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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. 1. Zihark 2. Haar 3. Nailah 4. Neasala 5. Jill I am only listing my top 5, but there are many more units from RD that I love.
  2. Echoes has my favorite by far, I like all the games music though.
  3. I have had ac adapters go bad with in a month so an ac adapter going bad is expected. I tend to not buy a console until it has been out for a few months so that some of the bugs can be worked out. Not a Switch problem since I have yet to buy one, but I had a problem with my copy of TMS not working when I went to load it for the first time, but I was able to take to the store and get a replacement copy. Nintendo has pretty good quality control but every once in a long while their stuff has problems. I like to wait until a console has been out at least 6 months before I buy one, and since I have yet to be able to find a Switch for retail price I am waiting to get one until FE Warriors comes out. Maybe you should see if your Switch is still under warranty and see if they will replace your adapter.
  4. Well I am looking forward to this, I just hope that Kaze and Jakob are in it. I will settle for one of them though, I really want Jakob to steal Sebastian from the anime Black Butler line of "I'm simply one hell of a butler" but I don't think that will happen, I kept expecting him to say it in Fates. I am keeping my hopes fairly low on the roster and just hoping for Kaze or Jakob.
  5. Well I will only list my top 4 I need to beat since my list will be too long other wise LoZ II Adventure of Link I started this one last summer but decided to take a long break because I was getting too many deaths and I didn't want to grind LoZ Breath of the Wilds I need to finish this one because other then BotW and AoL I have beat every Zelda game, I stopped playing this one due to personal reasons but I plan to finish it fairly soon SMT IV Apocalypse I barely started this game when I first got the game but other things came up and I need to get back to it Fire Emblem Echoes SoV I ended up just putting this game aside for a while but I plan on picking it back up soon since I really like it. This just my top 4 I have a few others I need to finish as well, but these come first.
  6. That's too bad since the people in those countries either won't buy Paradox games anymore because of the price or if they do buy the games they won't buy the DLC. I can understand wanting to make a profit, my dad used to make and sell leather goods for a living but you need to have a price that your customers will be willing to spend. Doubling your prices is never a smart move, that means less people will but your products.
  7. Honestly I just assume that Nintendo is just going to go with the Switch and that is that. I don't think that Nintendo will make a hand held when one of the Switch's selling points is that you can play it on the go and on your TV.
  8. Well it was about what I expected, I loved the Xenoblade footage and that made my day. I wish there was some info about Bayonetta 3 but maybe Platinum Games will talk about it later. The teaser for FE Warriors looked good, but it was a little short. Hopefully Metroid Prime 4 will be good and not end up being like the last Metroid.
  9. I think Magvel would be a good bet since SS only has 2 characters and every other world has more then that. I hope they put Lyon as a grand hero battle when they do a Magvel banner.
  10. I always have great luck with Ross, of course I have a fondness for the trainee characters and I end up using all of them. Ross always turns out to be a beast for me on all my playthroughs and pirate is a fun class.
  11. Yeah bb cream works great for me when I want my skin to look good. I normally go all natural and don't wear make up because I tend to break out more if I wear foundation more then a couple of times a week. I have zits some times and my skin is not perfect but I am pretty happy with my skin. I think healthy skin is good and is a sign that the person is healthy.
  12. This looks really cool, now if only I could find someone in my area to streetpass with. I went out to a popular streetpass spot last weekend and didn't get one streetpass for Echoes, I had two for Fates and two for Awakening though.
  13. I have yet to see one in stock anywhere in my area, of course I live on the US/Mexico border so that means the stores here sell out even faster. The only good thing is this gives me time to save up enough money to buy a Switch and FE Warriors when that game comes out.
  14. I wait until level 10 then promote, I do grind a bit since I bought the season pass it still takes a long time to reach level 20 and I can't take that much grinding.
  15. Correct the Mila's Bounty DLC is free DLC not included in the season pass.
  16. I want that to happen because Sharena and Anna wield weapons other then swords. As to Warriors characters in Heroes I can see a banner happening, what I really want is a banner combining Warriors and TMS but I know I am dreaming.
  17. I want I whole new land and story, I just want to see a new world on the Switch.
  18. Honestly I like all three, but my favorite is coffee and chocolate together. I drink a lot of iced tea in the summer normally peppermint, I drink coffee as a treat since I like it with lots of chocolate and milk and I like cocoa in the winter. Of course for me watermelon Rockstar beats all three in terms of my go to pick me up drink.
  19. The thing is the people who would want to bother Ike would also be bothering his family and friends, so him leaving meant he was protecting them from being hounded by the same people as him. The only way people would leave the Greil mercenaries to do what they do best was for Ike to leave, because everyone knew Ike was their leader. I think he left more for his family to have peace then for himself.
  20. I love third tier classes honestly and I am happy to have them back in SoV, and I am all for a longer game to make third tier work well. I always get annoyed with branching promotion since I always end up picking the wrong class for what I want my first playthrough since always try to play blind the first time. I would be happy for the new FE to have both and make everyone happy though, and include the return of bonus XP which was fun to mess around with.
  21. @Samias I agree with your points as to why Ike would leave 100%, while his leaving is sad I don't think Ike would have had a happy life if he stayed in Tellius. I think he left so he could have some peace.
  22. Can't say I'm surprised, of course there are units I wish they would put in but I will still get this game. Even though TMS only had Awakening and SD characters in it I still loved it, so I can live without my favorite characters. As long as Kaze is in I will be happy.
  23. One lord who is a woman, my one problem with FE is that if they have a female lord they always put in a male lord in the same game who steals the spotlight. As to weapons I would love to see a knife wielding lord, since they have never had one.
  24. I am trying to to figure out what to do with my life right now, I have been very depressed for the past several years and have had no motivation but I am trying to get motivated to do something with my life. I guess my one dream is to be cured of my type one diabetes, other then that I would just like to find a job that pays for everything I need to live with some money left over for things I like.
  25. Well I haven't played that much yet, I am still only on part one so I don't have a least favorite yet. As to favorite right now I love Lucas his character is great and he is a really good unit as well.
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