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Carmine Sword

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Posts posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Inspired by the Awakening Lunatic Draft with access to all of the bonus box items to make the difficulty more tolerable, I wanted to see what it would be like if we applied a similar ruleset to Fates. Revelations was chosen because Birthright is already done on Lunatic difficulty for drafts normally, and Conquest drafts are a sin that no one should be forced to suffer through ever again. Revelations is pretty dumb so having access to a bunch of dumb broken shit sounds like a perfect match. 


    1. This draft is for 4 players.

    2. Corrin, Azura, Felicia/Jakob, Gunter, and Scarlet are free for all.

    3. The game will played on Lunatic Classic mode.

    4. Children units come with their fathers, aside from Kana, Shigure, and Dwyer, who are draftable.

    5. After ten rounds of drafting, any leftover units are free for all.



    1. Only the servant that joins you in chapter 2 is a free unit. The other is a draftable unit that joins in Chapter 16. 

    2. If Benny or Charlotte are drafted, Elise may be used solely for the purpose of recruiting them in Chapter 14.

    3. Kaze, Rinkah, and Sakura are free for Chapters 4 and 5.



    1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling).

    2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering combat, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units, or using Dragon Veins.

    3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty.

    4. Paralogues and Invasions excluding Mozu's Paralogue are optional and are free up to 20 turns.

    5. Challenge battles are banned.

    6. All players have access to the following bonus box items: All Battle Point and Visitor Point items, 2 Dread Scrolls(Dread Fighter), 2 Dark Falcon Wings(Dark Flier), 1 Sighting Lens/Witch's Mark(Ballistician/Witch), 1 Paragon Scroll, 1 Boots, 2 Dragon Herbs.

    7. Forging and cooking are unrestricted. Go full ham.

    8. Reclassing of Jakob/Felicia is unrestricted. Do whatever meme reclass you want.

    9. Corrin cannot reclass to Wyvern Rider or use a Dread Scroll, Dark Falcon Wing, or Witch's Mark. Every other class is allowed, including Sky Knight and Ballistician. You can still pick Wyvern as Corrin's talent to pass on to their spouse or child however.


    My Castle Rules:

    1. You may not trigger any conversations in my castle.

    2. You can go to other castles to obtain items for forging and cooking, but cannot buy items or skills from their shops.



    1. Use of an undrafted unit is a 10 turn penalty per unit per chapter.


    Undrafted Losers:






    Final Insanity: Exodia, Hayato, Kaze, Kagero, Shigure, Hinata, Fuga, Silas, Selena, Arthur

    Sharpy: Sakura, Camilla, Rinkah, Elise, Saizo, Oboro, Charlotte, Beruka, Azama, Effie

    Carmine Sword: Takumi, Xander, Hana, Hinoka, Kaden, Keaton, Flora, Subaki, Peri, Niles

    Gradivus: Reina, Ryoma, Leo, Orochi, Shura, Kana, Chapter 16 Jakob/Felicia, Dwyer, Setsuna, Odin

  2. Morgan's Paralogue: Free/63 Turns

    Passed down Veteran and Vengeance.

    Morgan paired up with Anna, got rallied, and then murdered the entire map except for the guys near the bullion chest which Sully got on Turn 1.

    Chapter 15: 3/66 Turns

    Gave Morgan the Naga's Tear. Forged a +3 might, +10 hit Armorslayer.

    Sephiroth and Ricken rallied everyone, then Sephiroth got danced and paired up with Fred. Morgan + Tharja killed all the stuff on the beach, Morgan being so absurd she just flat out OHKOs all of the unpromoted enemies on this map with Nosferatu with a Tharja pair-up. Anna + Kjelle rescued Say'ri into a spot where Chrom could recruit her and pair-up with Sully in the same action. Say'ri chipped the Hammer!General with the armorslayer forge. The extra might let's Say'ri 3HKO the General so she can kill him with Vantage even if she gets hit on Turn 1. Sephiroth + Fred and Sully + Chrom kill the cavaliers near the start so Ricken and Olivia don't die horribly.

    Turn 2 Sully gets the Arms Scroll village. Ricken rallies Say'ri and Sephiroth. Anna gives the Levin Sword to Say'ri and uses Physic on Sephiroth. Say'ri then kills the Spear!General that Anna chipped last turn with the Levin Sword.

    Turn 3 Sephiroth and Say'ri kill the thwomps that were attacking Say'ri at the start of the map, and then Sephiroth gets danced to get the bullion village. Sully moves in front of the boss and chips the General with a Short Axe. All the remaining enemies get killed by Sully on enemy phase.

    Noire's Paralogue: Free/66 Turns

    Passed down Rally Spectrum and Anathema.

    Holy shit these enemies are terrifying. They all have forged Silver weapons and Hit +10. I wanted to train Say'ri mostly but she gets 2HKOed at like 60+ hit by everything even with Kjelle pair-up and Rally Spectrum so Sully and Morgan did most of the fighting. Did manage to get Say'ri 3 levels still by feeding her Griffons since she could ORKO them with Eirika's Blade after Rally Spectrum. Sully reached level 15 and reclassed to Wyvern Lord mid-map after learning Lancebreaker. Lancebreaker actually made the map way more tolerable since all of the Paladins and Falcon Knights had 0 hit on her after she learned it. Morgan reached level 15 and learned Tomebreaker so that's cool I guess.

    Chapter 16: 2/68 Turns

    Noire rallied everyone, then Kjelle ferried Fred up to OHKO the Speedwing thief with Gradivus. Sully + Chrom killed the Hero near the start, got danced, then moved up and killed the Sniper. Anna and Ricken Rescued Fred and Olivia out of range of enemies. On Turn 2, Anna and Sepiroth helped to feed two Warriors to Noire since I want her to learn Rally Skill before the end of the game (it's an extra 2% chance of a dual strike!). Ricken Rescued Say-ri up to kill the bullion thief. Mustache man got wrecked by Hammer!Sully and Armorslayer!Chrom. Sully also capped speed which is hilarious.

    Chapter 17: 4/72 Turns

    Ehhh. Boots cost at least 1 turn if not 2 so probably not worth it, but in the words of the Greek Cynics of old, fuck it.

    Had Sully ferry Anna over to the boots chest. Sully reached A Lances along the way by murdering everything. With Rally Spectrum my units kind of destroyed the generic enemies. Even Tharja could ORKO stuff after a rally. Fed kills mostly to Say'ri and Tharja to get them closer to level 10 in case I need to reclass them later. Killed the boss with forged Celica's Gale!Sephiroth + Beast Killer!Chrom.

