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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I like it a lot better then RDs and anything I can get orbs from that is not the annoying checking my phone every half hour that is VG is fine with me. Of course since I cheese through with auto battle it is really simple.
  2. I did not really care who's team I ended up on since I like all the OCs. I ended up on Sharena's team, sorry Ana and Vax. The good thing about this mode is like RDs it can be auto battled which is what I did. The rewards are nice so with auto battle it is simple. I feel like these battles go faster then RDs and seem easier, though I have not fought on the infernal difficulty yet. I reached tier 3 for now.
  3. The problem is since you want something short and dubbed (all the short anime I have watched were subbed)I have a hard time making a list of anime that I would recommend. Also like the above poster said you don't say what you define as "fun". What type of anime do you like?
  4. I only have two people I can call my friends and I had some really bad things happen with people as a teenager that has made me not want to deal with people at all. I prefer animals to people and I always have since I was a kid, because people have lied to me and betrayed me so many times that I don't trust people at all. I think it is fine to not want to deal with people, as long as when you do have to deal with people you can do it and be polite. I can deal with people, but I would rather be by myself. I think where your stepdad is coming from is that he wants you to have other people you can rely on if you are in trouble, my dad is the same because I have health issues and he hopes I can find someone who can check up on me when he is gone (my parents are older so he thinks a lot about this). As to relationships I think that will either happen or it won't and you should not worry about it, if you find someone to date then date and go from there you don't have to marry and honestly I think marriage is over rated.
  5. I have been pulling mostly green lately so I have been flooded with Frederick and Cecilia is a common pull as well, so I have lots of WoM fodder. Escape route on Caeda was a must as well as WoM on Narcian but you might be able to get by with just escape route on Caeda if you are careful. Caeda is worth the investment since even with -res she can tank mages.
  6. This one went smoothly for me and I ended up really liking playing this map this time. I also finally beat infernal. At least these quests make waiting for the next TT more fun. I am also getting a really nice stash of orbs thanks to these quests I have broken my old record and am now siting on a little over 400 orbs. H!Jakob had better come home this legendary banner.
  7. I was finally able to do the flier emblem quest with 5* Narcian with savage blow 2 SS, glowing ember and WoM 1, S!Corrin, 4* Palla, and Caeda with distant def 3 ss, unrefined wing sword, glacies and escape route 1. I did use a youtube video since this one was one of the hardest of the elite quests for me. I just have to say I Love Caeda and her wing sword since she is the only flier I have who is able to tank mages.
  8. RD because the cloths for the most part make sense and I could see real people wearing. Female units look good and their outfits look like battle field wear, the guys also look good and again their outfits make sense. The armors in RD are some of my favorites because they look so cool, I hated the armor designs of Fates/Awakening. SoV is next on my list, but RD's art is better to me.
  9. I read them in publishing order since that was the order my mom had her set in and I liked reading them in that order. Magician's Nephew worked well as the book right before the Last Battle and I liked reading it after the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe because at least to me it made more sense that way.
  10. Any units added to the green pool is good, but I don't want red bows because that pool is over stuffed. Takumi alt with green bow makes a lot of sense and if the next banner is Fates I would bet that he would be the next legendary. This sounds interesting, but I like having color balance on my teams, so having a colored bow unit on my team would depend on the map.
  11. Thank goodness these were lunatic, I don't think I could have done them all on infernal. I had to bless some more reds since I needed two per team to win, but I have the quests done. I will work on finally beating infernal for this GHB latter.
  12. This is so true, every cat I have been owned by has been black, black cats are the best. Free pull was 4*Palla +atk, -hp which is great, since I ended up using my last one for goad fliers fodder last month and I felt bad about it after so now I can build one. Now back to saving orbs for the legendary banner.
  13. Well looks like my teams will be horse emblem this time, first team will be Reinhardt, B!Lyn, Xander and Camus Second team will have Olwen, Titania, Sigurd and Berkut. I will swap in Finn for one of the lance cavs when I get him.
  14. @Rezzy I have S!Corrin as well and I trade of between her and Bunnilla since I like melee fliers for most things, but having one mage along is good. Since I have never pulled Minerva I use her big bro instead.
  15. I am glad Finn is the TT reward because I have not been having good luck pulling lately and being given two of him is great for me since as a F2P player getting one copy of a unit I want can be hard. I am sad he does not have a personal weapon, but I like brave weapons so I can build him to be good. I am also to the point of living with alts I may not like them, but hating them will just hurt me so I will live with them. I am surprised at there being two this time, but I should have guessed that would happen soon. I did think that Reinhardt would be saved for a legendary banner though. I will just do my free pull on this banner since Finn was the only one I was going to try for.
  16. I guess this is why they increased the FL since one of my worries is none of my friends being on the same team or only one or two (this has happened to me in several VGs). The rewards had better be worth it, since as I said before I am not really looking forward to this but if it can be autobattled like rival domains it might not be too bad.
  17. Used flier emblem of Michalis, Bunnilla, Hinoka and Elincia on hard and lunatic, but I went for a f2p guide for infernal which used Fjorm, Olivia, masked Marth and Lissa but I just used the guide for unit ideas and did the battle on my own. This one was very easy, which was nice since I did not feel like a challenge.
  18. @Othin and @Tybrosion thanks for the info I will do it tonight when I can do it in peace.
  19. Has anyone tried SA 9 yet? I did the T&N BHB but I have not tried the new SA yet and I was wondering how easy/hard it is? I need to catch up on the monthly quests, but I want to tackle the new SA before this weekend.
  20. Why would they do that when as far as I no players like BHB reruns? Players like GHB reruns for merge purposes, but BHBs are really boring to play through twice and there is no really good reason for them to be rerun unless it is to fill a gap until a new map is finished. The only way I could see BHBs being welcome if they are put in a daily lineup would be if players could earn divine dew for replaying them.
  21. Free pull was 3*Cecilia so a merge for my 4*+10 project with this she will be +8.
  22. Oops I meant to type bonus unit instead, that is what I get for multitasking.
  23. I really hope Saias is a TT reward since TT is great for training units quickly. I need to see who all the bonus units are before I build my team, but I am thinking that Sonya would be good. Edit: I meant bonus unit.
  24. I would love Shinnon in Heroes and having double bow be a colored bow would be interesting. I wonder what color certain bows would be?
  25. Definitely going to 5* him since from the datamine it looks like he will fit my play style perfectly. Now if only I could pull a Gunnthra I could build a ploy team. Next week is going to be fun.
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