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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. (Walks in) Nice place you have here..
  2. So Dio did you gave the wrath manual for someone or you saving for it? 16A or 16B?
  3. Snes Super Mario All Stars (same reason as Ike-Mike) Wii Only played Smash Bros. PC Warcraft 3 Battle Chest, Starcraft Battle Chest, Diablo Battle Chest, World of Warcraft Battle Chest, Command and Conquer pack, or the Orange Box Warcraft Starcraft: If you are a fan of RTS games you should pick up either one of those they include two games one game and the expansion plus a guide (though you won't need the Starcraft guide since its made by Prima games >.>) They both come with a free online service and still pretty active online community. Warcraft 3 focus on not a lot of mass building but you have an option to build heroes in the game that usually turn the tide of battle. Starcraft has mass building but no heroes. Both games are good though I recommend Warcraft better Diablo Battle Chest: If you are a fan of hack and slash games this might be for you free online service comes with one game and its expansion and a guide (I forgot if it was a Prima Game guide) you have 7 classes to choose from in this game and 3 modes of difficulty and the online community is pretty active also. World of Warcraft Battle Chest If you are fan of MMORPGS you might want to check this out if you don't mind shelling out 15$ per month and have a great internet connection and a fan of Warcraft you might enjoy this however the game has massive grinding in it so don't expect to reach 1-80 quickly though not as much grinding as in Final Fantasy Online, and depending on the server you choose you get a horrible or great community however if you like MMORPGS check this out. Command and Conquer Pack If you are a fan of RTS games you'll like this building in this game is different rather having workers build your HQ does all the building for you and the workers only mine resources. This pack comes with I think 6 games First Command and Conquer, Command and Conquer 2, Command and Conquer Red Alert, Command and Conquer Renegade, Command and Conquer Yuri's Revenge, and Command and Conquer Generals. It's worth its price but don't expect much of an online commuity. The Orange Box: Three games from the Company Valve (which makes great games) comes with Team Fortress 2, Half Life 2, and Portal. Team Fortress 2 is an online FPS game with 7 classes to choose from, Half Life 2 is continuation of Half Life both online and single player, Portal is like a puzzle solver while you have to utilize the surroundings and your portal guns with lets you create portals. However you'll need a pretty powerful CPU to run these games.
  4. I remember seeing Gomes I was like damn a tough boss this early? Yeah its possible to crit him to death if you do actually hit him.
  5. Did you made that up or was it somewhere in the Half Life game?
  6. (Minor stuff) Since the portrait for Midia and Jiol in FE1 page. and
  7. TP is overrated (twilight princess is overrated?)
  8. Probably liked these tracks from FE7 http://serenesforest.net/media/fe7music/013%20-%20Winning%20Road.mp3 http://serenesforest.net/media/fe7music/082%20-%20Prepare%20to%20Charge.mp3 http://serenesforest.net/media/fe7music/008%20-%20Companions.mp3
  9. Dear Xavier and Xavier's Lieutenants Why do you lieutenants kill each other when a person turns green? Were you Jealous that someone got their kid/family member first that you had to kill them. Xavier why are you a hypocrite killing your own Green colored lieutenants when you told Leaf you cared for them..
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