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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. Everyone who kills things "hogs EXP". You can't hold that against him just because he leaves. Besides, there is no such thing as that in this game anyway. ----- There is one question though. What happens if you actually get him killled on purpose in the chapter that he is playable in? And when you actually use him in that chapter...does he get to keep the EXP that he gained from the main story into the CC? And using Orson isn't recommended, at all. He destorys easy EXP. When Orson dies in that chapter he just retreats, no he dosen't get the exp he got from chapter 5 to Creature Campaign, and Juna fruit lowers level of a unit by one when used.
  2. ATTENTION PASSIONATE MAFIAS We have surrounded your organization and will all die under the terrifying FE5 Ballistas and also the intimidating FE3 Shooter
  3. Dear FE4 and FE5 Stop killing my people with 20-40% hit chances.. Dear Lalum and Laylea Why are you so fragile and can't dodge well its a pain to restart just because I made a mistake and got you two killed...
  4. Inventory reminds me of Might and Magic. Is it any fun? [/stupid question] Yeah Diablo 2 is fun (not sure about the mod The End and Dio are playing but it's fun)
  5. Othin is better with the Solar manual. Hmm did you already used up the elite manual? (could give it to Machua if you want or the 2x hit manual in chapter 18)
  6. Had seen this person in a movie before. (probably) Ninja'd
  7. Dear Muhammad How do you have the same portrait as Shagaal? are you a relative of his?
  8. My moment was not in this game but in FE4 Hannibal activated big shield on an Elfire that was going to kill him 94% hit and Hannibal activated big shield also on a Fenrir that was going to kill him 100%.
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