    Chapter 18: 2/74 Turns

    Gave the boots to Morgan.

    Somehow this cluster-fuck of a map was 100% reliable. Yes I know I don't believe it either.

    So Noire rallies Chrom + Say'ri and Ricken + Tharja, then gets danced and pairs up with Kjelle to get ferried over to the left to rally Morgan + Sephiroth and Sully + Anna. Sully ferries Anna down 13 tiles and she Rescues Morgan, who moves 8 tiles down and kills a Griffon Rider. Ricken then Rescues Anna back up out of danger, Chrom chokes the point at the top of the map, and then FRED moves above Chrom, takes Sully from Anna, and switches to her.

    On enemy phase, Chrom gets attacked by two Paladins and a Swordmaster, all of which he doubles and ORKOs thanks to rallies and Say'ri pair-up. Chrom is also in range of a Warrior, but he instead tries to attack Sully with a Silver Bow, failing miserably at doing so. Morgan + Sephiroth murders like 20+ enemies no problem.

    Turn 2, Ricken gets given to Chrom, who then moves down and Rescues Sully to kill a Griffon Rider blocking Morgan's path to Yen'fay. Say'ri gets danced to kill a Sage and then Morgan ORKOs Yen'fay with the forged Celica's Gale at 100 hit.

    Tiki's Paralogue: Free/74 Turns

    So beating this in 2 turns before any reinforcements show up is actually really simple. Unfortunately doing that means that Say'ri and Tharja won't get enough exp to reach level 10, so I need to let all of the reinforcements spawn. Thankfully effective damage allows even scrubs like Noire and Ricken to ORKO enemies on this map. There were way too many dudes to take out on Turn 6 when the final wave of reinforcements showed up, so I did some cute Rescuing of Tiki with Anna and Ricken over to the right side of the map after killing all of the enemies on that side in order to kite the rest of the enemies around and feed them to Say'ri, Tharja, and Noire. Tharja reached level 10 and Noire learned Rally Skill so I don't to give them any more exp for the rest of the game. Say'ri is 75 exp short of level 10 so I'll need to take some drastic measures next map to get her enough exp.

    Chapter 19: 1/75 Turns

    Gave Chrom two Energy Drops.

    Paired Say'ri up to Chrom and had her kill a Dank Knight, get danced, and then get Rescued up by Anna (who was Rescued by Ricken) to kill Walhart.

    Walhart kill is pretty bad. Say'ri does 7x4 damage and Chrom deals 11x2 damage per dual strike with the Brave Lance, but he only has a 50% chance to dual strike. Obviously Morgan would just cheese this easily but hey, gotta make things interesting.

    Chapter 20: 2/77 Turns

    Forged a +4 might, +20 hit Waste, gave Kjelle the Arms Scroll to use a Hammer, and reclassed Say'ri to Falcon Knight.

    Noire rallied everyone, and then Say'ri Rescued Morgan + Tharja up a few tiles and Morgan moved up in range of as many enemies as possible. Sephiroth, Fred, Kjelle, and Sully + Chrom killed the Generals on the right side. Olivia then danced Sully + Chrom so they could move up to kill the Warrior in the hallway. Ricken then Rescues Noire and Anna Rescues Say'ri out of range of any enemies.

    On Turn 2 Morgan moves up in range of Walhart and equips the Waste Forge. Everyone else just kills stuff or spams Rescue for exp. Walhart gets 2HKOed by the Waste forge if he doesn't proc Aegis, but since he usually does, some combination of Vengeance/crits/Tharja dual strikes ends up dealing enough damage to kill him most of the time.

    Chapter 21: Holy Shit/79 Turns

    Gave Say'ri a Spirit Dust and Sully a Dracoshield.

    Holy shit this took forever to figure out. First thing that needs to happen is that the Assassin closest to the spawn can't have Move +1 (getting some Thracia flashbacks here). Tharja pairs up with Morgan, Anna with Sully, and Fred with Olivia. Everyone gets rallied, and then Sephiroth kills the Master Key!Swordmaster with the forged Celica's Gale from way back in Chapter 11, which breaks. Kjelle then moves above Sephiroth and attacks the other Swordmaster. For this guy to die Kjelle needs to either crit (at 99% hit, 25% crit), proc Aether to 2HKO him, or get a Sephiroth Dual Strike (33% chance). Chrom then moves below Sephiroth and attacks the Berserker with a Brave Sword, also needing either a crit or a Dual Strike to kill him. Morgan + Tharja moves down and uses Mire to exactly OHKO the Assassin blocking the way underneath the room with the Mire Sorcerer. Say'ri moves ahead and Rescues Sully + Anna, who full-moves ahead and ORKOs an Assassin with Gradivus. If that Assassin near the start had Move +1 then Sully would be in his range and probably die because haxed-forged Silver Bow which is why he needs to not have Move +1. Morgan gets danced, and then Ricken stands next to Olivia (this is important) and Rescues Say'ri out of danger, and then Morgan moves to the tile Say'ri was on and kills the Ruin Sorcerer.

    On enemy phase Olivia has to dodge a Mire Sorcerer. With Fred pair-up, Ricken C support, and Rally Spectrum, the Sorcerer has 63 hit on her. I also had Fred equip Armads for the extra 5 defense in order to increase the chance of a Dual Guard by 1%, which had an approximately 12% chance of happening. The other Mire Sorcerer attacks Kjelle since she has the lowest resistance. Morgan and Sully kill a bunch of stuff. Sully can actually survive if she gets hit by everything (2 Sorcerers, a Swordmaster, and a Berserker), but it's preferable that she dodge at least the Sorcerers (the Thoron guy has only 8 hit so dodging him is nearly guaranteed) since she isn't very likely to dodge the boss due to weapon triangle disadvantage and there isn't anyone with a free turn to heal her.

    Turn 2, Sully moves two tiles above the Swordmaster choking the 1-tile wide point and ORKOs him with Gradivus. Say'ri gets rallied and Kjelle pair's up with Ricken to give him an extra point of movement. Say'ri Rescues Ricken, who full moves and Rescues Olivia, who full moves (Fred giving her an extra tile of movement) and dances Sully. Sephiroth + Chrom and Morgan + Tharja each kill a Sorcerer to build support before Sully full moves down and ORKO the boss with Gradivus.

