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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. If he is in it will make the lack of Minerva a little easier to take since Naverre is my favorite male SD character.
  2. Japanese songs also through in English words out of nowhere just because. I think it is just to sound exotic and be different.
  3. Well that would make up a bit for no Minerva since I really like Navarre.
  4. I like Lyn but this not good, no Alm or Ike and SD is not going to have anyone I like. The only character I was holding out hope for was Minerva and looks like I won't be getting to smash enemies with her. I will still get the the game but because of this I won't be getting the LE and I have every LE since Fates including TMS.
  5. I have been depressed most of my life and to me it seems like every time I start to get my act together some thing happens to screw my life up. I do try to look on the bright side but it is really hard some days since I have type one diabetes and I live in a city where there are mostly type two diabetics and every one makes fun of my health problems even though it was my immune system attacking my pancreas that caused my diabetes. Even my dad told me once a shot makes it all better even though a shot is not a cure and is really just life support for me. There are a lot of things I try to do to cheer myself up that tend to work some times, one of which is I cook most of my own food from scratch and no I don't buy expensive food to cook I buy what is on sale but I have come up with many recipes and at least I know what is in my food which at least helps my blood sugar. I also like to listen to the Real Mckenzies and the Dropkick Murphys when I get really down because they have really good beats that tend to cheer me up. I started doing yoga and it does help since part of it is emptying you mind and not thinking. At least you are on the right path in that you know you have a problem and are getting help. I guess I am just trying to say I know how you feel and that I am hoping that you can get to a better place.
  6. Well good for Gamepress for getting the word out ant trying to remove the scam from their site. I am getting really tiered of scams and I don't trust any "deal" unless it is direct from the game company themselves.
  7. FE 6: Geese FE 7: Hector FE 8: Seth FE 9: Jill FE 10: Nailah FE 11: Minerva FE 13: Priam FE 14: Kaze FE SoV (I don't know if we are calling it 15 or not): Lucas Heroes: Anna I just put my top favorite from each game even though I have others
  8. My funny summoning story is I spent nearly 100 orbs trying to get Seth when he first came out and I did get him with a good nature to boot +atk, but now every time I try to summon red in CYL banner I get 4* Seth every other pull.
  9. Sit up in bed don't lay down otherwise the bleeding will take a really long time to stop. I had to sleep in my dads's recliner when I had mine removed because I would start bleeding if I lay down. And I recommend video games and TV as entertainment since you are stuck in one spot until the pain dies down.
  10. Well as of last night I made it 35k and have my last 5*s almost leveled my plan of earning around 10k points a day is a good balance for me so I don't get burned out.
  11. As to artist I want Kazuya Minekura She is the mangaka and author of the Saiyuki series as well as Bus Gamer and one of my all time favorite artists if you can't tell by my profile pic and sig. In game artist I want to return is the one who did Innes I find him to be my favorite in terms of art in Heroes. I agree with the others saying Micaiah should only be drawn by Senri Kita sine every time she is drawn by some one else she looks horrid.
  12. I know SD will most probably not have as many reps as the 3DS games but there are some SD units who should get in such as Minerva, Merric and Linde since Warriors needs more mages anyway.
  13. The reason why I will be mad is because it was stated by IS that SD, Awakening and Fates were the three games that would be in the main game and that was it. This "leak" is saying that only three SD characters will be in the game Marth, Tiki and Ceada, if that is true I will be very mad because SD should get the same number of reps as Awakening and Fates.
  14. You bought a boot leg game and those are known for having problems. Any video game on Etsy is a boot leg, if you want a legit copy of a game it get through a site that is known for selling games, like Amazon or GameStop.
  15. I smell something fishy here, my money is on this is fake. If this is real and Lyn is in but not Minerva I am going to be very mad.
  16. Have they said when the 10 orbs and 5k feathers from the mini game are going to come? I want to save up as many feathers as I can for BK promotions when he comes and I still need to promote several 4*s to 5*s.
  17. I really want info on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 they said at E3 that it was coming in December so this would be perfect for more info on it. Of course I would love info on SMT V, Bayonetta 3 and FE Switch but I won't hold my breath. Honestly if I get Minerva playable in FE Warriors and info on XBC2 I will be happy.
  18. I honestly want more FE 4 and 5 characters in the game, even though I haven't played the games I love the units that have been put in Heroes and would like more. A Laguz banner would be great too, I want my wolf units in Heroes as well as Raven and Hawk.
  19. Well I am almost at 25k and I will by tomorrow have trained every 5* in my barracks to level 40, I got rather behind in my training of units. I have also leveled several 4*s and will keep training units until the end of TT. This TT came at the perfect time since I had several units that needed training and training units I normally don't use is great as well.
  20. Well I had saved up 40 orbs and I have been depressed lately so I decided to do some sniping for Ephraim but no luck. 2 3* Robins 1 4* Nowi 1 4* Matilda another 4* Est and my pity rate was broken by 5* Nowi. Nowi and Matilda are new units for me, I will train up Nowi since she is a good unit even though I really wanted Ephraim.
  21. I always close my eyes after I choose the orb and I try to summon after 12 pm where I live because I tend to have better chances that way. I have mixed results.
  22. I am to the point I love TT because I can level up units for less stamina the the training tower, I already have Lloyd at 5* level 35 from a low level 3* and I am training up other units as well. Of course my score is not as high as it could be but since I don't have any of the 40% bonus units anyway I just use this as an easy way to train everyone I need to. I am close to getting 5* masked Marth which is good because I can trade her out with Lloyd for more training of units and being able to still get a small boost to my score.
  23. Thank goodness Robin and Corrin are just gender choice and are considered the same character. Now show me Minerva and I will be very happy.
  24. Just sleep that is what I did and the pain goes away fairly quickly, the only problem I had was with the antibiotics they gave me every time I took them they would make me fall asleep. Of course I had to have all four removed so I had to sleep in a chair for 2 nights. My advice grab your 3DS and replay FE games until you get bored.
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