't people just say wife? Or even bae?)
  3. I don't hate it, but I have a few problems with it though. -The story is cheesy. -Emmeryn being brought back from the dead. Basically it really soiled her sacrifice and makes her death way less significant. -Lucina and Chrom are dull. (Gasp.) Especially after one gets over the superfanboy and fangirl craze. -Intelligent Systems tried way too hard to bring the old games back with spotpass and the dlc. The only dlc maps I liked were all the Future Past ones. (It was more interesting than the story tbh.) -The support conversations. Don't get me wrong, the support system really covered major weak points within having a "large" cast of characters within a video game, however, a large number of support conversations are so poorly written that it makes me cry. (PriamxFeMu (He basically fell for her after she did his laundry,) A and B for ChromxFeMu (They should have combined A and B, then made a separate A conversation, Gerome conversations are horridly bland (exception being NoirexGerome. Never been a fan of the silent lone wolf type that just ends up having an adorable side,) Miriel conversations that weren't with Lon'qu, and TharjaxFeMU ( should have an option to go lesbian for Tharja imo) to name a few. -If anything, the game made it feel like the MaMu was superior to FeMu. (But that's just me I think.) -The avatar ending overriding every spouse in the game.
  4. Just have fun! :D Let the cheesy story, hilarious dialogue, and the hit and miss supports take you away in the first run.
  5. I agree with that list you compiled. Even though I love Owain to pieces, I recognize that he is overrated. Lucina and Chrom are kind of boring in general. (GASP I actually said Chrom is boring. I love him and all, but as a solid character on his own without being with someone (as in romantically wise and without Emmeryn, he is kind of dull.)
  6. Honestly, I wish a ChromxCordelia was even possible. Anyways back on topic, I think Intelligent Systems was lazy. They left a lot of dialogue unchanged even though character wise they should change.
  7. I find that FredxCherche works fine. Aegis + Pavise + Dual Guard+ or Dual Support+ + Renewal. Is it the modifiers that are derp? Or is it the average growths? Vaike!Nah is nice. Access to Armstrhift+Axefair+Sol.
  8. Ooo how did that work out? I never tried a sniper Lucina. Magical Lucina is nice. ;D I <3 Maribelle.
  9. 1. Kind of. Didn't like the return of Emmryn. Honestly. I like to think that she came from another time line/outrealm. (But that's just wishful thinking.) 2. It's hard for Fire Emblem to treat death really seriously unless it's a lord character. It's mostly because of the gigantic cast of characters players have to work with. Unless you build an emotional attachment to the unit (who are mainly developed by support conversations) or just filled with rage, than we kind of feel nothing about their deaths. (Plus we can reset the game when people die so...)
  10. Speaking of Yarne. I always find it hard to pick a parent for him. Any suggestions?

    1. Czar_Yoshi


      Virion, Stahl, Vaike, Fred, Gregor, Henry, or Lon'qu. Yarne likes Hit+20 and high Str/Skl mods, and otherwise starts out with pretty much everything he needs.

  11. Oh I see. Thanks for the info! :D I appreciate it.
  12. I am a bit of a noob with it too. (I dislike using the skill, but whatever.) I think his or her qualm with it is the fact that vengeance is nearly useless on enemy phase if they manage to reach her because more often then not the enemy will aim for close range combat against a bow user.
  13. 1. So is this a script for some kind of movie? Isn't really a "fan fiction" to me. (Or a story for that matter.) 2. The way you spew us all this information in one gigantic paragraph really points the fan fiction to be some kind of script for a television show instead. If you wanted to write a fan fiction, don't spew detail about every single little thing about each character all at once. It's overwhelming and already takes out room for development all in one go. 3. Any number ten and bellow must be spelled out. Yes this applies to things like first, second, third, ect. 4. What do these people look like? So far they are just stick figures in my head. 5. It opens like a children's fairy tale. Not really a fan of that unless it is somehow well implemented. 6. Awkwardly phrased = there are some sentences that are worded in a way that sounds odd. (Maybe a little more than half the time it could be because the sentences are actually fragments.) 7. Not a fan of your usage of "endowed." Endowed usually is used when you are talking about MONEY, and when it isn't, it's usually used with a positive connotation, such as gift or bless. Not a curse. Plus it's a dollar word. What I mean by that is that it's too "big." Most people generally are comfortable reading at a tenth grade level and that definitely isn't a tenth grade level word.