    Chapter 22: 1/80 Turns

    This was so much easier than the previous map. I didn't even need tonics on anyone!

    Noire rallies everyone, and then Morgan + Tharja moves up and 2HKOs the Helswag guy with the Waste forge. Say'ri Rescues Chrom + Sephiroth to the right and they kill the Valflame Valkyrie with a Beast Killer + Sephiroth Iron Sword Dual Strike. Anna doesn't have anything to do so I have her use Hammerne on Gradivus. Ricken + Fred moves up, gets danced, then moves up again and Rescues Sully + Kjelle who 2HKOs Aversa with a Brave Axe.

    Chapter 23: 3/83 Turns

    Noire rallied Sully + Kjelle, Morgan + Tharja, and Anna + Ricken. Anna needs to kill the lower left Sorcerer with a Ricken Dual Strike to keep Noire from getting destroyed. Morgan moves right and kills the Hero above that Sorcerer that Anna killed. Sully kills the Ruin Sorcerer on the left, gets danced, and then kills the Assassin in the top-left. Chrom drops Robin in Validar's range.

    Turn 2, Anna and Morgan get rallied and Anna Rescues Morgan 1 TILE AHEAD so that she can get in range of the thwomp in the lower right corner. Say'ri Rescues Anna and Noire out of range of enemies with a dance from Olivia. Robin, Chrom, and Basillio kill two thwomps that moved up towards them, and Sully moves to the right to kill some enemies up top.

    Turn 3, Morgan exactly 4HKOs Validar with the forged Waste tome, then sends it to the convoy to re-equip Nosferatu. Robin gives Chrom to Sully and then rallies her and they fly over and kill the Ruin Sorcerer in the top-right. Anna chips a Hero than ran over towards the scrub squad and then Say'ri kills it and then gets danced to use Rescue for some extra exp. Everything else dies on enemy phase.

    Chapter 24: 2/85 Turns

    Noire rallies everyone and then Say'ri Rescues Sully + Chrom ahead. With Rally Spectrum and Chrom pair-up she ORKOs every enemy on the map with Gradivus. Morgan + Sephiroth kill stuff on the bottom of the map. Anna and Basilio kill a few stragglers near the start. Sully and Morgan cap everything relevant.

    Chapter 25: 1/86 Turns

    Anna Rescues Sully + Chrom up, then Say'ri + Ricken moves up and Rescues Olivia, gets danced, and then moves up and Rescues Sully + Chrom. Morgan + Sephiroth kill a General to reach A support for the next map. Say'ri reached Rally Speed but it doesn't matter.

    Endgame: 1/87 Turns

    Forged a +5 might, +15 hit Brave Axe.

    Sully + Chrom and Morgan + Sephiroth get rallied, then Sully full moves up to kill the Berserker in front of Grima. Anna and Ricken Rescue Olivia and Morgan up. Olivia dances Sully and then Morgan chips Grima with the Waste forge at 1 range to get the hit boost from Hex. She does 13 damage per hit at 100% hit with Sephiroth dealing 6 damage with Valflame dual strikes at definitely not 100% hit. Sully then finishes Grima off, dealing 14x4 damage with the Brave Axe and Chrom dealing 19 damage per dual strike. Chrom has a 98 chance of getting a dual strike so the kill is fairly reliable.

    Final Turncount: 87 Turns


  3. Chapter 14: 2/63 Turns

    Took an extra turn to build Tharja x Sephiroth support by having him kill everything on the left boat. He also needs the exp for Rally Spectrum. Sully + Chrom killed all the stuff on the bottom boat while Anna + Fred killed a few things on the right boat so that they could reach the bullion chest next turn.

    Kjelle's Paraogue: Free/63 Turns

    Passed down Deliverer to Kjelle.

    Got Rally Spectrum on Sephiroth, Vengeance on Tharja (not that it matters that much since Morgan promotes to Sorcerer anyway), some levels on Chrom, and like 3 levels each on Anna and Ricken by spamming Rescue.

    After the map, Sephiroth and Tharja reached S support and I reclassed Kjelle to Wyvern Rider since it has the same move as Great Knight but can fly so it just seems like the objectively better choice for ferrying dudes.

    EDIT: Did I say Wyvern, I meant Great Knight.

  4. Chapter 3: 5/27 Turns

    Free units were Kellam so Fred wouldn't die on Turn 1 and Miriel so that Sephiroth and Fred could exactly kill the archer on the right.

    Chrom recruits Kellam, pairs-up and then transfers Kellam to Sully, who transfers him to Fred. Fred full move to the right and chips a Soldier with the Silver Lance. Next turn Sully + Chrom kills the remaining Soldier and Javelin!Fred and Fire!Sephiroth kill the archer. The Merc gets killed by Sephiroth on enemy phase and he sends the Door Key to the convoy. Sully moves up and opens the door and then Fred moves two spaces above her, equips the Iron Axe, and uses a Vulnerary. Sephiroth kills the thwomp next turn, standing in range of the Merc so it won't attack Fred. Sully transfers Chrom to Fred so he can double stuff and he moves ahead and ORKOs the right archer near the boss with the Iron Sword. Fred has to dodge the Hammer guy at around 33 displayed hit. Sephiroth and Sully kill the Merc on the last turn and then Fred ORKOs the boss with the Hammer.

    Chapter 4: 2/29 Turns

    Oh boy time to bust out the broken shit. Gave Sully the Naga's Tear and the Boots. Gave Fred the Dracoshield and the Tiki's Tear. Strength tonic on Chrom and Sully, Defense tonic on Sully. Bought a Brave Lance and then forged a +3 might Elwind and a +3 might, +6 crit Pugi.

    Turn 1, Fred pairs up with Chrom and he moves in range of Lucina. Glass Sword!Sully and Elwind!Sephiroth stand next to each other in range of the fighters on the bottom. On enemy phase Fred needs to get a Brave Lance Dual Strike to kill Lucina. Sully also needs to either dodge the fighter or kill him with a Sephiroth Dual Strike. If neither happen then she needs to dodge a fighter on Turn 2 enemy phase.

    On Turn 2, Sephiroth pairs up with Sully and she moves out of range of the mages and uses a vulnerary. Chrom then moves in range of everything else and then switches to Fred who equips the Pugi. Even with the Dracoshield and Tiki's Tear, Fred needs to either dodge 1 mage or both thwomps (or a fighter and a thwomp also works but the thwomps have less hit) to survive. In the actual clear the left mage moved in such a way that Fred could kill it on player phase with a Chrom Dual Strike while still being in range of the other enemies which meant he couldn't die on enemy phase. The thwomps are too, well, thwomp to ORKO even with a maxed out Pugi forge, so Chrom needs to Dual Strike them or Fred needs to get a crit for them to die.

