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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I just used youtube to do the quests yesterday since I am lazy, but I got them done without any trouble.
  2. Well thanks to this mode I now have 250 orbs saved up, H!Jakob better be on the legendary banner and he had better come home this time. This mode is one of my favorites and I look forward to it at the end of the month.
  3. I guess I would have to go with sympathetic villains for the most part, but there are psychopath ones I like as well. My all time favorite anime/manga Saiyuki has both types of bad guys and they are all done very well, Ukoku Sanzo just decided he wants to destroy the world for no reason, while Kougaiji is fighting on the bad side to save his mother. I think it comes down to how well written they are for me.
  4. I love it when I can just put all my own horses on a team with no friends and auto battle win all levels in one go:)
  5. Well I reached 104k today, I will be slowing down on my playing TT now since I have all rewards and SP I need. The rank feathers are nice but I don't stress about it and take what I get.
  6. Well I am at 95k so I will probably get all rewards tomorrow since I will be busy today. Thanks to this TT I have gathered a good amount of SP on units that needed it. My regular Jakob is now fully built, Hinoka and Caeda both now have their unique refines and some other units have got the SP they needed to learn skills I needed them to have. Not to mention all the lovely HM I have earned. I know TT get old after awhile, but for me TT is the best place for me to train units I need SP on since the tower takes longer then TT.
  7. Well thanks to TT I managed to get enough SP on Hinoka and Caeda to give them both their unique weapon refines and I have to say I love the results. I also gave my regular Jakob a +res refine and he now rips through more enemies then before! I can't wait for a good reason for me to pull colorless (I am holding off on the Easter banner for now) so I can give him merges. I really should have built Jakob months ago, but better late then never.
  8. Well free pull was 3*Nino so a merge for best loli mage. I am just going to wait and see if H!Jakob is coming next week and I may come back to this banner towards the end of it or I might try pulling on Easter for fun.
  9. Well I would rather have F!Robin be the colorless dragon then F!Corrin since F!Corrin already has a dragon form. I still wish the colorless dragon will be a guy, but I knew that was a long shot from the start. I am waiting to see if H!Jakob is on the legendary banner if he is I will be going all out pulling colorless on this banner, if he is not then I will be waiting until April.
  10. I always wanted to pick one up to be able to play the games made of my favorite anime (Saiyuki), but I never have had the extra money. I tend to like handhelds better because my house only has one TV and I have to share with my family, so a Vita has always appealed to me.
  11. I am just going to list my top 3 which are: Fire Emblem for Switch SMT V Bayonetta 3
  12. I only did the free pull and since I don't have Leo I pulled the only red. No Leo but I am happy with the 4*Olivia since I now only need 4 more to make her 4*+10.
  13. Only one guy? Well I think I can safely skip this banner, but I might try a little for Alfonse since he is an ax cav or maybe Kagero. All I can say is I am glad it has units from 3 games and the designs are better then last years. I guess the translation team was wrong when they said there was a new hero coming on this banner since everyone is all ready in Heroes.
  14. I kind of hope no one I like is on this banner so I can skip it, but if they put a flying or armor healer on this I will pull. I don't really like bunny ears so this for me would be the seasonal to not have anyone on it I want. As to the silhouettes I honestly have no idea at all, the angles the units are in and the ears make it really hard for me to make a guess at all.
  15. I feel the same, I even sent feedback when that banner came out I was so salty.
  16. Well I am at about 32k now and Gerome giving bonus points means I should get all rewards by Friday if I do my runs right. I managed to get Gerome right when Michalis got all the SP he needed so it was perfect. TT is an SP grinding place for me right now and after this TT is over I should have all the SP I need to take care of the last 4 GHB elite quests I need to do, and my Jakob fully built as well.
  17. Have to say my two most wanted are Ashnard because he would be a sword flier and I want more of those in Heroes and Sephiran but only if he came with a staff. I want Naesala in Heroes, but I don't know if he should be a GHB or not, on the one hand it would mean I would get him for free on the other it would mean limited merges. I feel like Glen should be a TT reward since you never fight him, and yes I would love Glen in Heroes along with Cormag (I am still mad he was not on the SM banner).
  18. I have 155 orbs right now, but if Kaze is on the spring banner or H!Jakob is on the legendary banner they will be gone in a flash. I still have TT orbs to get and I keep the SA orbs as a backup for when my favorite units show up and I still have most of them as a reserve. The most orbs I saved up was close to 300 last summer but they all went away when S!Corrin showed up. This is the most I have saved up since then.
  19. Well free pull was 3*Fredrick, I was hoping for Barst since I need repo fodder. Fredrick seems to love my barracks even though I already have a 5* of him and I don't plan on merging him right now since I have other units higher up on the list. I am really getting tiered of seeing Fredrick every time I pull green. Back to saving up orbs for H!Jakob and Finn.
  20. Well armor emblem team of BK+2, H!Henry, C!Chrom and C!Robin smashed hard and lunatic, but I needed to use a F2P guide for infernal since I was being lazy. The guide used L!Ike, Olivia, Gordin and Raigh with L!Ike and Gordin doing the killing while Raigh baited Chrom and the blue Peg knight into going right and Olivia danced when needed. This BHB was pretty simple.
  21. To beat the infernal brigade map I stuffed my team with all my armors and a Zelgius and a Vector from my friends list, it still took a couple of tries but I got it done. It is a good thing I have invested a lot in my armor emblem since I would have had a lot of trouble otherwise.
  22. Yeah then it might be hard, but maybe you will get lucky. I have only read about when the US stores will close so You might want to see if there is anything in the news about what is going to happen in your country.
  23. They plan on doing it over two months and the stores that had good sales over the past year they are trying to sell. The store in your area might stay open for a bit if you are lucky.
  24. @Ronnie OK too bad, I still plan on stopping by since there are somethings I plan on looking for that might be on sale. From what I have heard they are closing all stores, even the ones overseas.
  25. I plan on stopping by this weekend. I still need to pick up Super Mario Odyssey and this looks like a good chance.
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