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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I am using this as a chance to train up Lloyd since I never have I will worry about score after I finish training him and Anna. I am glad I am getting a second chance at the seal and 5* Masked Marth because the highest reward I was able to get the first time was 4* Masked Marth. Right now I am using Lloyd, Ursula, Anna and Masked Marth to train everyone except Ursula up.
  2. Man I keep doing same sex pairings because I pair the core of my teams together for the best teams, so far I have Camus x Xander since they will always be on my horse emblem team Effe x Amelia because they are the best units on my armor team Lukas x Innes because they are my mains on my infantry team as to who I am planning I feel that I will be doing Zephiel x the Black Knight since I know the Black Knight will be on my armor team once I get him, and I am not sure who else I will be doing since I tend to change out who I use. I have no idea who I will use the summoner support on yet since I have several favorites in the game.
  3. Beat hard and lunatic first try with my horse emblem team, I will try infernal latter when I more energy IRL since I had to babysit until 1 am last night.
  4. Well I say that because I want to be nice and can't really come up with anything better to say to people who say they like my shirts. I get lots of complements on my shirts from people I don't know and what am I supposed to say in return? I will tell people where I bought my shirt if they ask and that has happened many times.
  5. I still would try contacting customer service because you might have been charged for the 10 pack, plus they need to know that this problem is happening.
  6. Did you have the money for the orb pack taken out of your account or not? If you were charged then I would say you need to contact customer service and complain. If you weren't charged for the orb pack then I don't know what you should do.
  7. I love Nephenee and the Black Knight's new art work they both look great and Black Knight looks like he will be my favorite armor design in Heroes. The wallpaper was meh but, can't complain since the other 4 were really good and I didn't expect much.
  8. Well I managed to get everyone except for Nephenee and the Black Knight, I am assuming that they will be show up tomorrow since it will be the last day for the QHB. I hope so because I want that wallpaper.
  9. I always do knight -> general and she is always great I just love the general battle animations in SS. On the desert chapter I always take both thieves so that I can get all the hidden items faster.
  10. Well yesterday I snipped for Hector with no luck which means I will be going in to the TT with no 40% bonus units, but at least I have all the 20% units. I ended up with another 4* Brast, 4* Peri, 3* Cherche, 4* Henry, 4* Shanna, 2 3* Arthurs and a 4* Titania! The 4* Titania made all the other duplicate pulls worth it since I have been wanting a Titania since she was put in the game and she came at the perfect time for training. Now I need to save up orbs again for the Tellius banner that is coming.
  11. Good Ike has won , we have a male gauntlet winner at last and Minerva and Lyn have been avenged and I am happy.
  12. Well that last battle just now was really funny, I used my Brave Lyn, and had a Hector and Brave Ike as my team mates up against Azura, Summer Robin and Valter. My Brave Lyn soloed the map. I was able to get both multiplier battles in just barely.
  13. Ok I was on team Lyn so I didn't know and right now I am doing good for blues I finally stopped getting only red allies.
  14. Do you mean my Innes? I was asking for blue team mates earlier and @Cute Chao said I could add her for her Reinhardt. If that what you meant then feel free to add me.
  15. Ok Reinhardt is the type of unit I need in my allies since I keep getting reds on my team lately.
  16. I just excepted all requests since my friends list is rather small and I cleared out everyone who wasn't playing.
  17. I just sent it since I have been busy today I just saw your post, my user name is Rain. I guess I should put my id again for anyone on team Ike that wants Innes it is, 6148672165
  18. I am using Innes so I hope he helps everyone who gets him, I keep getting brave Ike and regular Ike I wish Ike's team would put more blues as their leads.
  19. I will go team Ike it looks like, Minerva must have revenge! I really wanted this to be Ike VS Lyn but man that multiplier is not right and I felt that way from the start of it being used. Well at least I got to the second round with Lyn.
  20. I Have set things that I think are wrong like hurting another living thing just because you can or causing emotional pain to someone because all you care about is your self, this is probably my biggest problem with people since people love to make me feel like shit. I guess my guide would be, will this hurt me if someone did it to me? If I think it would I try to avoid doing it.
  21. If Lyn loses I am going team Ike since I am not that fond of Camilla. I use some more flags to try and push the multiplier sooner.
  22. So if I'm team Lyn should I save flags or use them? I used some earlier since I dropped 2 ranks in 2 hours and I wanted to get back on the board, but now I feel like I did my team a disservice.
  23. I really am starting to wonder if we will manage to get those 10 orbs since we have yet to hit the 2 orbs points level.
  24. Greil because I really liked him followed closely by Eliwood.
  25. Looks like my big sis is going on to the next round : ) That was a fun close round for once but I am happy Lyn won.
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