    RIP Glass Sword we will never forget your sacrifice.

    Chapter The Donnel: Free/29 Turns

    Gave Sully the Energy Drop, Speedwings, and Goddess Icon and then forged a +5 Bronze Sword so she could exactly ORKO the brigands with a Chrom pair-up.

    Sephiroth + Fred killed the 3 enemies at the start and one archer in the boss' room from across the wall to reach level 10, and then Sully murdered everything else to also reach level 10. Got both the Killer Lance and the Rescue Staff. Didn't recruit Donnel but at least he didn't die this time so there's that I guess. Sully also reached C Swords which doesn't matter at all and C Lances which might matter a very long time from now.

    Chapter 5: 7/36 Turns

    Reclassed Sully to Wyvern Rider and forged a +4 might, + 20 hit Bronze Axe to which lets her ORKO stuff with a Chrom Dual Strike to possibly avoid counters and to have a better chance of hitting the myrmidons.

    Sephiroth + Fred killed the enemies at the start while Sully + Chrom flew around murdering stuff. Sephiroth needs to proc speed once during the map in order to double and ORKO Brigands and Wyverns. Killed the boss with LEVIN SWORD CHROM. Ricken killed one wyvern. Yay.

    Chapter 6: 4/40 Turns

    Sully and Chrom took care of the left side, Sephiroth and Fred took care of the right. Ricken got fed a Thief and a Fighter.

    Chapter 7: 3/43 Turns

    Fed Ricken the boss lol. Sully learned Tantivy so now she's basically unhittable.

    Chapter 8: 5/48 Turns

    4 seems possible but I wanted the Second Seal village for Chrom to use later. Sully murdered everything and capped speed and reached A Axes. Ricken got his obligatory 1 kill per map.

    Chapter 9: 4/52 Turns

    Promoted Sephiroth for the extra bulk and to start getting closer to Rally Spectrum.

    Ricken + Sephiroth took care of most of the enemies on the left, except for two Soldiers and a Mage who were destroyed by GRADIVUS FRED. Sully killed everything else except for one wyvern which got fed to Tharja. Couldn't recruit Libra sadly.

    Paralogue 2: Free/52 Turns

    Got Chrom and Ricken to level 10. Reclassed Chrom to Cavalier mid-map. Trained Tharja.

    Paralogue 3: Free/52 Turns

    Trained Chrom and Tharja. Sephiroth and Tharja reached C support.

    Paralogue Anna: Free/52 Turns

    Thanks to the power of BOOTS Sully could carry Chrom over to recruit Anna on Turn 1. She took a Levin Sword and Defense Tonic from the convoy and got a level by killing stuff. Trained Tharja some more. Chrom reached D Lances.

    Chapter 10: 3/55 Turns

    Had Fred + Anna kill the Master Seal Thief on Turn 1 to send it to the convoy so Sully could promote mid-chapter at level 19. Tharja killed a bunch of stuff on the right side.

    Chapter 11: 2/57 Turns

    Oh boy this took some effort. Mostly a huge Celica's Gale forge and all of the stat boosters. Gave Sephiroth a Seraph Robe, Spirit Dust, Secret Book, Goddess Icon, and a Dracoshield. Gave Anna the Arms Scroll to use Physic. Forged a +5 might, +15 hit Celica's Gale to ORKO the Hero without Dual Strikes for better reliability.

    Anna Rescues Sully + Chrom, gets danced, moves in range of the Sage and then Rescues Sephiroth + Fred. Sully moves onto the fort with the shining tile and kills a Merc while Sephiroth moves onto the fort in range of Gangrel. Tharja + Ricken moves down in range of a mage.

    Sepiroth 2HKOs every enemy with the forged Celica's Gale except Gangrel. Gangrel needs to die on Turn 1 since otherwise he blocks the way and Sephiroth can't reach the thief that doesn't suicide on your units on Turn 2. So Fred needs to get a Dual Strike with the Brave Lance on Gangrel. Between Sephiroth and Fred they have to hit 3 out of a potential 6 attacks in order to ORKO Gangrel.

    On Turn 2 Tharja kills the Sage that Anna chipped, gets danced, and then moves in range of all the enemies on the right side and uses an Elixir. Sully kills the Short Axe wyvern on the left side. Anna uses Physic on Sephiroth and he moves down and kills the thief. Everything else dies on enemy phase. Chrom reached C Lances.

    Chapter 12: 3/60 Turns

    Promoted Tharja to Sorcerer.

    Basically Sully + Chrom mudered the entire left side of the map while Sephiroth, Tharja, and Anna killed stuff near the start with help from Olivia. Had Sephiroth stand next to Tharja on Turn 1 so that they could build support even though they weren't paired up. Chrom reached level 10 and got to A Lances.

    Chapter 13: 1/61 Turns

    Promoted Chrom to Paladin. Ricken could promote but he was 20 exp away from a level so I just kep him unpromoted for this map.

    Had Fred help feed Ricken an enemy for one last level up before promoting. Sephiroth + Tharja got Rescued up to kill the Silver Axe Warrior to build support. Sully + Chrom killed an enemy, got danced, and then ORKOed the boss with a Brave Axe.

  5. Chapter 2: WHY/22

    Free units were Vaike and Miriel for their pair-up bonuses.

    Holy shit fuck random AI movement. That was legit the thing that caused the most resets since if the enemies at the start move in the wrong way I can't keep the undrafted dudes out of danger. On Turn 1 the right brigand has to attack Fred from above and the left brigand has to move far enough to the right (and not too far down) to be in range of Fred on Turn 2 enemy phase. Then on Turn 2 a Soldier needs to move up towards Fred and not right towards everyone else cause Robin, Chrom, and Sully can't kill him while staying out of range of the other enemies. Bronze Sword!Fred 2HKOs everything while standing on a forest tile chugging Elixirs. Did manage to feed 1 enemy each to Robin, Chrom, and Sully in the starting group.

    Second part is much easier. Fred OHKOs the Mercs and baits everything else to start moving. Then Fred moves onto a fort and tanks everything with the Iron Sword. Managed to feed Sephiroth two brigands from the top group. Fed the boss to Sully with a Fire from Sephiroth and an Iron Sword from Fred to chip him down.

