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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. For patching FE5 (if the game name has NP in it that means use the patch that says NP) If it dosen't have NP that means use the Rom one IDK about the v-rom one though and to patch it put the patch where your game is and rename the patch to the name of your game. To do that right click your rom file go to rename copy it then go to the patch name go to rename and paste. If that dosen't work you might need a new rom probably, or that don't work then wait for Vincent sorry.
  2. Going off topic but yeah ballistas were that powerful in RL (but you probably knew that) and yes they were annoying too. (me holding fastfoward button) (Ballista 20-30% to hit) (Leaf gets critted) (Leaf dies) (Me ragequit for a while.)
  3. I hope this helps.. I only got chapter 11-20 done right now. Hector Hard Mode Chapter 11-20 (I forgot to take a snapshot of Chapter 11's boss)
  4. Posted a pretty funny video on to my adoring fans topic.
  5. What makes Darros upper mid tier is it his Knight--->General set up or something else? Probably just me but I have a hard time keeping him alive by the time he can reclass he's facing enemies that can put him to near death (cavaliers and fighters?) Not to mention that cavalier with the armor slayer, well in all yes he seems pretty good with that 60% defense growth but won't his 0% speed put him in trouble with magic users?
  6. Seen this commercial before? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzymdWIz7vI&feature=related
  7. Virtual Console: Kirby All Star ( I think is pretty fun co-op)
  8. I had an Asvel that still had 6 magic till level 20/0
  9. Is anyone working on HHM mode enemy stats? I can try to get them and do you want the Gaiden chapters two and the two versions of Lloyd and Linus map and Jerme and Kenneths ma?
  10. Adult Swim stuff Boondocks I got shot More Boondocks Again Boondocks.
  11. How would you know? : P Although it is true, I have no idea what it is. If you want to know...
  12. @CG Yeah Wendell is great especially on H5 makes it easier for you in the early parts, Michiah in a clothing of CG's choosing? @DLN Trecks ok Miledy in a clothing of DLN's choosing? @Joshybear Gatrie?
  13. Wanted people to download Touhou in one of his topic.
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