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Everything posted by Katie

  1. I think I'll end up just changing all the promotion items to Master Seals, like the DS remakes did, and lowering all promo items back down to 1 use. You'd still be able to buy them all in the secret shops, but any ones obtained during the story would be changed to Master Seals, that way there's less competition for promo items and you'll get the same amount you would in regular SS. Do know that before sending me a new patch, wait for me to release the next one, and then edit it, because I have a patch I'm working on, where I've edited Glen, Valter, and Cormag to be able to triangle attack(the Peg sisters still can, too, don't worry), because I want the triangle attack to be accessible in the main story, and there's leftover room from FE6's knight TA to include a second triangle attack trio. I'll release it once I've made sure it works, and once I've made sure Ephraim is in a reachable location in chapter 13A. It should come later today.
  2. I suppose that's a good point. I myself have gotten fliers with Def so good bows barely dent them. Though I will point out that the effectiveness multiplier was lowered from x2 to x3 in US FE7, and that has a lot to do with why Vaida can tank bows so well. With the original x3 multiplier, a base strength Archer wielding an iron bow could damage base defense Vaida, though only for 1 damage. But you'd be facing archers(hell, probably snipers) with more strength at the point in the game, with better bows, so Vaida could not bow tank nearly as well in the original Japanese version. The Silver Bow alone would have an effective might of 39, so no matter how high your defense is, it ain't doing 0 damage to any fliers. It really goes to show just how much of a difference the change in the effectiveness multipliers makes. And I'd like to point out that relying on level ups for healgrinding is incredibly unreliable, since your unit may not even gain HP (Unless they have an 100+ growth in it), and Barrier can't be bought in the GBA games until after the point where you'd want your healers promoted. Healgrinding (and Torch-spamming in fog maps) are generally the best ways to level your healers, and for optimum healgrinding you'll generally want at least one "damage sponge" unit with low enough defense that they can get damaged but high enough HP(and defense too) that they can stand to be hit a few times, at least in most games. But your overall point is good, and I can agree with it for the most part.
  3. All right, I'm gonna jump straight into the conclusion, because I want to get test 8 up by June 18 for certain reasons. If you need a hint, it happens to be a certain very famous musician's birthday that day, and in Test 8 we recruit a character named after said musician. This means I need to be going at a rate of 1 test per day, so let's do... Test 5 conclusion: Siren Songis Next time, we get another healer!
  4. Let's recruit THE BOULDER in... Test 5 gameplay: Rescuepoison Next time, see what happens next in the unexciting Test 5 conclusion!
  5. ^Good point, but even a Def capped unit won't take 0 damage against everything, especially when Knights and Generals, the usual Def-tanks, have weapons that are effective against them. And the only other classes I can think of with even close to as good of a Def cap as a General are Wyvern Lords, who have a plethora of weapons effective against them, and Great Knights, who are weak to Amorslaying AND Horseslaying weapons. I suppose Necromancer and Archsage also hae a 30 Def cap, but Lyon and Athos aren't touching that cap without statboosters. Plus if all of my units take 0 damage, how am I supposed to heal grind? Sure, I can hope they proc HP on level ups, but that's not enough. Also, silencing enemy mages isn't exactly easy or reliable considering they tend to have good Res, and the silence staff only has 3 uses, and tends to be rare.
  6. I'm not sure, but you'd probably want to play on Paragon Mode at the very least.
  7. I pronounce Bartre like the word "barter". After a quick look at his Japanese name, I think I've probably been pronouncing it right.
  8. All right, I beat chapter 9, and messed with Ephraim's coordinates until he was in a space that was reachable. The new patch is now out. Just for Moniker, I made Saleh be the one to kill Gheb: Anyway, now that that's taken care of, it's time to get back to GhebSaga in... Test 5 prelude: Holding out for a Healer Next time, we recruit THE BOULDER!
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ot4yqe7jir2rv9t/FE8%20CC%20RR%20v3.ups?dl=0 Here's a new patch I made. I upped Lyon's defense, luck, and HP a little because I found if he got hit by both of the generics in the prologue he wouldn't survive. I discovered Ephraim still spawned outside of the range of non-fliers in chapter 10, so I messed around with his starting coordinates until I got him to be at a reachable location. He should spawn at Lyon's starting position in chapter 13, but I'll need to test it later to be safe. I also realized I forgot to reduce the Ocean Seal to 2 uses, so I went ahead and did that, and I also changed the starting inventories and weapon ranks of some of the early units.