  6. Male Avatar named Sephiroth cause of some obscure 90s RPG being popular for reasons beyond our comprehension. Went with +Magic/-Res this time, let's see how long it takes before not picking +Speed or +Defense makes me want to commit seppuku.

    Premontion: 2/2 Turns

    We did it.

    Prologue: 6/8 Turns

    I think you can do this in 5 but fuck it I'll consider just beating the draft a victory in itself.

    Anyway Fred killed the mages and most of the Myrmidons while chipping the Barbarians so Sephiroth and Chrom could kill them for exp. Fed the boss to Sephiroth.

    Chapter 1: 6/14 Turns

    Fuck this map holy shit. This took over two hours I want to die. This isn't even the really bad early game map and it's already going to shit.

    So Fred chips some stuff on Turn 1 and then Sephiroth goes onto a fort, equips the Bronze Sword, and prays to RNGesus that he can survive. Chrom goes down to pair with Sully and try to feed her kills except he fucking crits all the dudes and steals all the exp. Sully ended up only getting one kill but I fucking had it with this map so I just didn't care anymore. I'll feed Sully all of Donnel's map to make up the difference or something I don't know. Fred proced speed which let him double the boss with Chrom pair-up so I fed the boss to Sephiroth with two Bronze Swords from Fred and two Thunders from Sephiroth.

  7. If a unit would gain no stats on level up in FE15, the game will instead give them a guaranteed HP-only level. Because of this quirk 0% growth runs of FE15 aren't truly 0% growths. Instead luck is set to 100% for everyone and every other growth is set to 0% so that the units won't gain massive amounts of bulk from the otherwise guaranteed HP procs that would happen otherwise. 

  8. Chapter 14: 8/152 Turns

    Saul used the boots and took Roy to the gate. Took an extra turn to buy Pure Waters and get the Guiding Ring. Got all of the hidden items.

    Chapter 14x: 5/157 Turns

    Fir used a Pure Water, then got warped next to the boss by Saul on Turn 1. Wendy picked up Roy. Wendy gave Roy to Saul next turn and he carried him to the throne room. Fir killed all of the promoted enemies in the throne room to help make room, but then Saul ended up on 1 HP the turn he dropped Roy, which made all of the archers and hand axe pirates attack him instead of Roy, greatly simplifying the process of clearing the way for Roy. Wendy killed the Berserker and a pirate with Lalum's help, with Wendy actually missing them on purpose to get more axe wexp out of it. On the first attempt the Berserker actually killed himself with a Devil Axe backfire crit when he attacked Merlinus, but I didn't have this happen in the actual completion of the chapter since Wendy gets 50 exp from killing that Berserker even though him killing himself is hilarious. Saul also reached S Light due to everything in the throne room trying to kill him.


    Roy Lv. 20.00 DAT BOI 32HP/18Str/18Skl/18Spd/21Lck/12Def/6Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 13/12.57 Bishop 45HP/22Mgc/18Skl/25Spd/8Lck/8Def/20Res S Light A Staves

    Wendy Lv. 14/3.98 Bigger Thwomp 37HP/21Str/14Skl/18Spd/15Lck/21Def/4Res A Lances E Axes

    Fir Lv. 12/6.63 Swordmaster 37HP/17Str/19Skl/26Spd/10Lck/13Def/8Res A Swords

    Lalum Lv. 5.73 Dancer 18HP/1Str/2Skl/15Spd/13Lck/4Def/6Res

    Merlinus Lv. 1.53 God Base

    Chapter 15: 9/166 Turns

    Saul, Fir, and Roy go towards the throne. Fir carries Roy on the last few turns so that Saul can ORKO everything near the throne before Fir gives Roy to him to get dropped. Wendy got the Hammerne Staff and killed 2 dudes to reach D Axes. Merlinus got the Divine tome and then died to bait Percival in range of Lalum. Recruited Garret for his Hand Axe. Deployed Marcus to go to the shop and buy a bunch of Lightning Tomes and a Chest Key using the Silver Card.

    Chapter 16: 12/178 Turns

    Somehow not a complete dumpster fire. Saul, Milady, Fir, and Roy on the left; everyone else on the right.

    Featuring the triumphant return on GOD MERLINUS, who exactly survives the Bolting mage and Purge Bishop with 1 HP after using a pure water. That says more about the mages than about Merlinus tbh. Wendy clears out the right side while Fir carries Roy over to Wendy so he can be dropped to recruit Hugh for the Member's Card. Fir kills the manakete on the right so Merlinus can get the chests. Saul silences the Purge dude and puts Douglas to sleep. Had to take an extra turn to get the Rescue Staff, but it's totally worth it. Also used Warp to get Milady to Zeiss since it would have taken forever to get dudes over to break the wall.

    Chapter 16x: 9/187 Turns

    Fir got warped up to kill the boss on Turn 1 since Saul is too busy carrying Roy to deal with Restoring dudes who get hit by Berserk. Used Durandal to kill the boss since it has the highest hit rate of any weapon Fir can use and it lets her 2HKO the boss without crits. Wendy goes around and kills stragglers and finally reaches S Lances.

    Chapter 17: 6/193 Turns

    Saul carries Roy until the bridge, where he has to drop Roy to kill all the enemies on the other side of the bridge. Since Roy starts falling behind because of no longer being rescued, Saul uses the Rescue Staff to get Roy in range to seize on Turn 6. Saul also used Silence on the Sleep Bishop so Roy wouldn't get put to sleep. Fir and Wendy killed the enemies at the start and then went to the arena to get some money. Merlinus got the Tina Staff and bought some killer weapons and hand axes. Saul needed Aureola to ORKO the boss since Lightning and Divine are too weak.


    Roy Lv. 20.00 DAT BOI 32HP/18Str/18Skl/18Spd/21Lck/12Def/6Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 13/18.66 Bishop 51HP/25Mgc/21Skl/25Spd/10Lck/10Def/23Res S Light A Staves (1 Angelic Robe, 1 Boots)

    Wendy Lv. 14/8.58 Bigger Thwomp 40HP/24Str/16Skl/21Spd/18Lck/24Def/5Res S Lances C Axes

    Fir Lv. 12/11.28 Swordmaster 41HP/19Str/22Skl/30Spd/12Lck/13Def/8Res S Swords (1 Body Ring)

    Lalum Lv. 9.16 Dancer 22HP/2Str/2Skl/19Spd/16Lck/6Def/7Res

    Merlinus Lv. 1.55 God Base

    Chapter 18: 6/199 Turns

    Saul just carried Roy to the throne. Used the Rescue Staff on Turn 2 to get Lalum through all of the forest tiles to dance Saul further ahead. Even when carrying Roy Saul can still ORKO the Pegasus Knights since they're all weighed down so much. Saul exactly ORKOed the boss with Aureola.

