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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. It is my favorite FE so yes I would say play it. The story has problems in parts and the supports are not that good, but the gameplay is great. If you like PoR then it is worth playing, but if you don't like PoR then don't bother. RD was my second FE game after SS and it is the game that truly made me a FE fan.
  2. I bet they will show off the next TT which I want to come because more orbs, maybe the mid November banner, new story chapter, hopefully a new GHB and I am figuring on two Christmas banners like the Summer ones because you know that people will spend on that. I am one of those people that don't care about Christmas because bad things tend to happen to my family between Thanksgiving and New Years ( I am praying for nothing bad to happen this year but I won't hold my breath), so I would only do the free pulls unless Kaze is on one of those banners. I also hope they reduce the 5* units on red and colorless at least if not drop all of the 5* units from the very start of the game to 4* and increase the 3* pool. I also wish that they would make a pool that costs a lot more orbs, but lets you pull only 5* units and off season 5* units as well. They could make a lot of money from that, because even if it costs a lot of orbs the 100% chance of a 5* and the chance at limited units would make even me think of buying orbs. I am also hoping that they scrape VG for another mode that lets you use friend units but does not cause so much salt.
  3. My quickest was B!Ike I got him on my first green pull from the CYL banner and the second quickest was H!Henry got him on the third pull from his banner.
  4. Pulled on Halloween banner and got another 4*Sophia. Sigh I just want one H!Jakob. I am at over 4% pity rate I keep thinking I will get a 5* soon, but no luck. On the other hand I finally have motivation to beat the SAs I haven't done yet (I am keeping the CCs for when Kaze is put in Heroes). Maybe I will get H!Jakob next pull.
  5. Well Looks like I will be going to team Shanna now, at least I have her a 4* level 40 from those quests that used her a while back.
  6. Well if Soren loses I will join the girls team, at least I am giving my all for Soren. I never have liked Takumi that much and since I don't have him I won't join him. Even though I am to the point I don't care that much about the VGs I still support who I like best. I actually hope that the multiplier causes so much damage that they scrap VG for good and replace it with some other mode where you can use friend units.
  7. Well used the BHB orbs to try again for H!Jakob no luck, just a 3*Sera and a 4*Jeorge. At least Jeorge is a new unit for me and one I have been wanting. I wonder when I will get another 5* unit on this banner? Hopefully I will pull H!Jakob tomorrow. At 4% pity rate and climbing.
  8. beat infernal with 5* masked Marth with WoM1, 5*Ursula with Rtomebreaker1 and the speed seal, 4* Sully withe spur spd seal and 4*Gunther. I am just glad to finally beat infernal on this map since I did not the first time.
  9. Well I did all the quests on lunatic, now I just need to go back and beat infernal. My team for lunatic was 4*Sharena, 4*Alfonse, 5*Ursula and 4*Narcian. I had to switch Ursula to her 4* skills and needed to put the distant def seal on Narcian. I love youtube it is a big help when I am lazy I don't feel like trying a zillion teams to complete quests. I will try infernal latter.
  10. That sounds like me when I was trying for Reinhardt it took several months for him to show up, but he was worth it. I guess the good part about pulls is when you get the unit you want it is so fun, the bad part is when you get the same 3* unit 5 times in a row.
  11. I don't have any of those units either if it is any comfort and Minerva is in my top 10 favorites ):
  12. What did you do to pull them? I want him and I now have a 4% pity rate, the last 5* I pulled was my H! Henry that I pulled at the start of the banner. I think Heroes knows how much a player wants a unit and make us work for them. I am glad you managed to pull H! Sakura though since you wanted her so much. Hopefully I will pull H! Jakob Friday since it looks like most of the people on SF have finally managed pull the units they wanted from this banner.
  13. Well I played RD first because I did not know PoR existed, so I did not like him very much in RD because he was a forced character and I really like Micaiah and Ike and Yune stealing her thunder made me very annoyed when I first beat the game. When I finally played PoR a few years later I really liked Ike in that game and I see why people love him so much, but I feel like his story should have ended there and he should have only been a minor character in RD. Plus like others have said he doesn't really have any personal growth in RD which makes him rather bland and boring in that game, while PoR is all about him growing up and learning.
  14. If it was a choice option along with classic and casual mode then fine, but if the only way to play the game is in the mode the OP is talking about then no thanks. I always play classic mode, but a mode where if my lord dies my save data is wiped would make me raving mad since I sometimes make mistakes and my lord bits the dust a few times during my first playthroughs of every FE game I have played. I don't even want to think about playing an FE game when I am a bit tiered and making a dumb move and having several hours of playing end up in the trash, that would be a nightmare and I have more then enough of those as is.
  15. Bye bye 30 free platinum coins a week, now my free stamina potion supply will take longer to restock. This is a sad day, but I wonder if they will have something better next year for Switch.
  16. I figure early January is the safest bet, but I hope we get a big direct late December. I just want to know a bit about the world and the art style of FE 16 any other info would be great too. As to amiibo I just hope they only do 2 or at most 3 since I would go broke if they have more then that.
  17. Well my free pull was another 4* Matilda, also did 2 pulls on the Halloween banner 3*Selena and 4*Setsuna. I now have a 4% pity rate on the Halloween banner, I just want H!Jakob. I will have to wait until Friday to try again.
  18. Well this is the first time a team I am on won because of the thrice blasted multiplier, still don't like it but it is nice to be on the other side for once.
  19. I tend to have mixed luck with greens either I get who I want right away or I never get them, like PA! Azura I managed to pull everyone else on the PA banner but her. I have the best luck with blue pulls, I normally pull who I want right away if I pull blue unless they are from SS. Red and colorless love to taunt me, it takes a long time for any 5* to show up when I snipe for units from those colors.
  20. Good for you, I hope this means he will show up for me tomorrow when I have the orbs to try again for him. I am so sick of 3* and 4* healers and archers. Colorless hell is really bad.
  21. Sorry I miss typed the ID it is 6148672165 if you want to add me.
  22. I am team Soren but I don't think I have you on my list my user name is Rain and my ID is 614872165 if you want to add me. I am running Innes right now, no one got him last VG so I know what you mean when you are wonder how your team likes your unit.
  23. Well I was pretty mad about how she was put in the game and I only did the free pull on her banner because of that. I have not pulled her yet and personally I don't want to because of how she was put in the game. I have run in to her in arena but since I always make sure my team has a good blue unit on it I can take her down with ease. If I ever do pull her she will either be benched of SI fodder because of how I feel about her, if she had been with Sigurd I would of had no problem with her but how she was put in the game was wrong. Plus because of her I did not get to pull for Eldigan who I actually really want.
  24. Well my hunt for H!Jakob is still going on "sigh", I just keep getting 3* and 4* healers. My pity rate is getting higher so hopefully I will get H!Jakob soon. Time to go do more of the monthly quests so I can try again.
  25. I agree 100% I wanted Arvis and Ursula in this as well as Valter. Of course it seems like they will not put bad guys on a voting gauntlet until they do a bad guy one, but that is no reason not to have Olwen.
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