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Everything posted by Katie

  1. Lies. Seth is the most OP unit in FE in proportion to his game. Sigurd can't solo anywhere near as easily as Seth.
  2. All right, it's time I finally updated this. I've been putting this off because I actually started the update a long time ago, but I accidentally went back to the previous page towards the end of the chapter, and for the longest time I was debating just restarting from where I left off last time(I have a save state from right after recruiting Denning, which is where we left off), or reposting all my screenshots and typing the commentary again. I've decided to just post the important ones and resume the chapter from where I'd left off, as I really don't want to redo this chapter. So without further adieu... Test 4 Gameplay part 2: I can't think of a good title Next time, I actually have no idea what's in store for us because this is the furthest I've ever gotten in this hack, but we'll find out in the TEST 4 CONCLUSION!
  3. Honestly, other than Seth and Myrrh(and maybe Tana and/or Vanessa), I'd say Eirika and Ephraim are the best units in FE8, so I object to that "not amazing or crucial" statement. Not to mention she can support very quickly and very early on with Seth, the biggest game breaker in FE history. And keep in mind that since FE8 enemies are so pathetic, even though her strength is lackluster she can still one round most generics from the get go up until she hits her level cap and you start facing more promoted enemies, but soon after that she promotes and is back to one rounding. And this is all assuming you're playing "difficult" mode.
  4. Hell, money is hardly needed in FE5 when you can just abuse capture to get more weapons.
  5. Have you still not played FE6? Assuming you haven't, I think it could make for a good future LP.

    1. TheMoniker


      I played a few chapters of it. It seemed alright, but I've never been able to do a full run. Definitely will keep it in mind.

  6. I'd put her in average, she's not quite as good as her brother since he has better bases, though she does have better caps, but it's unlikely either of them will hit level 20 promoted anyway (without grinding) given they only have 5 chapters to use their promoted forms. Even if you choose Ephraim Mode, Eirika has 8 chapters of use before then during which she can easily hit level 20 by the end of chapter 8, and if she doesn't, she should still hit it by the end of chapter 16. Her main weaknesses are her defense and resistance, which much like the Myrm class she is functionally similar to are rather poor, but even then they're still better than that of your actual Myrms, Marisa and Joshua, and even then her high speed and luck means she won't be getting hit too often in the first place, since dodge tanking is incredibly easy in the GBA titles, and her mediocre strength, a problem many Myrm type units have, including, again, this game's actual Myrms, and once again, her strength is still better than Marisa and Joshua's, and its still good enough that only Knights can really wall her except she has the Rapier so not even them.(remember, even difficult mode FE8 enemies have poor stats) She's honestly like a better Joshua, since she joins 4 chapters earlier, has the same weaknesses(other than mediocre luck, since hers is actually good), but is still better than him in said weak stats, and even has the same caps as a swordmaster Joshua, except with a slightly higher Res cap(which neither usually hits anyway). Eirika is honestly one of the best units in FE8, and that's saying something given pretty much no one in FE8 is a bad unit, and only Ewan, Amelia, and Ephraim Route Marisa need grinding to be usable(L'Arachel and Knoll come underleveled too, but L'Arachel is a staffbot so it doesn't matter and Knoll can promote immediately and is best used for summoning utility).
  7. Seliph has much better stats tho, so that makes up for it.
  8. In the character editor, give the Eirika replacement the skill "Rapier/Sieglinde weapon lock".
  9. http://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/scripts/supports/canas-pent/ There's the convo if you're curious. It's in their B support. And it's indeed a variant of Nimue. In fact, Nimue is her NOJ name.
  10. Her name's already been localized though. She was mentioned by name in FE7 in a support convo between Canas and Pent, where she was called "Niime".
  11. This is true, though keep in mind, usability largely depends on difficulty chosen in SD/NM, and on Normal Mode of those games, the enemies are just as terrible as in the originals, so everyone remains viable in those modes. Harder difficulties are another story, but that's pretty much always been the case ever since FE6 introduced multiple difficulty modes.(FE2, 4, and 5's don't really count) Also keep in mind reclassing can be used to fix a units weak points, due to the variable growths based on class. Don't like a units defense? Make them a Knight for a few levels. A unit too slow for you? Let them be a Swordmaster for a bit. In a way, it's kind of like how you'd use the star shards in FE3 to fix a units weak stats, and I'm pretty sure that's why they don't boost growths anymore in FE12, because you already have reclassing for that.
  12. Rath gets swords and a horse.
  13. Everyone being usable=/=balance. If there are units who clearly outclass others, even if the outclassed units are usable, it still isn't balanced. Take for example, the three Fighters. While all 3 of them are usable, Barst is better than the other two in pretty much every conceivable way. He's got better bases, better growths, and as far as final averages go, Bord and Cord only beat him in HP, and in Cord's case, very slightly in weapon level. They also all join in the same chapter, and thus have the same availability. While Bord and Cord are usable, there's pretty much no reason to use them over Barst. I'm not saying everyone shouldn't be usable, everyone should, but I'm saying that I should have an incentive to use a given unit over another unit of that class. Otherwise it's unbalanced.
  14. FE1's art style is horrid, dismounting would've been better if it wasn't forced, reclassing is not a bad thing and completely optional, the avatar is mainly bad due to being a self-insert Mary Sue, the stat caps were stupidly low in FE1 and 3, and character balance was horrid in FE1 and 3, especially the former. Everyone was usable though, because the enemies had horrid stats. FE1 also had a poor interface and a wonky inventory system. YMMV, but those are my thoughts on the matter.
  15. Huh. It was 15 in FE3, which is probably why I'm getting mixed up, as I've been playing FE3 lately. It's a shame how low the number of allowed units in a given chapter is in this game given how many units it throws at you.
  16. I can't think of a single reason to prefer FE1 to FE11. The gaidens are optional, and it's not the gaidens themselves that are controversial, merely the requirements to get them. I can see why one might prefer FE3 to FE12 though, but I personally prefer FE12 myself.
  17. Before the Sacred Stones is a very vague time reference. How long before the Sacred Stones?
  18. DruidSorc just sent me the new patch he made, so I've updated the OP with it.
  19. I'm curious why FE1 and 3 scored higher than their DS remakes. I'm guessing nostalgia.
  20. I used to, but lately I've found I actually prefer rogue Colm, so I want him to stay as is. Why not put Brigands in the Ocean Seal list? That one makes more sense to me. I hope you fix the Wyvern palette issue, but it's not the end of the world if you don't.
  21. He looks to be pretty good, yeah. And as I'll show you guys in the next update, Short Bows are OP as fuck in this hack so I can wait until I get my hands on one for him... Oddly enough, despite being a morph, he actually has Luck, but I'm not too bothered by it since it benefits me gameplay-wise.
  22. He's talking about on the hardest difficulties. Marth is perfectly fine on Normal, but I've heard he's utter garbage on H5. I wouldn't know myself, because I've never played SD on anything but Normal.
  23. Whoops. But 15 is the max units allowed in any given chapter, right?
  24. Don't forget healing staves that can miss. Purely for completeness's sake. I figured the vote for it was a joke vote.
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