    Chapter 19: 7/206 Turns

    Basically the same as the last chapter, with Saul carrying Roy and using Rescue on Lalum once. Also used Hammerne on the Rescue Staff on Turn 1. Fir got the Energy Ring village.

    Chapter 20: 5/211 Turns

    This is technically possible in 4 turns, but it requires Saul to be able to ORKO the boss... which is impossible. Even with capped magic Saul can't ORKO the boss with Aureola, so I have to take an extra turn. This lets me get all of the treasure in the left room at least.


    Roy Lv. 20.00 DAT BOI 32HP/18Str/18Skl/18Spd/21Lck/12Def/6Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 13/20.00 Bishop 53HP/25Mgc/23Skl/25Spd/11Lck/11Def/23Res S Light A Staves (1 Angelic Robe, 1 Boots)

    Wendy Lv. 14/9.62 Bigger Thwomp 43HP/24Str/17Skl/22Spd/19Lck/25Def/5Res S Lances C Axes

    Fir Lv. 12/12.12 Swordmaster 42HP/20Str/22Skl/30Spd/12Lck/14Def/8Res S Swords (1 Body Ring)

    Lalum Lv. 11.28 Dancer 24HP/2Str/2Skl/20Spd/18Lck/7Def/7Res

    Merlinus Lv. 1.55 God Base

    Chapter 20x: Free/211 Turns

    Got Wendy to A Axes and Saul to S Staves. Hammerned the Rescue Staff again. Killed all of the level 18 Warriors for the exp.

    Chapter 21: 9/220 Turns

    Saul carried Roy to the throne, using Rescue on Lalum once and using warp on Wendy to send her to the secret shop to buy 24 Boots and 2 Purge tomes. Fir distracted all of the Paladin reinforcements from going up to kill Yodel. Wendy reached S Axes by tanking all of the wyvern reinforcements by the secret shop.


    Roy Lv. 20.00 DAT BOI 32HP/18Str/18Skl/18Spd/21Lck/12Def/6Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 13/20.00 Bishop 53HP/25Mgc/23Skl/25Spd/11Lck/11Def/23Res S Light S Staves (1 Angelic Robe, 1 Boots)

    Wendy Lv. 14/14.76 Bigger Thwomp 47HP/25Str/21Skl/22Spd/23Lck/26Def/7Res S Lances S Axes (1 Boots)

    Fir Lv. 12/17.39 Swordmaster 47HP/22Str/24Skl/30Spd/14Lck/14Def/11Res S Swords (1 Body Ring)

    Lalum Lv. 13.35 Dancer 26HP/3Str/2Skl/20Spd/20Lck/7Def/7Res

    Merlinus Lv. 1.55 God Base

    Chapter 21x: 8/228 Turns

    Saul went around to the throne while using boots, while everyone else stayed at the start and used boots themselves. Saul Rescued Fir carrying Roy on Turn 7, and then she killed the boss next turn while Saul used the last use of the Hammerne Staff to repair to Rescue Staff again.


    Roy Lv. 20/1.00 YA BOI 36HP/20Str/21Skl/20Spd/21Lck/14Def/11Res S Swords (5 Boots)

    Saul Lv. 13/20.00 Bishop 53HP/25Mgc/23Skl/25Spd/11Lck/11Def/23Res S Light S Staves (1 Angelic Robe, 5 Boots)

    Wendy Lv. 14/15.44 Bigger Thwomp 48HP/25Str/22Skl/22Spd/23Lck/26Def/7Res S Lances S Axes (5 Boots)

    Fir Lv. 12/18.40 Swordmaster 48HP/22Str/25Skl/30Spd/15Lck/14Def/11Res S Swords (1 Body Ring, 5 Boots)

    Lalum Lv. 13.67 Dancer 26HP/3Str/2Skl/20Spd/20Lck/7Def/7Res (5 Boots)

    Merlinus Lv. 1.55 God Base

    Chapter 22: 7/235 Turns

    Everyone is on the right side. Saul and Wendy go up to the right switch, then Saul uses the last use of Warp to get Wendy over the wall to get the left switch. Merlnius gets the Dracoshield and Wyrmslayer on the right side, and Wendy gets the Sleep Staff on the left side after getting the switch. Fir kills Zephiel with a Durandal hit + crit.

    Chapter 23: 3/238 Turns

    Saul went up and murdered a bunch of wyverns, then used Rescue on Fir so that she and Roy, who got danced, could kill the Sleep Staff Druids. Saul had Berserked the Berserk Druid on Turn 1 so he wouldn't need to be killed. Didn't need to use Holy Maiden since Saul can actually avoid them sort of reliably thanks to his res stat.

    Chapter 24: 8/246 Turns

    Yeah. Used the last two uses of Rescue so Roy could reach the 4th throne and Fir could kill Jahn on the last turn. Didn't end up using the Sleep Staff, Purge did the same thing that Sleep would have done basically. 

    The End: 1/247 Turns

    Fear the amazing Roy.

    Final Turncount: 247 Turns

    Final Stats:

    Roy Lv. 20/7.34 YA BOI 42HP/25Str/23Skl/24Spd/25Lck/16Def/12Res S Swords (5 Boots)

    Saul Lv. 13/20.00 Bishop 53HP/25Mgc/23Skl/25Spd/11Lck/11Def/23Res S Light S Staves (1 Angelic Robe, 5 Boots)

    Wendy Lv. 14/19.94 Bigger Thwomp 52HP/25Str/24Skl/22Spd/25Lck/27Def/7Res S Lances S Axes (5 Boots)

    Fir Lv. 12/20.00 Swordmaster 50HP/22Str/26Skl/30Spd/16Lck/17Def/11Res S Swords (1 Dracoshield, 1 Body Ring, 5 Boots)

    Lalum Lv. 15.70 Dancer 27HP/3Str/2Skl/20Spd/22Lck/7Def/7Res (5 Boots)

    Merlinus Lv. 1.55 God Base

  9. Chapter 11: 11/121 Turns

    I just took it slow to get as many villages as I could since I'm very poor and desperately need the money. Got all but 3 villages, the bottom two and the Angelic Robe village. Also recruited Klein and Tate for their stuff. Thany bought a shit ton of Lightning tomes for Saul, turning him into my best unit since he has 1-2 range that can actually hit things and has the highest move of all my units. Boss kill was actually cancer since the only unit I have who can kill him reliably is Roy, but having Roy kill the boss costs another turn, so instead I have Fir kill him with a double Wo Dao crit to both save a turn and get Fir one more level before promoting.

