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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. You should use the program Virtual Dub (its free) and use this video if that dosen't work try this method (parts at 1:43 even tho it says vba it should work for ZSNES or W/E emulator you are using.) If those still don't work try this one Recording Videos on Zsnes.
  2. "Sapper Squad demolish that the walls and doors so we can get in." (Digs in position places sapper charges, )
  3. "This is not over...." (Waves flag defiantly in their faces.)
  4. Well Pent is one of those RNG proof characters meaning he'll stay good even if his stat ups got messed up, Erk and some of the characters in this game has a chance to get RNG screwed and turn out horrible for your current playthrough. Even though Pent is stuck with that A support with Louise yes Erk has better supports and options however you'll probably not deploy him if he turns out horrible therefore you used up a support slot, When Erk does promote he'll be stuck with E in staffs unless if you do want to build that staff rank up by using him to heal. Yes staffs aren't as important besides some uses of restore and the basic Heal and Mend, however with Pent's A in staves he can support with his Psychic or use a Rescue staff on that damn Zephiel considering you get to it first. Yes Erk can help well in the early game with killing some of the knights, cavaliers, and some other enemies however your gambling to see if you don't get an RNG screwed Erk, while with Pent you don't have to worry about him he'll stay solid. (Not the best explanation but that's what I have to say.)
  5. I chuckled (it was an alright pun uhh waits for next person to post) I agreeMade some more Metroid Walkthroughs.
  6. Would probably agree that more people needs to play Fire Emblem.
  7. As in, if Hero Lance is broken (which can't be sold if it still has uses) it cannot be sold if it's broken. Unsellable weapons are the ones with no worth displayed. Or do you mean to say that the shop that sells Vulnerary and Magic can actually buy a broken Hero Lance and such from you despite the armory not being able to do so? Nvm silly me I read that info about broken weapons wrong.
  8. (Minor Stuff) On the FE5 Weapons page it says that broken weapons can't be sold but they can be sold to vendors.
  9. Probably above Fred or Glade, maybe even above Xavier. As for Ronan, I dunno, all he's really got going for him is Continue and that's about it. 1 PCC, doesn't support anyone and is only supported by Leaf doesn't really help when his STR's even worse than Tanya's. Probably above Glade, Glade's leadership star and A rank in lances is great but he's not going to be much use on indoor maps with his E rank in Swords, Tanya can be used both indoors and outdoors since she only has to use bows even though she has starts with an E in Bows its possible to raise it to a C rank at least before chapter 13? and also Glade is prepromoted wont get much exp in non elite mode and is the difficulty of recruitment also used in this tier list? This, though I must ask how is Glade difficult to recruit? Sorry I meant that for Xavier's part.(and some other characters)
  10. Probably above Fred or Glade, maybe even above Xavier. As for Ronan, I dunno, all he's really got going for him is Continue and that's about it. 1 PCC, doesn't support anyone and is only supported by Leaf doesn't really help when his STR's even worse than Tanya's. Probably above Glade, Glade's leadership star and A rank in lances is great but he's not going to be much use on indoor maps with his E rank in Swords, Tanya can be used both indoors and outdoors since she only has to use bows even though she has starts with an E in Bows its possible to raise it to a C rank at least before chapter 13? and also Glade is prepromoted wont get much exp in non elite mode and is the difficulty of recruitment also used in this tier list (for Xavier and some others)?
  11. Avatar looks like is going to kill something.
  12. Attention Passionate Mafias our leader Stalin 2.0 has ordered us to siege your organization. Surrender to the might of the communist or be crushed.
  13. same looking mugshots just one with hair and different color.
  14. (yeah I was bored so I should be the villan of this topic)
  15. (Henchmen to Commie HQ) I have located their hideout commence attack... (runs into something expensive and blows himself up)
  16. I simply wanted to see this place thats all.
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