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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Buy candy early hide it from my mom because she will eat it before then if I don't, keep an eye on my black cat and make sure no one tries to grab her and if I am invited anywhere I will where my OoT Link dress. I always kind of wanted to do the whole set up a plate at the table for the spirits like my ancestors did, but I don't think I'll do it this year but when I live on my own some day I will.
  2. I don't know I feel like there are fewer games this year that I want play across all platforms not just Nintendo, but I feel like they are delaying as many games as possible until the NX comes out. I won't be buying a NX until there are at least 5 games I want on it and I will get the Wii U version of the new Zelda as the last game I will buy for it. I do feel like Nintendo is not doing that well right now and I really hope that they will wow me with NX. Like I already said before I think part of their problem this year is that they are at the end of the life cycle of both the 3DS and the Wii U and they are not going to be making new games for them.
  3. I played RD before PoR because I didn't know PoR existed and I refused to use the Greil Mercs when I first played it because I thought they stole the spot light from the DB. Now I use a mix of my Favorites from all parts.
  4. I would vote third party if it was some one I could support, I am more Libertarian in my views than most parties but I don't like Johnson at all. As of right now I am not sure if I will vote on the president, but I will be voting on local and state things though.
  5. I am hoping someone will buy this for me for Christmas, but if not I will buy it after. It looks very nice and since I like art books and this on is translated I will get it some time.
  6. Let me give you some advice about Pandora's Tower, when you get to the last two towers (which are beat at the same time) they messed up the loading time so what you have to do so that the game doesn't freeze is count to 10 before you click a tower and again when you confirm. It is a pain but it works so the game won't freeze, unless you get a cut scene with Elana.
  7. Ike and Hector are the two I would willingly have on my team every time because they end up being some of my best units.
  8. My list is pretty long because real life gets it the way, but I will get back to them. I will only list my top priority to finish games Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages Legend of Zelda II FE 6 I have others on my list but I want to finish theses three first.
  9. Well since I all ready have most of the sword using Amiibo I decided to collect them all. I picked up a MetaKnight last weekend ( a Kirby series one) and now all I lack are Toon Link, Dark Pit and Corrin (when ever it is released). Edit I just got Dark Pit from GameStop and I really like him, but man am I dumb for not remembering that he uses a staff and not a sword. That is what I get for spacing out. If I can get to the other side of town I will be able to pick up a Toon Link Amiibo. I just wish Bayonetta and Corrin would come out soon.
  10. Well since I can't find any other threads about it I just wanted to mention that you can get a free SMT Apocalypse 3DS home screen theme right now, I think they put it up Monday. It looks very nice and is designed like the FE ones. I am hoping to pick up the game this weekend if real life lets me.
  11. I had a hard time as a kid and it didn't help that my dad was forcing me to take some dumb pills that were suppose to help my type 1 diabetes (they didn't do any good, tasted horrid and made me throw up), but now I can take a pill as long as I have a glass of water to drink it down with. I am just glad that my mom finally said no more on the pills my dad thought were so good because even 20 years later I still remember how bad they tasted.
  12. I think it really depends on the person and their back round as to manners and I will say when I was younger other then my grandfather I loathed old people because they were the people that tended to be horrid to me and say things that really hurt me while people my age or younger were very nice. And I know part of my issues about personal space is cultural because I live on the US Mexico border and the people from Mexico tend to be a bit more pushy and don't care if they get to close to me even if they can tell by the way I act that they crossed a line. The other part of my problem is my mom tends to be a wonderful good person who people walk all over an treat like dirt I am very hard on the people who treat her that way and I feel like they don't have any concept of manners for lack of a better term.
  13. Ok seeing what everyone here defines as "nice guy" my grandfather was not one he was a gentlemen. I had a conversation with my mom the other day talking about manners (I wear an insulin pump and am really scared of people bumping in to me and causing me to have extra insulin injected so that started the convo) and she was telling me that she had a hard time sometimes because when she was growing up guys held doors open for girls and little things like that then when she was a teen that went away and she has problems with thing like when a guy and a girl get to the door at the same time who is going to hold the door open and things like that. I think part of the problem with stuff like this is that nobody is taught manners anymore and so people only act nice when they can get something from it or think they will. I would also like to say that girls can be just as bad as guys, I have known one girl who was was going to marry someone (anyone) no matter what and she ended up treating the guys she dated like garbage when she found out that they probably would not marry her, another girl I knew used people all the time and if they stood up to her she tried to destroy them.
  14. I have known one guy who was a very nice person and that was just the way he was (my grandfather), I remember when he died and my mom and me went to get cookies at the cookie store for my grandmother we had to tell the ladies that worked there that he died and they cried too, that always stuck with me that his goodness made such an impression on other people that they shed a tear for him even though he only bought cookies there. But yeah there are a lot of people who are only nice because they want something and if they don't get what they want they can become very mean.
  15. Kaze and Scarlet, female Corrin and I like happy endings so Revelations.
  16. I tend to use who I like even if they are not the best units and every time I play I try to use a different team just to see if I like a unit better then I did when I first played. This is probably why I like using Donnel and Geoffrey even though they are not the best units in their games.
  17. on this I agree with my dad, he says that if you are old enough to get drafted in to the military you should be able to vote and buy alcohol. Of course he grew up in the 1950s/60s and I think they did change the voting age, but I don't know why the drinking age is 3 years above that I personally would never drink myself but I feel people do have a right to do it, but just don't become an alcoholic and have kids because the pain that a drunk parent can cause is horrid and it never truly goes away.
  18. I always read things in my head, I don't really like the way my voice sounds and my imagination does a better job of making the characters sound right to me.
  19. Well official release date for SMT is good, I wept at the new Zelda Amiibo because now they have to go and make more I want without saying anything about Bayonetta and Corrin but at least I will finally be able to get Toon Link, the Zelda book looks good. All in all not horrid but not wonderful either.
  20. Yes I am aware of the price of FE 5, lucky for me I was able to get PoR and RD before they became so expensive. About the only FE 5 cart I would be able to buy right now is one of the Memory carts with it on it because those are between $45 and $60. FE 5 will probably be the last one I will buy because of the price, but the rest of the NES and SNES FEs I will be buying soon. though probably with out boxes for now. FE 6 is also going to be one I will wait on but it is not as bad as 5.
  21. Yeah I am more concerned with playing them then anything else, it will be a while until I can buy a console to play them on and I will probably buy the games first. That's good to know about the Retcon 5 and I will keep it in mind when I have the money to buy one.
  22. Yeah I think it was the Retcon 5 and yeah I know its not original hardware didn't know it was an emulation box, but that does make sense. Part of my problem is I don't have a TV that my NES can hook up to anymore and I thought that the SNES has the same hook up. My dad might have a TV that would work, but I have no idea if it will turn on any more and I have not seen any converters for new TVs. Edit It was the Retcon 3 but since I looked at more systems I think when I do get one it will be the Yobo FC 2 because it sounds like it is better built and it will take my zapper for Duck Hunt.
  23. I have an NES but it needs fixing, I was looking at the Retcon systems that play NES, SNES and SEGA games yesterday because that would be easier for me then fixing the NES, but I don't know how good they are.
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