    Chapter 12: 7/128 Turns

    Actually really proud of this one. Wendy and Merlinus are on the right, everyone else is on the left.

    Fir and Wendy move up and both promote on Turn 1. They both need the extra move for this map more than the extra stats. Axes also let Wendy actually hit the fighters... kind of.

    So Wendy kills the stuff on the right and opens the doors so Merlinus can loot all of the chests. Saul murders everything while Fir and Roy help rescue-chain Lalum ahead. The boss kill is interesting since Fir can't reach the boss at 1 range, so she and Saul both use their full move (Fir got danced by Lalum on the last turn as well) to attack the boss from 2 range, 4HKOing him. I let Fir get the bosskill since Saul got like 2 levels in this map already from murdering most of the left side. Wendy is just barely able to reach and kill the Sniper on the last turn for some exp.


    Roy Lv. 20.00 DAT BOI 32HP/18Str/18Skl/18Spd/21Lck/12Def/6Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 13/6.45 Bishop 41HP/18Mgc/17Skl/21Spd/7Lck/7Def/17Res C Light A Staves (1 Angelic Robe)

    Wendy Lv. 14/1.61 Bigger Thwomp 35HP/19Str/12Sk/17Spd/15Lck/19Def/4Res A Lances E Axes

    Fir Lv. 12/2.04 Swordmaster 33HP/15Str/17Skl/22Spd/10Lck/12Def/6Res B Swords

    Lalum Lv. 2.73 Dancer 15HP/1Str/2Skl/12Spd/10Lck/2Def/5Res

    Merlinus Lv. 1.53 God

    Chapter 12x: 7/135 Turns

    Yeah. Did a cute trick of having Wendy rescue Roy, get danced, give Roy to Saul, and have Saul drop him so that he could reach the boss on Turn 6. Roy chipped the boss on Turn 6 enemy phase and then Fir finished him off with a Wo Dao crit (had 2 attempts thanks to Roy's chip damage.) Saul got the Red Gem. Merlinus died to keep Lalum safe from a fighter for one turn, what a hero.

    Chapter 13: 9/144 Turns

    Featuring another cool trick. Wendy goes to get the Body Ring, which gets sent to Merlinus since Wendy's inventory is full. Fir then takes the Body Ring out of the convoy and uses it so that she can use pick up Roy, get danced, and give him to Saul on the next turn. Fir easily ORKOed the boss with the Wyrmslayer.

  10. Chapter 5: 4/36 Turns

    Opened the gate on Turn 2. Used meatshields so that Roy's path to the boss on Turn 3 wasn't blocked. Shanna dropped Rutger in the dondon spot. Merlinus stood on a fort and tanked fighters on the right.

    Chapter 6: 8/44 Turns

    Roy went around the left side since he just gets stuck trying to go up through the mass of javelin soldiers. Merlinus baits the middle group down on Turn 1, and then he and Saul choke the point into the the building on the left side, which lets Saul get 12 exp from healing and 3-4 exp from dodging javelins every turn. The mage in the throne room that doesn't move makes a 7 turn impossible since it blocks Roy's path, preventing him from reaching the boss on Turn 6. At leasy Saul gets an extra heal out of it I guess.


    Roy Lv. 13.97 DAT BOI 26HP/15Str/14Skl/14Spd/17Lck/10Def/5Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 5.98 Priest Base (1 Angelic Robe)

    Merlinus Lv. 1.22 God Base

    Chapter 7: 10/54 Turns

    I don't care to try and optimize this, I'm far too lazy. Recruited Zealot, Noah, and Treck. Got the Torch Staff, Physic Staff, Hero Crest, Horseslayer, and Elixer villages. Bough 6 door keys and 2 chest keys. Killed the boss with an Iron Axe from Zealot and 2 Armorslayer hits from Marcus.


    Roy Lv. 14.60 DAT BOI 27HP/16Str/15Skl/15Spd/18Lck/10Def/5Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 6.95 Priest 28HP/5Mgc/7Skl/11Spd/2Lck/3Def/6Res C Staves (1 Angelic Robe)

    Merlinus Lv. 1.22 God Base

    Chapter 8: 21/75 Turns

    I don't want to talk about it.


    Roy Lv. 17.08 DAT BOI 30HP/17Str/17Skl/17Spd/18Lck/11Def/5Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 9.32 Priest 31HP/8Mgc/8Skl/14Spd/3Lck/3Def/8Res C Staves (1 Angelic Robe)

    Wendy Lv. 5.46 Thwomp 23HP/8Str/4Skl/5Spd/9Lck/11Def/1Res D Lances

    Merlinus Lv. 1.41 God Base

    Chapter 8x: 14/89 Turns

    Roy ran all the way to the throne himself. Wendy killed stragglers while getting healed by Saul. 

    Chapter 9: 11/100 Turns

    Recruited Fir, who got two levels by Wo Daoing stuff. Saul spammed Torch. Merlinus sacrificed himself to bait a Merc over in range of Fir so she could kill it for a level on the last turn. Roy capped level. Wendy still can't hit anything without burning at least 20 RNs every single time she attacks.

    Chapter 10: 10/110 Turns

    Roy walked down on his own while Wendy and Fir self-improved. Saul reached level 13 and promoted on the last turn.


    Roy Lv. 20.00 DAT BOI 32HP/18Str/18Skl/18Spd/21Lck/12Def/6Res A Swords

    Saul Lv. 13/1.00 Bishop 37HP/15Mgc/14Skl/18Spd/6Lck/6Def/13Res D Light A Staves (1 Angelic Robe)

    Wendy Lv. 13.20 Thwomp 30HP/14Str/9Skl/12Spd/14Lck/15Def/1Res C Lances

    Fir Lv. 9.35 Myrmidon 25HP/10Str/12Skl/18Spd/8Lck/7Def/3Res D Swords

    Merlinus Lv. 1.50 God Base

  11. Chapter 4: 7/32 Turns

    Roy just walked left. Merlinus got the Angelic Robe. Decided that getting the Angelic Robe was more important than getting the door key since keys can be bought in Chapter 7. Recruited Killing Edge.


