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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I want steal back like in 9/10 because it was so much fun to walk up to an enemy and rob them of everything but their equipped weapon, have supports be a combo of GBA and 9 where people can only support around 5 others but have the supports happen between maps and be in depth, different map objectives I get really bored with all the seize maps and I like it when something different is needed to clear a map, I like my castle and if it returns I would be fine with it, online play should return, no children unless they have a real reason to be in the story like in 4, I agree with people saying the avatar should be like in SMT it would be better and I would feel more like the avatar was me then the way Fates did it and bring back the magic triangle and light magic I miss have all three types of magic on my team.
  2. OK thanks, that makes sense. One of my goals is to own physical copies of all FE games, but I want to be able to play them.
  3. I have been window shopping FE 2 and 4 and I was wondering if they are region locked because one review I read said that you had to have a Japanese SNES to play them. I know I can play FE 12 on my DS Lite without problems and I thought that region lock did not become a thing until disc games, but I want to make sure if I do buy them I can play them.
  4. Legend of Zelda Adventures of Link: I am at the 3rd temple and all I can say about this game is it is very humbling because I thought I was getting pretty good a gaming but this game makes me rethink my skill level. On the other hand I will be very proud of myself when I beat it.
  5. I haven't been listening to much new stuff but the ones I have I really like they are: the Andy Black album Darker side ( Andy is the lead singer of Black Veil Brides and he did a solo album) Simple Plan Taking One for the Team album Vile Valo's work with MGT I tend to like Rock or Punk best but I am rather picky.
  6. I love both Okami and Okamiden, I need to go back and 100% both of them one of these days. Of course anything with wolves as good guys in it is something I will probably like. Have fun with Okamiden you will probably find the ending very good.
  7. Same for all three routes, but I happen to be very lazy when it comes to character creation and given the option of using the exact same on I will.
  8. I would like to see it if it was important to the plot, say a special character who is not the lord sacrifices themselves to save lord and then another character pulls out said staff and brings them back because they are so important. I never have used one and I am slightly mad about the Bifrost staff because the only one I want to bring back I can't because of story reasons ( the only unit I lost).
  9. No, my favorites tend to have some type of flaw even if I love them. The only one that comes close for me is the original Xenoblade and the graphics and sidequests were not very good.
  10. I am glad to see you are doing better, time does heal or at least ease pain but it takes a long time.
  11. When I first played Awakening I thought the only reason Ricken and Nowi were in the game was so younger players would have a pair up option close to their own age. I always figured that most of the people marrying them would be middle school kids and older players would marry older characters. So its fine if you are a younger player to marry some one your age and when you play when you are older to pick some one older.
  12. Kaze X F!Corrin I really like this one because it felt like it was one of the best written of the S supports and what girl doesn't want the guy they marry to say what Kaze does? Xander X Corirn I only do up to the A support but like others have said it is the only sibling support I really liked and was just very well written Jakob X Azura this my personal favorite support chain in Fates and I feel it is the only one where Jakob really loves the person Orochi X Ryoma I loved the whole trying to get too stuffy person to relax a bit and laugh, it is my favorite support chain for Ryoma Saizo X Rinkah i like this one because it just makes so much sense to me they really seem to understand each other These are the ones I like the best, but I have not read/done all of them yet.
  13. Well I always pick F!Corrin because I like M!Kanna best and I always end up marrying Kaze. As for Smash I don't know I haven't picked it up yet if I do get it I would probably main Bayonetta and not even bother with either Corrin, but I can see why she is popular since there are fewer female characters then male and Corrin does have a very nice design.
  14. Well Anna is a corrin only support option so unless you want to marry her she is out, as to what pairs I liked here are the ones I remember since it has been awhile Cammiia X Kaze it is about the only support for Cam that I really like Charlotte X Benny it is the only pairing where Char acts like herself and Benny seems happy with the way it all works out Leo X Nyx is considered very good I haven't done it myself yet but next time I play I plan on it Elise X Odin is the only one of Elise's supports that is not creepy and everyone seems to like it Kaeton X Beruka I like this one and used it in both my Con and Rev runs Jakob X Azura this is my favorite support in Fates and I always use it Those are the ones I remember as being best, but I didn't pair everyone up.
  15. I just tried using a different password from gamefaqs and that works great and I like the games the problem was having the glitch with my password. I am using the 3DS download versions because I never had the carts. now that everything is working I am really liking Ages. I could tell the last time I tried my password something was wrong because there were black parts in the part with the bridge builder and the companion problem, plus the name change and there were also parts of text missing.
  16. Most of the time it does not bother me, I can see times where it might but at least with Fates and #FE I did not have any problems with what they did. I can see why people get mad, but I can't read Japanese so I would rather live with the censorship even if I think it can be dumb sometimes.
  17. Don't you mean FE Mobile? Anyway, you think FE fans are bad about complaining about the newest games? Zelda Fans are just as bad and I am sure there a lot of other games that get hate for the new games as well. I like Awakening and Fates and I was glad to see an attempt at having same sex options in Fates even though it could have been done much better then it was at least they put it in this time. But the story in Fates is bad and I hope the next FE has a better story.
  18. Yeah I am going to try that now, I will update after I try again. Update I am to the point where I meet Ricky for the first time in game and he still is not remembering. The other thing I noticed is that my name changed, in seasons it was Link and in Ages the name is Lknk instead I don't know if this has something to do with Ricky not remembering and if this means that my "secret" is corrupted. I will go on to the companion recruitment tomorrow because I am tiered of replaying what I just played. Second update It is still doing it and I have re started the game to that point 3 times now and I am really sick of this, The only thing I can think to do is start a new file without it being a linked game and start fresh with oracle of ages then do a linked seasons game. I will probably take a brake from ages though because I have spent a good bit of time replaying the first 3 dungeons and I am pretty mad.
  19. I finally started playing the Oracle Zelda games and I beat Seasons and am doing a linked game, the problem I am having is that when I get to the point I get my animal friend (I had Ricky in seasons) I find the place where he should be but instead of Ricky I find a copy of Link which if I touch freezes the game. I have not been able to find any info on this glitch at all, the only odd thing is that when I met Ricky in Ages for the first time he did not know me at all which everything said he would remember me but he did not. Has anyone had this happen to them and how should I fix this? Do I need to start a whole new file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. At least in my state everyone is required to have a certain amount of classes in all subjects so I would get those classes done first. With me I had to take 2 English classes, 2 US history classes, an education class, some type of math class it depends on what you want on which you take for you I would say try statistics, US and State government, some type of Science class as well as a couple of humanities classes that I could choose. I would see what classes you have to take no matter what and get them done as well as taking a basic class that you need to get the degree you want and see how you do.
  21. I always figured Priam was related to a branded orphan Ike adopted when he got tired of traveling around and he taught that kid everything he knew. But it is all up to the players to decide and no answer is wrong or right.
  22. Play PoR first and use transfer data before a second play through of RD. Of course just remember if you are lucky enough to be playing the actual disc and not a rom that easy mode save files from PoR corrupt RD and make RD unplayable, so make sure to play normal or hard mode.
  23. I can see a remake of 6 and 7 happening down the line, but I don't think the other Japan only games will ever see a western release unless that Mother 3 rumor turns out to be true.
  24. Well I always head cannoned that after Robin defeats Grima (I never can make myself have Chrom do it) They regain all their memories find out what happened to their mom and then because they see what happened to their home land and people either take the throne themselves or find a new ruler among the people left after the wars and Grima.
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