  14. :D Thanks for the critiques. I'll keep those in mind for later runs. (I thought Sumia gave -1 not -2. Damn I am just off forever.) Yeah Stahl is the best physical Owain. I tried to keep my post within the choices he provided. (Stahl is generally a great parent for almost any child to be honest.) I always thought +3 stats were decent. Well goes to show how little of Awakening I actually know about. Whoops. Trickster = Sword hand. (Plus it makes use of his magic mods and still use his sword hand that isn't Dread Fighter.)
  15. Chrom: Any of those make really great parents for Lucina. It really depends what you want to do with Lucina. Sumia and Maribelle kind of create a somewhat similar Lucina. If you choose Sumia, Lucina is more optimal as a physical unit than a magical unit (even though she gets magic growths from Sumia) while with Maribelle she is more optimal as a magical unit (Negative strength stat, but great magic mods +3 or +4 I think. Access to Dark Flier, Valkyrie, Sage, and War Cleric.) People will say she will become nothing more than a support Dark Flier, which is somewhat true, but that doesn't mean she won't make a great offensive unit either. The same principle applies to Sumia I think. Never really tried the magical path for Lucina with Sumia before. From what I know of, Olivia makes one of the best Lucinas. (I think this may be arguable for some people. But her mods are excellent and she gives Lucina access to Galeforce, Vantage, Swordfaire, and Assassin.) Robin if you want basically another Morgan and for plot. Sully: Vaike or Donnel. Kellam isn't that great for Kjelle in my opinion. He overlaps with Kjelle quite a bit (if I remember correctly. I think the only great thing she gets out of it are the defense mods and Renewal.) Donnel isn't a very good parent in general in my opinion. The bright side is that he gives Kjelle Armsthrift (for the longest time I called it Armshift. omg I am so lame) and Galeforce. I don't find his mods all that great (however he gives a wonderful luck mod for that Armsthrift though.) Vaike gives very great mods and gives Kjelle access to the Mercenary line, Axefaire, and counter. Miriel: Gregor. Amrsthrift +Vantage+ Sol. Ricken is a close second (Dual Guard + Aeigis + Luna.) Inigo: CHROM. He gives Inigo access to not only Rightful King, but also gives him other classes that allow him to abuse the heck out of Rightful King. (The cavalier line for Aegis and Luna. Not sure if Dual Guard + is affected by it though.) Libra if you want to turn Inigo into a sorcerer (or just a Sage. Depends what you care about. Tankiness with Dark Magic or just higher caps and staff access.) Virion is just a useless father. No offensive skills and the only skills that he has that are okay/ good are bow/sword/lance breakers and bowfaire. (Chrom as a father still makes Inigo a better bow user.) Lissa: Oo those are hard choices. I usually don't like Libra as a parent for Owain since all he offers is Dark Mage and Mage lines with a lack of offensive skills that aren't Vantage + Vengeance related. (Average growths are average too.) Ricken is a great choice for Owain! The only thing he lacks is Armsthrift, which is just great ability! (Some would argue that Sorcerer is a great loss too, but I find that Sage works just fine as a class.) Owain can be a great Support unit with Ricken or a great offensive unit. Take your pick. :D Vaike is a good parent for Owan too if you want a physical Owain. His mods are pretty decent. However, people will find that +2 strength really isn't worth it. (Even so he would make a great Trickster, if you wanted one, Dread Fighter, or some other physical unit.)
