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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. They tend to change the art style every console generation, and I am fine with that. I like seeing new art styles when I buy a new FE and I hope the next FE will have fun new designs.
  2. I just recruited Silque. I haven't played for very long yet since I didn't get my game until last night, but I have to say as of right now Echoes is going to be tied with RD for my favorite FE. I also love the fact that Alm is left handed just like I am.
  3. I tend to not read fan fic because I have seen one too many of them making Saiyuki characters gay when the mangaka has said characters as as hetro or asexual. As long as the fan fic doesn't change characters from how the original work has the character, then I don't have a problem with it. Just if you use someone else's work as a starting point for your own stay true to how the characters are in the original.
  4. they had it on the website last night when I was showing my mom what it looked like since she is going to pick up my SE for me. I have been going to my GS since it opened and the staff know me and and my mom so they should give my mom the print when she goes and picks up my stuff along with my season pass ( I am mad about the price but I did the math and it does cost less). I will do an update when I get my game from her tonight. Update: My my mom was able to get the print when she picked up my game for me, I have a great mom! The print is bigger then I thought it would be, but I really like it.
  5. Why would IS take out the different modes now, when the series is popular with different people in part because of the different modes? I think having the different modes is great because it lets me a classic player play the way I want and casual mode lets others play the way they want. Different modes are a win/win and I personally want them to stick around.
  6. Well since you have an SNES if you haven't played EarthBound yet I highly recommend it, it has a good story fun game play and is a classic.
  7. Most of the ones I voted for aren't in the game yet Zihark, Mia, Lorenz, Naesala, Jill, Nailah, Seth I am not sure if Geese and Priam are in the game or not I don't think they are and when it comes to the ones in the game Kaze, Lyn, Emphraim, and Hector I have not been able to pull any of them at all. My luck at pulling anyone I really like is really bad. Edit I voted for Gerik not Jill. I had forgotten who I voted for that day.
  8. I would say end of June or early July. Summer starts on June 20th, so I would bet a summer event happens close to that time.
  9. I use who I like even if they are a crumby unit, the first time I played RD (I had no idea PoR existed) I ended up using only dawn brigade units in the end game. I think you can use whoever you want, but sometimes you have to do a lot of work to make the unit be a beast.
  10. Glad to see an ad for SoV looks good to me. Now if I can just figure out how I am going to fit the 2 page ad from Game Informer in my FE ad collage I will be happy.
  11. That's what I want to know as well, when I preordered the Fates SE from GS I was able to get the key chains so I hope I can get the print as well. They are being specific with it being the regular edition though, so it may be just for those that get the regular game and some DLC. I changed my mind about buying the DLC season pass since I don't really want most of it and I think I will just get the story and promotion DLC since I can live without the rest of the DLC. I will see if buying some DLC when I pick up my preorder lets me get the print.
  12. I am so glad I was able to preorder this as well as the Amiibos, I can't wait for the 19th. I am glad that the art book is full sized this time, the one with Fates was a bit small to fully enjoy.
  13. 1. I want the base and base convos from RD to return along with third tier classes 2. make supports more like the GBA FEs in that there is a limit to who can support who but make it easier to build supports 3.I want thieves with the steal skill back like in PoR/RD 4. if we have to have kids make a time skip like in FE 4 5. if there has to be an avatar make player choices impact the game by at least locking who the avatar can support by how the player chooses to play the game and no avatar worship because that got old fast in Fates I have others but I just listed my top 5 but they aren't in order.
  14. I am going to get the season pass, because why not and most of these look good to me. My wallet is going ouch though, since it is pricey.
  15. Man that's a bit pricey, but the season pass is cheaper then buying the packs one at a time. Looks like I will have to save up a bit and just get the pass.
  16. $0 I don't have much money right now and since I had to buy a new operating system for my laptop and I preordered FE Echoes and the 2 Amiibos I am just about broke until next month. I don't think I will spend any money on Heroes since I have yet to pull anyone I try to pull. I am happy being a free to play player and even though my pulls can be frustrating I have pulled some really good units, even though they aren't what I really wanted.
  17. Bastian and Saul are tied as my favorites for personality, but you don't even have them listed. I will wait to vote until you add them.
  18. Seliph is my best sword user in Heroes right now and he has become my favorite of the units I have pulled. I really need to play FE 4 and 5 I just haven't gotten to it yet.
  19. That's sad, but I am more interested in what the sales will be like for the western release since Echoes is a remake of a Japanese only game I am expecting it to sell better in the west.
  20. Well I will do one or two pulls to see who I get, but I am waiting for Jill and Zihark. I am glad this finally came out though since Ike is very popular.
  21. Faye has a bow that causes her and the enemy to not double, once I unequipped that bow my 5* Faye that I just pulled is doing ok and I feel will be good once she is trained.
  22. Everyone has different tastes so you liking something that doesn't seem to have a lot of fans is perfectly fine and comparing yourself to others and what they like is a bad thing to do because you will only feel bad. I tend to like books and music that aren't raved about but still have fans, maybe you need to start looking in different places for fellow fans of what you like. As to Zelda merch they have stuff for the games that have been released the most recently because that is what they are trying to market, but I see danglers for Minish Cap all the time when I go to FYE and Hastings, I bought a Vaati dangler a couple of months ago and I still see quite a bit of Skyward Sword merch when I go to Hot Topic. You're not the only one who feels like what they like is not popular, try being a Saiyuki fan in a town where nobody knows what it is. At least I have the internet to get merch and can read fan translations of the manga. Just except who you are and what you like and be happy.
  23. In terms of gameplay Conquest all the way for me because the map design and objectives were all really good, but in terms of avatar Awakening's Robin by a mile. The stories in both Fates and Awakening are pretty bad, so I don't judge them by the story, but I have problems with the writing in both of them. I play FE for gameplay so I guess I like Fates better then Awakening.
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