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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Characters that are one dimensional are the ones I find boring/dislike, like ones that are shown as "perfect" and don't learn from their mistakes or have any flaws that they will admit to. I like characters that grow and learn from their mistakes like the guys in Saiyuki, even the "bad guys" have real reasons for doing what they are doing in that manga and anime, but when I watch some of the newer popular anime the characters tend to not change or grow over time and tend to not be developed like they should be. It's the same with the books I read I am to the point where I just read authors that I know unless someone I know highly recommends a new book because I like well developed characters. As to how I would rewrite a character I find boring I guess I would delve in to their character more, explain why they act the way they do and what their motivation is for doing what they are in the story.
  2. Well if you haven't played them I recommend either original DS SMT Devil Survivor games but especially Devil survivor 2. They have been remade with extras for 3DS but the originals are both good and are around $5.
  3. Collecting like others have said, one time when I was at a used book store they had two Final Fantasy Prima collector guides that I bought for a friend and she really loved them. Prima collector guides are really pretty and I keep hoping I will find some of the ones for Zelda at the same store some time.
  4. Yeah I like all the songs from the game, especially the ones Yashiro does.
  5. Well at least this is looking really good and I am glad to here it is sticking close to the original. Now if only NoA would say that we are getting a SE as well.
  6. Well if you read/saw the play Harry Potter and the cursed child which has Harry's son end up in Slytherin and the kid reminds me of Takumi in a lot of ways so I would say Slytherin for him. I would also say Sltherin for Leo because he reminds me of Snape in a lot of ways. Corrin,Sakura and Camilla would be in Hufflepuff because I feel like that house suits their personalities and actions the best. Xander,Elise,Hinoka and Ryoma all seem like Gryffindor to me since they all show courage and tend to be rather head strong. Kaze and Flora seem like Ravenclaw to me since both are pretty smart. I don't feel like doing everyone right now so I am leaving my list at this for now.
  7. Well I know some people don't like subs but I think this game would have been very hard to find seven voice actors who could sing the songs. The music is pretty good I have the song "Black Rain" as my ringtone since I like it a lot. The gameplay is really good and it is typical Atlus but it does have some fun FE things thrown in and even though the playable characters and enemies are Awakening and Shadow Dragon/New Mystery there are other things in game that reference other FE games. I really like the game and I like that it is different form most of the games I play.
  8. Maybe if Echoes does well they might put it on VC if we are lucky, but the only way I see that happening is if it is like Earthbound beginnings and they already translated some of it before they decided not to release it. I don't have much hope that we will get it, but I want it to be released since we have SD but not its sequel.
  9. I have a laugh whenever Subaki talks about using a hair product that smells like "Camilla" blossoms (someone at IS is shipping those two big time), Gwendolyn talking about wanting to be a knight even though most girls don't do that and Clarine's I'll save you.
  10. Well in Fates ninjas and outlaws replaced thieves, so it will depend on if they bring thieves back in the next game. What I would like is start with a thief and have ninja/master ninja replace assassin in their promotion classes choice. I just want the class that is in the "thief" position to have steal again and if they are ninjas that is fine. Why did they have to get rid of the steal skill in the 3DS games? It added something to the older games and I want it back.
  11. This is what I think will happen, with a few reps for different classes to represent all classes. But I am really only expecting lords and popular villains with other characters getting DLC down the line.
  12. I want all of them to be added at some point, but the two I want the most are Naesala and Nailah.
  13. I would rate it an 8 as well, it does have a few flaws the error codes happening at random come to mind but for a F2P game it is pretty good. I tend to play in 15-20 minute bursts and then give it a break but I can see myself playing it until they stop adding new things. I was worried that they would make hard for people to play for free but they have done a good job and with the stamina potions I can get from my Nintendo for all my platinum coins I won't have many problems with not putting real money in to the game. I can hope that they will make the stamina bar bigger at some point, but since you can make it bigger by using orbs I don't see that happening since orbs are how they make money from the game.
  14. Thanks for the link! Too bad the writer of this manga didn't write Fates story because this is better written then the games. This looks like it is going to be good, but I can't tell if this is set in Birthright or Revelations, I hope it is Revelations because Elise is my favorite sister but it could be either one.
  15. No I don't have any spare money for this game and I don't really plan on spending any money, but if I ended up with a google play gift card I would spend some money.
  16. I never said Corrin was not a lord, all I said was that I don't count them as a female only lord because of being able to choose their gender.
  17. It doesn't bother me because it means I won't use my whole battery up when I play since I have to stop and let my stamina recharge. Plus like others have said, I am getting to play this game for free and since I don't have the cash to buy orbs the stamina bar is the catch and I can live with that.
  18. Ok I just had this happen to me and I downloaded the game from google play day one and I don't have any thing on my phone that would cause this since I rarely play games on my phone. I also played one map today then when I tried to go back it gave my this message. I linked my account so if I uninstall the app and reinstall will I get all my data back? I don't think I did anything ban worthy.
  19. Ok thanks for the info I never saw a game over when Lyn died in EM or HM when I played but maybe I missed it.
  20. I was talking about female only lords which is why I don't count Corrin as a female lord because corrin can be either gender, and while Lyn is a lord in her chapters she quickly becomes less and less involved in the story and is over shadowed by Eliwood and Hector and once you beat her story you don't have to play it again and as I recall her death in EM or HM does not cause a game over once you have her in your army. I want a female lord who stays a major part of the story the whole time. Don't get me wrong I like all the female lords (except Corrin who I don't count) as characters a great deal, but as lords they were rather poorly done.
  21. I want one main lord who is female and kicks butt, while I like Erika, Micaiah and Lyn they just didn't quite do the job right. Plus Lyn really wasn't a main lord, Erika came the closest but I don't like naive characters as lords and poor Micaiah had Ike and Yune take her spotlight . I don't really count Corrin since you can choose gender and again being too naive. Honestly I want a main female lord along the lines of Minerva in terms of personality, straight forward follows what they believe and cares about the people who follow them and their family but can admit when their family is wrong as well.
  22. Too bad I only get one vote since I like most of the characters on the list, I choose Geese because he is always a beast for me and I just like his design.
  23. I really like what they have done with the armor knights they all look good and Gwendolyn's is on of my favorites.
  24. For the most part I like the redesigns my favorite of the units I have pulled is Gwendolyn, but yeah Roy looks a bit too young and Mathew's face is not quite right to me.
  25. Well I am only playing this at home on wifi so I should be good I just checked my data to be sure and I am fine. The only way I would play this is at the doctor's and since I have to wait so long when I go I just take my 3DS.
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