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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I had such good luck yesterday that I used the 25 orbs I saved up from quests and left overs from yesterday to try and pull Roy from the CYL banner since I nabbed everyone else yesterday, but no luck just 3* Hana, 2 3* Draug, 3* Henry and a 4* Seth. Well at least I ended up with some skill fodder, I am going to just save all my orbs until a Tellius banner because while I would like Roy I don't want to waste orbs I will want latter.
  2. I am really looking forward to this I always liked the BK as a villain and since Hector refuses to show up for me I could use one more good Armor unit.
  3. This is cool, I bought the SE when SOV came out so I have a soundtrack all ready but this looks really nice.
  4. Welcome I hope you enjoy PoR and play RD since I really like both of them. I want to get in to cosplay myself, I keep meaning to make a Konzen Douji (he is in Saiyuki Gaiden) costume one of these days, but can never get motivated.
  5. Welcome, this is a fun place for FE fans so I hope you enjoy your time here. Who is your favorite character in SOV? Mine is Lucas with Saber being next. If you haven't tried Heroes yet this week is a great time to do so since you get a free 5* unit, plus it lets you see units from many different games and give you an idea what they are like.
  6. In the mini game the data shows her as well as the Black Knight, players are thinking she maybe a TT bonus unit which would make sense to me.
  7. I chose Lyn because I wanted to avoid colorless hell, plus she has the same name as my big sis and I have yet to pull her in any other form. Of course her being the first archer cav unit helped clinch the deal as well. I managed to pull Ike and Lucina, Ike is a great green unit while I don't find Lucina any better then my Lucas. I would say pick the one that you feel you need the most, and pull for anyone else you want you get a free pull as well as the free 5*.
  8. I chose Lyn since colorless tend to go bad for me, used my free pull and got 4* Seth which made me laugh so hard since I spent about a 100 orbs getting his 5* version. then I ended up with Lucy who I will train but will not be replacing Lucas on my infantry team any time soon, 3* Hana, 3* Draug and 2 Ikes! Ike is my first 5* merge since I have been needing a good infantry ax unit for a while, all in all I am happy and now I will start saving orbs again since I don't really need Roy.
  9. One of the best ads I have seen in a long time, I also want to see live action FE instead of anime after this. Love the parts with Ike and Lyn.
  10. Yeah Kaze and Saizo's relations made playing all three paths of Fates much more interesting to me then it otherwise would have been. Vaike is in my top 5 favorites in Awakening so I was sad to see him get so few votes, I really hope they decided to put him in any way since the CYL poll happened after FE Warriors had been in development for a while.
  11. If Minerva and Navarre are not in on the SD roster I will be mad. I would bet on Draug being in and with an ax, as well as Caeda with a sword like in Heroes. I kind of hope they put Vaike in since out of the 3DS games and SD he is the ax user I liked and used the most. I really want a Dagger user thief type unit in the game as well, I hope Kaze but I would take anyone as long as that type of unit gets a rep.
  12. Well I guess I should put my Id down again I am going for team Lyn my Id is 61486721685 my user name is Rain and I will be running my Atk+ HP- Innes.
  13. I didn't play OoT until I was 21 when I bought my 3DS, the part about Link having a pure heart really hit me and if I had played it as a kid I don't that the story line would have had as big of an impact on me as it did. As to the topic, I would honestly have to say FE SS because while I liked the moment I bought it I had a lot of real life problems come up for several years that caused me not to play it again and when I picked it back up it was more fun then I remembered.
  14. Good to know that Camus and Xander are coming back, since they are my horse emblem power houses and being able to merge them will be great. I wonder why we have to wait until October for info on sacred coins, I mean they have been in the game for almost a month why is that we have to wait two months since they are put in the game to find out what they do? I am interested in the supports but I wonder how they are going to work and if they will have any effect in battle. As to fan service I can live with it, but I will say my taste is for designs like Kaze, Odin just doesn't work for me and the guys they chose for the swim suits in Heroes just did not appeal to me. Of course this is coming from a girl who likes guys and I guess I am rather picky about my animated guy tastes.
  15. Yes I really like it for a game that I have spent $0 on and will not be spending any money on it is a great game. Of course it is not my top FE game, but I like it more then I thought I would. Plus it is very good to F2P players which most gocha games don't do. The art work is also great and I am hoping it will inspire IS to do remakes of FE 4 and 5 since everyone loves Reinhardt and Olwen in Heroes.
  16. Cool this thread was needed SF has great mods that do a wonderful job and make this site really good. Thanks for all your hard work.
  17. I was homeschooled as well but there was the Fox Box when I was growing up that I watched and they had some good anime, the WB did as well. As to what anime you would like it would depend on what you like to watch for fun because anime has it all. As my personal tastes my absolute favorite series is Saiyuki which you can watch most of on Youtube, EscaFlowne is really good and was the first not kiddie anime I watched, Gun X Sword is fun, the Record of Lodoss war is a really good old anime, Trinity Blood is the Vatican v. Vampires, the Galaxy Railways is about a special forces team set in a universe where everyone travels by space trains and I also recommend any Studio Ghibli film since they are all great. I have the Crunchyroll app on my Wii U and I watch subbed anime for free with ads which is how I am getting to watch Saiyuki reload Blast one week after it airs in Japan. Subs tend to be better to me since other then Black Butler I have yet to watch a dubbed anime that got the voices right plus in the dubs they tend to change character ages.
  18. Now all I need to do is get this and a Switch, I may break down and buy a Switch at Walmart since they are the only store to have them in stock when I look. I will preorder the SE in person from GameStop since that has been the best way for me to get SEs in the past. I really hope Minerva and Kaze are in the game.
  19. Well just did my free rolls and got 3* Selena on one and 4* Est on the other, then I decided to a few last ditch pulls for Tana and Amelia since I will be getting the CYL unit I really want (Lyn) for free and the only other one I need is Ike so I will probable skip that banner for the most part, I finally pulled Amelia and I ended up with 2 4* Catrias for my troubles trying to get Tana. I am just glad to finally have a decent Armor team now so I can finally get all the training tower orbs. Armor emblem team now consists of raised to 5* Effe and Zephiel, 4* Draug though I may put 4* Sheena in his place, and Amelia.
  20. Right now I only have Roy but I will be on team Lyn since I have to support the character with same name as my big sis. If she loses then I will go to Hector or Ike. I think I will run my Atk + Hp- Innes since he has saved me several times all ready and maybe he will to the same for my team mates.
  21. Wow we get one of these for free! I will finally have my big sis in the game (her name is Lynne as well)! And Ike with an ax would help my teams out a lot so I will use my free summons for Lyn and focus on green orbs the rest of the time for Ike.
  22. I am hoping they do top 3 in guys and girls since I really need Hector, of course if they just do top 2 I will most likely skip the banner since I don't need any more sword units right now.
  23. I forgot to say earlier but I did a set of pulls last week and managed to pull Atk+ Hp- Innes who was the unit that made beating turn limit 5 hard doable for me. Love Innes and I am so glad to have him. I am waiting to see what the CYL banner is going to look like before I decide if I want to try again for Tana and Amelia. Honestly other then Hector I don't really need any of the winners of the CYL poll, so I may just use my free pull and save orbs for units I need.
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