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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Hyrule Warriors is really good. I really like it and it is really fun for Zelda fans, while it does have DW gameplay style if you like Zelda you will have fun with HW, plus the DLC is decently priced and worth the money.
  2. I normally buy the CD because I share a computer, and I really love the sound of vinyl.
  3. I drink a cup of herbal tea normally Celelestial seasonings sleepytime vanilla or hot cocoa about an hour before bed then take a hot bath or shower and if that does not work I put my Ipod on and play all the soft songs until the tea starts to work. Exercise works sometimes, but if you are stressed it won't, which is why I have a set routine I follow that normally works. But you should talk to your doctor because you might have some type of problem that needs to be fixed. The other thing that I have found that helps is taking a multivitamin, but I would talk to your doctor first.
  4. Oh man the memories of my own childhood coming back to me when I see these pictures, my first video game console was a GBA and I still have all my Zelda and FE for it.
  5. College is hard but just talk to people and write down every due date in more then one place so that every where you look that due date for home work or papers is there, I never did join clubs because I don't have time but I make an effort to talk to the people in my classes because you never know if there will be group projects and being nice helps a lot.
  6. So I am making this because my family had to put down our pony Tuesday, he was 32 and I knew him my whole life and learned to ride on him and have lots of good memories of him and me doing things together. If any one would like to share memories of pets that they miss please go ahead and share. I remember one time where I was riding my pony and doing this thing called side passing and I fell off because I leaned to far to the side and my pony just looked at me like I was an stupid, but he took good care of me and I deserved that look. I will miss him a lot but I know he is in a better place now and I hope he is getting all the peppermint treats he wants because those were his favorite.
  7. When people bump in to me and act like it did not happen, when no matter what I do my blood sugar won't behave and when people think they are doing a good thing and they end up doing something really horrible.
  8. My dad is a mean drunk and drinks every day. Your mom won't stop until she wants to and even if she talks to some one she has to make that choice and you can't make her do it. I have learned to deal with the pain my dad causes me, but it still hurts and the things he said to me as a child I will never forget or forgive and I will not let him near any child I have if I ever have a child. My advice is be nice but don't make her poor choices your responsibility, help her when you can but don't give up your life to take care of her and don't let her ruin your life.
  9. I would tell off every one who has hurt me and then play video games until the end.
  10. Welcome and it is nice to see a fellow mystery lover. I love Rita mae Brown's mystery books and I hope you have read some of her work.
  11. So I gained some weight over the past month and am starting my Wii Fit again because it helped before, but I'm wondering if there are other games that work better or if the one for Wii U is better. I would like to know if you guys have any recommendations?
  12. I wear socks most of the time but that is because I normally wear boots or hi tops, but I have a hard time finding dress shoes and the ones I do have don't fit with socks on and I know most dress shoes are like that and hi heels are worse. Plus like people have said wearing socks with a dress or skirt does not normally look very good.
  13. People can be so dumb, I hate it when people do things like that, especially when they claim to be followers of Christ. I had some really bad things happen to me at a church and so I'm really hard on people who claim to be Christian because of what happened to me, just remember that people like that are not real followers of Christ and should just be ignored and avoided if possible.
  14. I only have Nintendo consoles and I share my computer so emulation is out of the question and my phone is cheap and does not play games very well. As to why I'm playing it, that is because I liked the way the game looked and I have every SMT game to come out on a Nintendo console that I can get my hands on and I figured I needed to play a Persona game before SMTXFE comes out if it does. I was trying to encourage conversation about this game and did not expect to just get one person saying I should not be playing this game. I guess I should not bother posting topics about games and just reply to the people that decide to talk about the games I play. Sorry for wasting your time.
  15. I did not see a thread for this game, so I thought I would make one. Persona Q came out on November 25th and I have been having fun with it, though I have not had a lot of time to play it for long. This is my first Persona game because I only have money for two systems a gen and since I love Zelda and FE Nintendo gets my money. I am really liking this game and look forward to playing it more as I have time. Any thoughts and opinions of this game are welcome. So far I am on the 3rd floor of the first dungeon and need to level up my party before continuing, so I know I need to grind, but I love SMT IV and I did a lot of grinding in that as well so I'm used to it.
  16. I bought the set day one and love it! I like to have a couple of hack and slash games for stress relief and Bayonetta is really funny, I love her lines.
  17. The Wonderful 101 is really fun and I love Bayonetta.
  18. I have Fe 7,8,9,10 and 11 in physical form. The only one that I have digital is FE 13 because I bought the FE 3DS bundle and they all work perfectly. I have slow internet and a shared computer so emulated games are not an option for me at this time.
  19. Any day can be awful, this Monday I twisted my ankle really badly but I tend to just have bad days and it can be any day. And I can see that a hard math class could bring your day down and maybe after you're through with the class your Fridays will be better.
  20. I already did my Holiday shopping before the madness so everyone on my list is taken care and I am so happy I can avoid the crowds, because living in a border town means that even more people then you would think are out shopping right now.
  21. In the endings part it states that the Heron king heals Sephian and in his memories in the tower it makes it clear that he is mentally unbalanced. He went insane for years after he lost his powers and had to give up his true love and see her marry someone else and never knows his daughter. When he recovers his sanity and begins to have faith in mankind because of the old Apostle the senators have her killed and frame his clan which leads to them being murdered by humans which causes Sephian to decide that the world should end. Because he could not sing the Galder of release and Sanaki was too young and not the true Apostle the only way for him to wake the Goddess was to create a war that every country was a part of. In Path of Radiance the Laguz did not declare war, while in Radiant Dawn the Laguz declared war and so all of Tellius was involved in the war. I personally think that even though he wants the world to end Sephian could never side with the people who caused the deaths of the Apostle and most of his clan.
  22. The amiibos just came out Friday and I can't find a Marth one anywhere, every store that sells them in my area is sold out and when I went to order on Amazon they were sold out too. Gamestop is out online and in store and every other place I could think of going is out as well. Looks like I am going to have to wait until after Christmas to buy a Marth one and I think I will be preordering Ike as soon as I can.
  23. I really liked Kirby, but all though the Legend of Zelda show is really funny it stinks as a show to get people in to the games. Pokémon used to be good, but how long can Ash stay a kid? He needs to grow up and there should be a new lead on the show. I would love to see more anime based on FE and a Star Fox show would be really cool, but it looks like Nintendo is not that interested in making shows based on their games right now.
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