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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I don't hate Corrin but they are far from my favorite character in Fates because of how stupidly they come across. I guess I am indifferent to Corrin as a whole and I just focus on other characters when I play.
  2. Gaiden has a lot more interesting things to work with then the first FE had. All the things that make Gaiden stand out I think will help it sell, plus what others have said they are marketing this game better and FE is much more popular then it was when SD came out. The only things I can see that would be good if added would be a causal mode for people who are new to the series/don't want to deal with permadeath, adding support or base conversations like others have said and fixing the bugs that makes Gaiden need a remake in the first place. Edit: FE Echoes is in the best sellers list on Amazon right now so I think it will do well in sales.
  3. This I still have my Awakening 3DS and since I will need a NS for this game and FE16 Switch version for me.
  4. I hope we do get a SE but I don't think we will. I will settle for being able to get my hands on the game and the Amiibo with out ripping my hair out.
  5. I would love to see FE 4 and 5 next since I haven't played them and they seem really cool. Of course I am open to any official western releases of Japan only FE games. I can see the point people are making about 12 being translated and made as a digital only release but I have a hard time seeing it happening unless they started translating it and scraped the project which I don't think happened because we would have heard about it.
  6. I didn't get to vote at all yesterday because when it said I could vote again was really late for me, but it counted my vote just now as yesterday's vote. Weird how they set up the times for voting.
  7. Glad to see this thread and read the info about Gaiden, since I haven't played it. The only Japanese only released FE I have played is 6. I will be picking up this game day one along with the Amiibos because it looks very good and I want to support IS making remakes of the Japanese FE games and releasing them world wide.
  8. Day one vote went to Naesala because there were real ravens at my house yesterday, after him I will vote for anyone who is a wolf or I really like the design of.
  9. I finished rewatching all the Saiyuki animes recently because I am hyped for Saiyuki Blast in July. I manged to pick up almost all of the Full metal alchemist manga I was missing so I am going to start that soon. I am currently reading Noblesse which I love, Frankenstein is my favorite character. I have also been reading the Ancient Magus Bride which is so fun because of my love of Celtic/British mythology.
  10. I liked the way Fates did it and I would be fine if it was the same in FE 16. I would love if there are more FE Amiibo in the future because I want figures of my favorite characters. Of course I don't think they will make any Amiibo of non lord characters but one can hope.
  11. You can preregister on the Googleplay store for the game now, just in case people didn't know. Sad to see not all FE fans can get it right away and I hope that they will change that soon.
  12. Way better then I thought it would be I wonder how rare those Amiibo will be I will be preordering for sure and I am really happy for the remake of Gaiden which looks amazing I do wish that it had a hard copy release but I am happy with a remake that I can play on my 3DS even if the only way I can play is download version. FE mobile looks good an I am glad I won't have to pay for it. I wish there had been more about FE Warriors and looks like I will be buying myself a NS for Christmas since I would have to buy a new system either way to play it. FE for NS sounds like it will be good hope that they will have a trailer soon.
  13. I want the magic triangle to come back, it was fun and made magic users more interesting then they are now. I would like to see thieves brought back along with steal because I miss stealing healing items from enemy units. Make support pools smaller and the supports better written then they are now, not everyone is going to become buddies so why do they have to make it so people who have no real reason to talk to each other have supports and can get married? If kids have to be in game do it like in FE 5 where there is a time skip or don't put them in at all. I like the idea others have said of making the choices of the avatar effect who they can support and that would make replay more fun.
  14. Glad to see the site is back up, but man this is going to take some getting used to. I miss the member badges.
  15. I am thinking it is after TP because of an interview I read right after TP HD came out with Eiji Aonuma, plus wolf Link Amiibo being usable as a wolf in game. But it could be anywhere on the time line.
  16. Fire Emblem warriors, SMT and Xenoblade 2 are my top three though the racing game looks good. I am not in to games that are made for multiplayer so 1 2 Switch is the one I am least interested in. I don't have the money for a Switch at launch so I will be getting the Zelda game as the Wii u version, mostly because I won't have the money right away and I want it to be the last game I buy for it. I hope to save up the money by the time FE Warriors comes out to be able to get a Switch and the game.
  17. Well since you won't be out any money I would say give it a shot. I found the gameplay to be great, but the story is not the best. If you like FE for the gameplay you will like Conquest a lot.
  18. All the copy characters from Awakening are the ones I don't like, especially Rhajat and Cealdori. If I want to see Awakening characters I play Awakening, I feel like they should have left those characters out of the over bloated cast and spent a bit more time on other characters. While I am straight I kind of wanted to try out the same sex marriage options for the heck of it, but I found Rhajat to be rather repulsive and I wish Scarlet had been the female same sex option. Niles at least has a bit better personality and a rather interesting backstory.
  19. I have the Awakening 3DS and I bought the NFC reader and it works fine, I payed $20 when I bought it but I think they are a bit less now. The Amiibo are fun but they have no supports, they are pretty good units though and if you already have the Amiibo I would say get the reader.
  20. I forgot to add sword masters to my list, I always use at least one especially if they are a guy with really nice hair.
  21. Be friendly and nice and if the other person is interested it will go from there, maybe you should join a club or group on your campus that sounds fun and that way you will have something everyone in the conversation is interested in to talk about for a start. I have a hard time making lasting friends myself so it can be hard and it does take a lot of effort to keep a friendship going at times and starting new ones can be even harder, but if you work at it you can make it happen.
  22. I am going to say FE 7 Blazing Sword but only because it is the prequel to FE 6 Binding Blade which is more difficult, both have arenas so you can grind units somewhat. Path of Radiance is good but rather easy, its sequel Radiant Dawn is really good and I think you would really like it because it does have good difficulty.
  23. I think of Rachel when I think of moms of boys honestly, in one group I was in as a kid one of the moms had four boys and was really nice and her name was Rachel.
  24. LoZ BotW is my top game because I have been waiting for it for years.
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