  16. Micaiah seemed very robotic to me. Probably her only distinguishable trait (beside her hair and that ability) was probably the fact that she has a really unhealthy love for Daien. Sothe was just very annoying. Part 1 was a complete mess in my opinion. Completely uninterested with most, if not all the characters. (Meg is just adorable, but I still don't know if I would say that I like her. She is just adorable.) I really wished the support system was different because maybe then we would get more development out of the Dawn Brigade. Part 2 was lovely. So much character development for Elincia! (Plus she was a pretty beast unit too. I never used her in Path of Radience because I had no way to easily grind her unless it was bonus exp and still I never really used her.) Part 3 was okay. It was very disappointing though. Mostly because the Griel Mercenaries (in this game) and the Dawn Brigade were pretty boring. Probably the only thing that got me through was that the switch between the two sides and Ike. (I love Ike, if you couldn't tell.... I do admit that he can be kind of a Gary Stu at times.) Part 4 was great. Not as great as Part 2, but still good. The story really picks up with the whole Yune vs Ashera thing, but the character development just falls flat for me. I don't really give two shits about Soren (as I find him very annoying in general.) Micaiah turned into a trope. Ike is just hot, but he still has the personality of cardboard. Mostly I pitied Sanaki, and the rest of the time I felt that she was just a royal brat. Elincia is still my baby/home girl even though she didn't really get much development in this part, but part 2 was just yum.
  17. MADOKA MAGICA! I <3 you forever!

  18. Oh I had no idea that this existed. I love Owain and all, but I would rather have the whole Marth continent over and done with. (I am pretty tired of it to be honest.) I am hoping FE14 will be some kind of FE6 and FE7 combination remake thing or just a new world.
  19. Well that was rude. Yes you need detail? Backing up your points is very important you know. :D (No matter how good or bad that evidence may be.)
  20. I have never tried Ricken!Kjelle. However a magic Kjelle is pretty awesome. :D I went with Libra!Kjelle in my last run and I do not regret. (Plus it's the girliest man with the manliest woman. What is not to love?) Right now I am pairing Ricken and Cordelia. (The support was kind of meh, but I never tried a magic using Severa before, so I was like: "WHY NOT?")
  21. In my opinion, Radiant Dawn was just a big giant cluster fuck. There was just too many things going on in the game (mostly story wise.) The whole Daein aspect of the game is just a gigantic bore. I was left pretty uninterested with any of the characters, except for Meg. (She was adorable imo.) I also noticed that the game itself was a bit..... unfriendly to those who never played Path of Radiance, which I guess is part of the reason why the developers put in so much effort into the story instead of making the characters interesting. (Ike though. He's yummy as always so that got me through the game. Just Ike. Yes. :D)
  22. I dislike Tricksters. They remind me of gigantic baby outfits and I just find it very awkward to look at. Not a fan of the sages either. They are just too bulky. (And on that note, I also don't like Knights, Generals, and Great Knights for this very reason. There is just way too much stuff. They look so unnatural and awkward. It's like they are on steroids.) Sage Lissa is an exception though. On a side note, Hero!Nah is so ADORABLE. Omg, just seeing her waving around an axe is just <3. (I am crazy, deal with it.) I actually don't like Dark Knights. Oops. (I don't have a reason for disliking it either. I just do.) Yarne in any class just looks kind of hideous. (Besides Taguel and Cavalier. Paladin makes him look really awkward imo.) To be fair though, I usually use him as a Taguel and have only started leaving him as a different class. (I haven't seen him as a Hero or a Berserker just yet, but I'll get right on it. ;D Stahl!Yarne here I come.)
  23. Loki Laufeyson, on 05 Jul 2014 - 4:34 PM, said: Sorry? I don't want to fight. I have already said that I don't like Sumia not only because she is the preferred person to support him with either. I don't like her character because all she has going for her is falling on her face, which is pretty Bella-esque if you ask me. There, I'm done. I will move on so this won't get ugly. I really enjoy their supports. Their support really builds on Gregor's character. I am always conflicted with them because I want him with other people too (Except Miriel. I am doing him and Miriel now and I regret the Laurent that came out from them.... That magic stat is depressing as it hasn't grown once since he promoted into a sage. D:) and I also want Gaius with Tharja too. D:
  24. I don't even remember that scene. To be fair, I skipped most of the cut scenes and dialogue from chapter 4 or five and onward. (I was very bored.)
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