    Roy Lv. 12.11 DAT BOI 25HP/14Str/13Skl/13Spd/17Lck/10Def/5Res A Swords

    Merlinus Lv. 1.07 God Base

  12. Chapter 3: 9/25 Turns

    Roy went up while Marcus followed behind him to distract some javelin soldiers and act as a convoy for Roy's vulneraries. Merlnius got the Mend Staff from the village. Rigged a Rapier crit to OHKO the boss even though Roy could just 3HKO him in order to save two rapier uses.


    Roy Lv. 10.19 DAT BOI 24HP/13Str/11Skl/12Spd/15Lck/9Def/3Res B Swords

    Merlinus Lv. 1.07 God Base

  13. Chapter 1: 7/7 Turns



    Roy Lv. 5.37 DAT BOI 20HP/8Str/6Skl/10Spd/11Lck/7Def/1Res D Swords

    Chapter 2: 9/16 Turns

    You lose a turn every chapter from Roy having to kill the boss himself which is really annoying. Rapier is also so bad that it barely even 3HKOs the boss, so I used the Armorslayer instead since it could ORKO.

  14. Chapter 22: 8/143 Turns

    Gave Jake 1 Energy Drop to OHKO the Fortify Clerics with Pachyderm and 1 Secret Book for extra hit. Gave Cord 3 Spirit Dusts and 2 Secret Books to help with the Medeus boss kill later.

    Jake and Xane kill stuff from over the wall, and Cain kills a few things on Turn 2, before he, Wolf, and Ogma form a wall to protect Marth on Turn 3. There are 6 enemies left on Turn 4, but I only have 5 units in range to kill them, so I kill everything except for 1 Pegasus Knight, who gets blocked from attacking Marth, who visited the village, and instead attacks Lorenz since he gets doubled and has the lowest luck. Not much happens after that since all of the enemies are dead except Michalis by this point. I decide to go full meme for the boss kill since Cain doesn't really gain anything from levels at this point. 2x Silver Sword from Ogma + a Hand Axe from Wolf + a Stonehoist from Jake leaves Michalis on exactly 1 HP, letting him be finished off by the amazing MATTHIS. Yes, this was entirely too much effort. I regret nothing.


    Marth Lv. 4.46 Scrub 20HP/7Str/0Mgc/4Skl/9Spd/9Lck/7Def/0Res D Swords (1 Boots)

    Jeigan Lv. --/7.86 Dracoknight 23HP/10Str/1Mgc/12Skl/9Spd/3Lck/14Def/3Res A Lances D Axes

    Cain Lv. 13/18.11 Dracoknight 59HP/26Str/1Mgc/26Skl/23Spd/18Lck/20Def/4Res A Lances D Axes (2 Angelic Robes, 1 Energy Drop, 1 Speedwing, 1 Goddess Icon, 1 Dracoshield)

    Ogma Lv. 13/10.01 Hero 44HP/21Str/1Mgc/23Skl/25Spd/10Lck/16Def/3Res B Swords C Axes (1 Speedwing, 1 Arms Scroll)

    Cord Lv. 14/7.80 Sorcerer 28HP/5Str/24Mgc/18Skl/20Spd/13Lck/7Def/10Res B Tomes D Staves (5 Spirit Dusts, 2 Secret Books)

    Lena Lv. 19/4.34 Sage 28HP/3Str/14Mgc/14Skl/12Spd/18Lck/5Def/15Res D Tomes A Staves

    Matthis Lv. 13/5.68 Dracoknight 35HP/12Str/2Mgc/10Skl/18Spd/7Lck/13Def/8Res C Lances E Axes (B Staves) (1 Speedwing)

    Wolf Lv. --/12.41 Hero 41HP/15Str/0Mgc/18Skl/21Spd/13Lck/14Def/1Res D Swords C Axes

    Rickard Lv. 1.11 Thief Base

    Jake Lv. 24.28 Ballistician 31HP/20Str/0Mgc/20Skl/11Spd/15Lck/19Def/0Res (1 Energy Drop, 1 Skill Book)

    Big Mac Lv. 3.00 Mercenary Base

    Xane Lv. Whatever Who Cares

    Lorenz Lv. --/7.05 General 36HP/11Str/1Mgc/4Skl/7Spd/4Lck/17Def/3Res A Lances B Bows

    Chapter 23: 7/150 Turns

    Gave Jake the two last Energy Drop and sold everything I owned to forge a +4 might, +20 hit, +10 crit Pachyderm named "Artifice Aion". This lets Jake and Xane OHKO the Swarm Bishops even if they round up on HP and defense, and it's needed for Endgame as well. Reclassed Lorenz to Horseman. Reclassed Cain, Jeigan, and Matthis to Paladin.

    Cain, Marth, Jeigan, and Lorenz go up to the throne while everyone else goes right to kill Gharnef and friends. Lorenz and Jeigan don't use Pure Waters while Marth and Cain do so that get targeted instead. I use Matthis' shitty luck to bait some of Gharnef's goons into attacking him instead of Ogma when both were in range so Ogma wouldn't get attacked by all of them and die. The amazing Sorcerer Cord killed Gharnef and sent the Falchion to the convoy, which Marth then used to kill a fake Gharnef that Cain had chipped for memes, and then he got a perfect level out of it for even more meme value. A bit late for levels like that now Marth, but A for effort I suppose. Rickard got the chests.

    Chapter 24: 4/154 Turns

    Sold everything I owned again except for Fortify, some javelins, and the Wyrmslayer/Dragonpike. Forged a +4 might, +20 hit Dragonpike named "Endgame" just to make the boss kill more reliable. Also promoted Elice, not like it mattered.

    Matthis went down and killed the Bishop south of the boss. This baited the manaketes to the right of the boss to move down towards Matthis so that I didn't have to kill them. Cain killed the few enemies that were left. Ogma blocked Marth from getting attacked on Turn 3 and reached A Swords finally lol. Bosskill was a forged Arrowspate from Jake (it has better hit that the forged Pachyderm) and the Dragonpike forge from Cain. I had Jeigan buy an Arms Scroll for Cord as part of a contingency plan I had for killing Medeus in case Jake didn't get enough strength to OHKO with a Pachyderm crit, but Jake did get enough strength so this ended up not being needed. I just wanted to show that I was able to in case it was needed.

    Endgame: 1/155 Turns

    Jake did the thing. Ballistae are a fair and balanced weapon type.

    Final Turncount: 155 Turns 

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