  10. I wouldn't say Denning was nerfed. He just joins us at a lower level, much earlier in the game. His bases are still pretty good, and his growths are great as well, and if trained to promotion, his stats will likely be amazing. And technically the trainees were nerfed, as all of their growths are 70 now instead of 80, and they don't get 10 extra levels. Or at least that's the case with Ross. I have no idea what the deal is with Ewan or Rori-chan, or if they're even in this hack.(I HOPE Rori-chan isn't in this hack) I know Amelia *is* in this hack and replaces Marcus and is a Paladin, but she wasn't a trainee in GhebFE either, as technically she was already promoted to Recruit (2) in GhebFE. I have a feeling both Denning and Ross will be MVPs, especially if I can get Denning a Short Bow. Anyway, expect an update later today. I'm working on an update to my FE8 RR hack, and I need to playtest to Cormag chapter 10 to make sure Ephraim is in a place where non-fliers can reach him. I'm on chapter 9 right now(which amusingly enough happens to be the one with Gheb in it), so it shouldn't be long, and after that I'll get right back into doing GhebSaga. I'm curious who we'll get next chapter...
  11. Which chapter are you on? He should be accessible to non-fliers, and if you're on Cormag's route, Dozla or Natasha must speak with him, whereas Lyon has to do it on Lyon's route. In both cases, I put him closer to the starting area for easier recruitment. Or did I somehow fuck up and put him somewhere outside the map?
  12. All right, might as well do the conclusion... Test 4 Conclusion: I go on a few rants Next time, I hope I get a healer!
  13. I'm actually wondering the same thing. Google doesn't seem to be of help here.
  14. Honestly, if we got a convoy that wasn't the lord, but they could still fight, I'd be cool with that. I actually have a hack idea where Anna functions as the convoy, since given she's a Merchant she probably has to cart a ton of shit around all the time, but she'd still be a thief type class like she is in FE13/14, though I'd also make her charge money for picking locks, much like Volke in FE9.
  15. This too. Basically, whenever you can use a staff, do so.
  16. This, but throw Florina, Serra, and Matthew in there too. You need flier, healing, and thief utility on your squad. You'll also need to use Bartre if you want to use Karla, as he need to make it to at least level 5 Warrior for you to even be able to encounter Karla in the first place.
  17. Heal even the slightest scratch. If you've routed a map and all you have left to do is seize, take some time to healgrind. Arena abuse is also a great way to level your healers, as while they can't use the arena themselves, they can heal those who do between rounds, and all the while you're getting tons of cash for it. But seriously, if you just heal as much as possible, you shouldn't even need to promote them early, even if you don't arena abuse.
  18. Convoy is better on the lord. FE6 Merlinus is especially terrible since he takes up a character slot, and has to get attacked by enemies to level up, but unlike FE1 Priests who had to do the same thing but got experience equivalent to if they killed the enemy, Merlinus only gets 1 exp per round of combat survived.
  19. Yeah, that's Gonzales's main problem. He hits fast and hard, but only if he hits at all. He's definitely a good candidate for any Secret Books you may have. I tend to use Geese instead, since while he may not hit as fast or hard, instead opting for more balanced stats, he can actually hit. It's also worth noting that A route Gonzales also has a higher weapon rank.
  20. His strength should still be good enough that only shit like maybe armor knights will completely wall him. But then again, Aitos made this hack, so I probably shouldn't be expecting reasonable stats on the enemies.
  21. I see no need for a PS4. Any game I want for it either already has a PC version or is likely to get a PC port. I find PC+Nintendo consoles will cover pretty much any game I'd want.
  22. A route's pretty much the better route, since Echidna is a better unit than Bartre and you get Gonzales at a lower level with the same bases, meaning he has more growing room. Elphin and Lalum are pretty interchangeable though. EDIT: Oh, and you also get an arena in A route.
  23. Agreed. While short bows are definitely a bit underpowered and could use a buff, Aitos went WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY overboard with the buffs. That's like going "Man, Wendy in FE6 is so hard to train because her bases are so bad, let's make her start with everything capped!"
  24. I didn't even notice the 60 uses. Holy shit, when can I get one of these things? It's also worth noting that the weight buff doesn't even affect anything, as I don't think there are any bow users out there with less than 5 con. Hell, I'm pretty sure they all have at least 6. I disagree, since he also has high skill, and I wouldn't be surprised if his promotion gets a crit bonus, because I know Aitos likes handing those out, so if I give him a Killer Lance I can just have him pull crits out the wazoo to make up for his low strength. He's kind of like a lance myrmidon, but with exaggerated growths. I may or may not have buffed his strength growth to 50 just in case though...
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